Title: Style Guidelines for Project Writing
1Style Guidelines for Project Writing
2Basic Information for Report
- Preliminary drafts can be 1.5 line spaced
- Final papers must be double-spaced
- Preliminary drafts can be double-sided
- Final papers must be single-sided
- Select one convention of English and be
- Title Page
- Title of project, centred at top of page
- Your name, centred mid-page
- Name of Project (Semester, Internship, Thesis),
centred near bottom of page - Ex. 8th Semester Project in Development and
International Relations - Name of University and Date, centred very bottom
of page - Second Page
- Title of project
- Your signature with name below, centred mid-page
- Supervisors name
- Name of Project
- Name of University and Date
4 Presentation
- Following Pages
- Table of Contents
- Acknowledgements (if you like)
- Acronyms and Abbreviations
- List of Figures
- Introduction..
- Report must be clearly structured with sections,
headings sub-headings (bold and upper case) - Pictures/Diagrams/Tables must have a caption or
title with explanation and source - Page numbering is preferably at the bottom, in
the centre
5Basic Quotation Guidelines
- Quotations must reproduce exactly the original
authors words, including spelling,
capitalization, and punctuation - An ellipsis () indicates where words are omitted
- Square brackets ( ) are added for reasons of
grammar or coherence
6Basic Quotation Guidelines
- A sentence should establish the relevance and
context before the quote - Commentary after the quote provides analysis (the
reader should not be left to interpret its
meaning) - Tags to introduce sources into your work
- Ex. Plasche argues, describes, explains, claims..
- Takeda compares, hypothesizes, concludes..
7Basic Quotation Guidelines
- A quote of four lines or less appear in the text,
enclosed in quotation marks ( ) - Longer quotes are
- separated from the main text,
- begin on a new line,
- are indented approx. three centimetres from both
8Example of long quote..
5.1 Policy Implications of Dependency
School Dependency advocates would like the term
development redefined and reformulated. It
should describe enriching the living standards of
all people of the developing world rather than
representing for instance, increased productivity
and industrialisation. Alvin So characterizes
one of the fundamental implications of
Dependency, Thus developmental programs
should not cater to elites and urban dwellers,
but should attempt to satisfy the human needs
of rural peasants, the unemployed, and the needy.
Any developmental program that benefits only a
small sector at the expense of the suffering
majority is no good at all.1 In addition to
Sos proposition that development programs must
include each strata of society, the Dependency
school discourages further contact with core
countries and it can be inferred -
foreign-dominated multinational institutions.
Rather than relying on foreign aid and investment
for development, peripheral countries should rely
on their own resources and paths towards
9Styles of Citation
- Two main ways to credit other peoples work
- Author-Date Style or Harvard Style
- Parenthetical (at end of sentence)
- Note-System or Chicago Style
- Footnotes/Endnotes (anywhere in sentence)
10Harvard Style
- Author-Date Style, parenthetical ( )
- Traditionally used in hard Sciences
- Requires only name of author and year of
publication in parentheses - Citations are placed at end of a sentence
- Ex Because of the of the underdevelopment of the
racial theme, Bright Skin was said to have
"failed to feed the growing appetite for
antiestablishment tracts while at the same time
offering no new insights into the nature of Blue
Brook Plantation" (Landess 1976, 121). - Full citation given in bibliography
11General Examples of Harvard Style
- Book - more than one author
- Citation in text (Craton and Saunders 1992164)
- Reference list form Craton, M. and Saunders G.
(1992) Understanding Globalisation. New York
Routledge. - Article from Journal
- Citation in text (Herring 1998, p.211)
- Reference list form Herring, G. (1998) A Food
Fight That Affects Us All. Third World Quarterly
vol. 26 (3) 214-219. - Newspaper article - no author
- Citation in text (Chicago Tribune 19944)
- Reference list form Gun injuries take financial
toll on hospitals. Chicago Tribune (1994) 24
12Tricky Examples Harvard Style
- When a Source is From the Web or Internet
- An electronic source is cited like any other
source when the entire source is cited. However,
when you are referring to a particular part of an
electronic source, it is impossible to use page
numbers (unless set page numbers are given within
the electronic source, rather than simply on the
printout). For this reason, we recommend
including paragraph numbers, as in the example
below. - Example BI has been argued that chemical
castration has been used "indiscriminately" (Turk
1997, paragraph 2).
13Chicago Style
- Note-System, footnotes/endnotes
- Used in Humanities and Social Sciences
- Sources placed at bottom of page or end of
document - When writer uses only a few sources it is
acceptable to omit bibliography - First note should include all info necessary to
identify and locate source - Subsequent references have only authors last
name, comma, shortened title, comma and page
14General Examples of Chicago Style
- Book - more than one author
- Footnote form (first footnote) Michael Craton
and Gail Saunders. Understanding Globalisation.
New York Routledge, 1992, 24. - Bibliographic form Craton, M. and G. Saunders.
Understanding Globalisation. New York Routledge,
1992. - Article from journal
- Footnote form Gina Herring. A Food Fight That
Affects Us All." Third World Quarterly 26, no. 3
(1998) 216. - Bibliographic form Herring, Gina. " A Food Fight
That Affects Us All. Third World Quarterly 26,
no. 3 (1998) 214-219. - Newspaper article - no author
- Footnote form "Gun Injuries Take Financial Toll
on Hospitals." Chicago Tribune, 24 February 1994,
6. - Bibliographic form "Gun Injuries Take Financial
Toll on Hospitals." Chicago Tribune, 24 February
15Tricky Chicago Style
- Unpublished Interviews
- Last Name of Interviewee, First Name of
Interviewee. Interview by name of interviewer or
reference to author if the author is the
interviewer. Type of Interview such as "Tape
recording". Place of Interview, Day Month Year
of Interview. - Example Neuhoff, Christine S. Interview by
author. Tape recording. Ft. Collins, CO. 29
September 1998. - Unpublished Letters and Personal Communications
- Entries for unpublished letters or other such
irretrievable personal communications should not
be included in the bibliography. These types of
sources should instead be documented in the
notes. - Unpublished Thesis
- Last Name of Author, First Name of Author. "Title
of Thesis." Master's thesis, Degree Granting
Institution, Date of Submission of Degree. - Example Hughey, Annie Catherine. "The Treatment
of the Negro in South Carolina Fiction." Master's
thesis, University of South Carolina, 1933. - Chapter in a book with editors
- Footnote form Ortiz, S. "The Language We Speak."
In Living Languages Contexts for Reading and
Writing, edited by N. Buffington, M. Diogenes,
and C. Moneyhun. Upper Saddle River, N.J.
Prentice Hall, 1997.
16Electronic Sources
- WWW sites, databases, newsgroups etc.
- Two principles
- Supply as much info as possible about source
- Draw an analogy to a relevant print source
- Pagination provide with pdf files, otherwise
omit numbers
17Examples of Electronic Style
- Electronic Journal - Chicago
- Foster, John B. Marxs Ecological Value
Analysis in Monthly Review 52 no.4, (2000),
lthttp//www.umi.com/pqdauto/ gt (21 October 2001).
- Electronic Journal Harvard
- Foster, J.B. (2000) Marxs Ecological Value
Analysis in Monthly Review Online database
52(4), Available fromlthttp//www.umi.com/pqdauto/
gt Accessed 21 October 2001 -
- In text example (Foster 2000, paragraph 8)
18Usage of Ibid. and Op. Cit.
- Ibid. Latin term, in the same place as the last
reference - Ex. First footnote Michael Craton and Gail
Saunders. Understanding Globalisation. New York
Routledge, 1992), 24. - Ibid., p. 25
- Op. Cit. Latin term, in a work already cited
but immediately above - Ex. First footnote Gina Herring. A Food Fight
That Affects Us All." Third World Quarterly 26,
no. 3 (1998) 216. - Op. Cit., p.218
19Bibliography Presentation
- Format
- Begin on new page, following last page
- Page should be numbered
- Page Format
- Title is centred 3cm from top of page
- Lengthy bibliographies sometimes have categories
according to type or subject of source - Entry Format
- Single-spaced
- First line flush with left margin
- Second and subsequent lines are indented 3cm from
left margin - Entries listed in alphabetical order, authors
family name (not numbered)
20Tricky Biblio. Topics
- No Author
- If the author's name is unavailable, the first
word in the entry is the first significant word
of the title, and the entry is alphabetized
according to this first word. - Single Author of Both a One-Author Work and a
Multiple Author Work - When one person serves as both the sole author of
a one-author work and the first author listed on
a multiple author work, list the one-author entry
first. - More Than One Author, but Fewer Than Four
- If there is more than one author but fewer than
four, use all the authors' names by listing the
first name on the book/article according to the
last name first rule. All others follow in the
normal order of first name, space, last name. - When There Are Four and More Authors
- When there are more than three authors, it is
ideal to list all authors in the bibliographic
entry, then to refer to it in the notes by using
only the first author's name, followed by "et
al."--a Latin term meaning "and others."
- No student shall submit work at any time that is
not entirely their own except where either - The use of the words or ideas of others is
appropriate and duly acknowledge or - The examiner has given prior permission for
collaborative work to be submitted - No student shall submit as if genuine any data,
field or other work that are fabricated or
falsified. - No student shall submit the same piece of work
for assessment in two different projects, except
with approval and proper citation
22Defining Plagiarism
- Consists of persons using words or ideas of
another as if they were his or her own - A misuse of academic conventions
- A very serious offence, penalties range from
- Rewrite and submit project (draft submissions)
- Zero for the whole semester and dismissal from
University for minimum of 6 months to a year - Expulsion from the program
23Plagiarism can take several forms
- Presenting extracts from books, articles, theses,
websites and other published or unpublished works
such as working papers, seminar and conference
papers, lecture notes or other students works,
without clearly indicating their origin with
quotation marks and/or references such as
footnotes - Using very close paraphrasing of sentences or
whole paragraphs without due acknowledgement in
the form of reference to the original work - Quoting directly from a source and failing to
insert quotation marks around the quoted
passages. It is not adequate merely to
acknowledge the source.