Title: The Big Bang
1The Big Bang!
- How and when did the
- universe form?
- solar system / Earth form?
- Moon form?
- What were early Earth conditions?
- How Do We Know?
3Origin of the Universe
- Big Bang
- occurred 15 billion years ago
- model for the beginning of the universe
4Building a Universe
- infinitely dense point not governed by our
physical laws or time - all matter and
energy contained in one point
5Building a Universe
- instantaneous filling of space with all
6Edwin Hubble
- Universe is continuously expanding
- Galaxys velocity is proportional to its distance
(galaxies that are twice as far from us move
twice as fast) - taken every galaxy the same amount of time to
move from a common starting position to its
current position
7Hubbles Evidence
- Doppler shifting - wavelength emitted by
something moving away from us is shifted to a
lower frequency - Sound of a fire truck siren - pitch of the siren
is higher as the fire truck moves towards you,
and lower as it moves away from you - Visible wavelengths emitted by objects moving
away from us are shifted towards the red part of
the visible spectrum - The faster they move away from us, the more they
are redshifted. Thus, redshift is a reasonable
way to measure the speed of an object (this, by
the way, is the principal by which radar guns
measure the speed of a car or baseball) - When we observe the redshift of galaxies outside
our local group, every galaxy appears to be
moving away from us - universe is expanding.
8Evidence for Big Bang
- Red shift - as light from distant galaxies
approach earth there is an increase of space
between earth and the galaxy, which leads to
wavelengths being stretched - In 1964, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson,
discovered a noise of extraterrestrial origin
that came from all directions at once - radiation
left over from the Big Bang - In June 1995, scientists detected primordial
helium in the far reaches of the universe -
consistent with an important aspect of the Big
Bang theory that a mixture of hydrogen and helium
was created at the beginning of the universe
9Building a Universe
- 10-43 s - gravity separates from other forces -
10-28 centimeters - 10-35 to 10-32 s - fundamental particles -
quarks and electrons - softball - 10-6 s - quarks combine into protons and neutrons
- solar system - 1 s - electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces
separate - 3 minutes - protons and neutrons combine into
atomic nuclei - 105 years - electrons join nuclei to make atoms
light is emitted - 105-109 years - matter collapses into clouds,
making galaxies and stars
Orion Nebula - http//stardate.utexas.edu/resource
10When Did the Universe Form?
- 10 to 20 billion years ago (15)
- How do we know?
- spreading (Red Shift)
- know distances, rates of retreat, relative
positions - pervasive background radiation of 2.7C above
absolute zero - afterglow of the Big Bang
Orion Nebula - http//stardate.utexas.edu/resource
11How old is the universe?
- Speed x time distance
- (distance of a particular galaxy) / (that
galaxys velocity) (time) - or
- 4.6 x 1026 cm / 1 x 109 cm/sec 4.6 x 1017
sec - 15 billion years
12Origin of Our Solar System
- formed a rotating disk
- condensed and collapsed due to gravity
- forming solar nebula
- with an embryonic Sun
- surrounded by a rotating cloud
13Embryonic Sun and Rotating Cloud
- planetesimals have formed in the inner solar
system - large eddies of gas and dust remain far from the
14Precambrian Earth and Life History
- The Teton Range
- is largely Archean gneiss, schist, and granite
- younger rocks are also present but not visible
Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
15Precambrian The First 4 Billion Years
16Rocks Difficult to Interpret
- The earliest record of geologic time preserved in
rocks is difficult to interpret - many Precambrian rocks have been
- altered by metamorphism
- complexly deformed
- buried deep beneath younger rocks
- fossils are rare
- Subdivisions of the Precambrian have been
difficult to establish
17Eons of the Precambrian
- Two eons for the Precambrian
- are the Archean and Proterozoic
- Hadean is an informal designation
- for the time for which we don't have a rock record
18What Happened During the Hadean?
- No rocks of Hadean age present on Earth
- except for meteorites
- Yet, we do know some events that took place
- Earth accreted from planetesimals
- differentiated into a core and mantle, and at
least some crust - Earth was bombarded by meteorites
- volcanic activity was ubiquitous
- atmosphere formed, quite different from todays
- oceans began to accumulate
19Hot, Barren, Waterless Early Earth
- about 4.6 billion years ago
- Shortly after accretion, Earth was
- a rapidly rotating, hot, barren, waterless planet
- bombarded by comets and meteorites
- no continents, intense cosmic radiation
- widespread volcanism
20Oldest Rocks
- Oldest known rocks on Earth are
3.96-billion-year-old Acasta Gneiss in Canada and
other rocks in Montana - some continental crust must have evolved by 4
billion years ago - Sedimentary rocks in Australia contain detrital
zircons dated at 4.2 billion years old - so source rocks at least that old existed
- These rocks indicted that some kind of Hadean
crust was certainly present - but its distribution is unknown
21Hadean Crust
- Early Hadean crust was probably thin, unstable
and made up of ultramafic rock - rock with comparatively little silica
Where does this occur now?
- This ultramafic crust was disrupted
- by upwelling basaltic magma at ridges
- and consumed at subduction zones
- Later Hadean continental crust may have
- formed by evolution of felsic material
- only felsic crust, because of its lower density,
is immune to - destruction by subduction (sialic)
22Second Crustal Evolution Stage
- Second stage in crustal evolution began as
Earths production of radiogenic heat decreased - Subduction and partial melting of earlier-formed
basaltic crust - resulted in the origin of andesitic island arcs
- Partial melting of lower crustal andesites, in
turn, yielded silica-rich granitic magmas - Several sialic continental nuclei had formed by
the beginning of Archean time
23Dynamic Processes
- During the Hadean, various dynamic systems became
operative - Once Earth differentiated into core, mantle and
crust, - internal heat caused interactions among plates as
they diverged, converged , and slid past each
- Continents began to grow
- by accretion along
- convergent plate boundaries
24Continental Foundations
- Continental crust
- composition similar to that of granite
- thicker and less dense than oceanic crust
- Precambrian shields
- consist of vast areas of exposed ancient rocks
- found on all continents
25Distribution of Precambrian Rocks
- Areas of exposed Precambrian rocks constitute the
shields - Platforms consist of buried Pre-cambrian rocks
- Shields and adjoining platforms make up cratons
26Canadian Shield
- The craton in North America is the Canadian
shield - occupies most of northeastern Canada
- parts of the Lake Superior region
- in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan
- and the Adirondack Mountains of New York
27Canadian Shield Rocks
- Gneiss, a metamorphic rock, Georgian Bay Ontario,
28Canadian Shield Rocks
- Basalt (dark, volcanic) and granite (light,
plutonic) on the Chippewa River, Ontario
29Archean Rocks Beyond the Shield
Rocky Mountains, Colorado
- Archean metamorphic rocks found
- in areas of uplift in the Rocky Mtns
30Archean Rocks Beyond the Shield
- Archean Brahma Schist in the deeply eroded parts
of the Grand Canyon, Arizona
31Precambrian The First 4 Billion Years
32The Archean
- Most geologists are convinced that some kind of
plate tectonics took place during the Archean - but it differed in detail from today
- Plates must have moved faster
- more residual heat from Earths origin
- more radiogenic heat
- magma was generated more rapidly
33The Origin of Cratons
- Several small cratons existed by the beginning of
the Archean - and grew by periodic continental accretion during
the rest of that eon - They amalgamated into a larger unit during the
Early Proterozoic
By the end of the Archean, 30-40 of the present
volume of continental crust existed
34Atmosphere and Hydrosphere
- Earths early atmosphere and hydrosphere were
quite different than they are now - Todays atmosphere is mostly
- nitrogen (N2)
- abundant free oxygen (O2)
- oxygen not combined with other elements
- such as in carbon dioxide (CO2)
- water vapor (H2O)
- ozone (O3)
- common enough in the upper atmosphere to block
most of the Suns ultraviolet radiation
35Earths Very Early Atmosphere
- Earths very early atmosphere was probably
composed of - hydrogen and helium, the most abundant gases in
the universe - If so, it would have quickly been lost into space
- Earths gravity is insufficient to retain them
- Earth had no magnetic field until its core formed
- without a magnetic field, the solar wind would
have swept away any atmospheric gases
So how did the modern atmosphere originate?
- Once a core-generated magnetic field protected
the gases released during volcanism (outgassing),
they began to accumulate to form a new atmosphere - Water vapor is the most common volcanic gas today
- volcanoes also emit carbon dioxide, sulfur
dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur, hydrogen,
chlorine, and nitrogen
37Hadean-Archean Atmosphere
- Hadean volcanoes probably emitted the same gases,
and thus an atmosphere developed - but one lacking free oxygen and an ozone layer
- It was rich in carbon dioxide and gases reacting
in this early atmosphere probably formed - ammonia (NH3)
- methane (CH4)
- This early atmosphere persisted throughout the
38How do we know the early atmosphere was
- Early atmosphere was chemically reducing, rather
than an oxidizing one - Some of the evidence for this conclusion comes
from detrital deposits containing minerals that
oxidize rapidly in the presence of oxygen - pyrite (FeS2)
- uraninite (UO2)
- But oxidized iron becomes increasingly common in
Proterozoic rocks, indicating that at least some
free oxygen was present
39How did we get free oxygen?
- Two processes account for introducing free oxygen
into the atmosphere, - one or both of which began during the Hadean
- 1. Photochemical dissociation involves
ultraviolet radiation in the upper atmosphere - radiation disrupts water molecules and releases
their oxygen and hydrogen - could account for 2 of present-day oxygen
- but with 2 oxygen, ozone forms, creating a
barrier against ultraviolet radiation - 2. More important were the activities of organism
that practiced photosynthesis
- Photosynthesis is a metabolic process
- carbon dioxide and water combine into organic
molecules - oxygen is released as a waste product
- CO2 H2O organic compounds O2
- Even with photochemical dissociation and
photosynthesis, - probably no more than 1 of the free oxygen level
of today was present by the end of the Archean
41Oxygen Forming Processes
- Photochemical dissociation and photosynthesis
- added free oxygen to the atmosphere
- once free oxygen was present an ozone layer
formed - and blocked incoming ultraviolet radiation
42Earths Surface Waters
- Outgassing was also responsible for the Earths
surface water - the hydrosphere - most of which is in the oceans - more than 97
- Some, but probably not much, of our surface water
was derived from icy comets - Probably at some time during the Hadean, the
Earth had cooled sufficiently so that the
abundant volcanic water vapor condensed and began
to accumulate in oceans - Oceans were present by Early Archean times
43Ocean water
- The volume and geographic extent of the Early
Archean oceans cannot be determined - Nevertheless, we can envision an early Earth with
considerable volcanism and a rapid accumulation
of surface waters - Volcanoes still erupt and release water vapor
- is the volume of ocean water still increasing?
- perhaps it is, but if so, the rate has decreased
considerably - the amount of heat needed to generate magma has
diminished - Much of volcanic water vapor today is recycled
surface water
44Decreasing Heat
- Ratio of radiogenic heat production in the past
to the present
- width of the colored band indicates variations in
ratios from different models
- Heat production 4 billion years ago was 4 to 6
times as great as it is now
- with less heat, outgassing decreased
45First Organisms
- Today, Earths biosphere contains
- millions of species of bacteria, fungi,
protistans, plants, and animals, - only bacteria are found in Archean rocks
- We have fossils from Archean rocks
- 3.3 to 3.5 billion years old
- Carbon isotope ratios in rocks in Greenland
- 3.85 billion years old
- convince some investigators that life was present
46How Did Life First Originate?
- To originate by natural processes, life must have
passed through a prebiotic stage - in which it showed signs of living organisms
- but was not truly living
- In 1924, the great Russian biochemist, A.I.
Oparin, postulated that life originated when
Earths atmosphere had little or no free oxygen - oxygen is damaging to Earths
- most primitive living organisms
comparatively simple organic (carbon based)
molecules known as microspheres
47How Did Life First Originate?
- With little or no oxygen in the early atmosphere
- and no ozone layer to block ultraviolet
radiation, - life could have come into existence from
nonliving matter - The origin of life has 2 requirements
- a source of appropriate elements for organic
molecules - energy sources to promote chemical reactions
48Primordial Soup
- Amino acids in the primordial soup
- might have washed up onto a beach or perhaps
cinder cones - where they were concentrated by evaporation
- and polymerized by heat
- The polymers then washed back into the ocean
where they reacted further
49Next Critical Step
- Not much is known about the next critical step in
the origin of life - the development of a reproductive mechanism
- The microspheres divide
- may represent a protoliving system
- but in todays cells nucleic acids, either RNA or
DNA, are necessary for reproduction - The problem is that nucleic acids
- cannot replicate without protein enzymes
- appropriate enzymes cannot be made without
nucleic acids - or so it seemed until fairly recently
50RNA World?
- Now we know that small RNA molecules can
replicate without the aid of protein enzymes - the first replicating systems may have been RNA
molecules - Some researchers propose an early RNA world in
which these molecules were intermediate between
inorganic chemical compounds and the
DNA-based molecules of organisms How RNA was
naturally synthesized remains and
unsolved problem
51Much Remains to Be Learned
- The origin of life has not been fully solved
- but considering the complexity of the problem
- and the fact that scientists have been
experimenting for only about 50 years - remarkable progress has been made
- Many researchers believe that the earliest
organic molecules were synthesized from
atmospheric gases
- but some scientist suggest that life arose
instead near hydrothermal vents on the seafloor
52Precambrian Life
- Prior to the mid-1950s, scientists had little
knowledge of Precambrian life - They assumed Cambrian life must have had a long
early history - but the fossil record offered little to support
this idea - A few enigmatic Precambrian fossils had been
reported - but most were dismissed as inorganic structures
of one kind or another - The Precambrian, once called Azoic (without
life), seemed devoid of life
53Oldest Know Organisms
- Charles Walcott (early 1900s) described
structures from the Early Proterozoic Gunflint
Iron Formation of Ontario, Canada - that he proposed represented reefs constructed by
- Now called stromatolites
- not until 1954 were they shown to be products of
organic activity
Present-day stromatolites Shark Bay, Australia
- Different types of stromatolites include
- irregular mats, columns, and columns linked by
- Present-day stromatolites form and grow
- as sediment grains are trapped on sticky mats of
photosynthesizing blue-green algae
(cyanobacteria) - they are restricted to environments where snails
cannot live
Shark Bay, Australia
- The oldest known undisputed stromatolites
are found in rocks in South Africa that are 3.0
billion years old but probable ones are also
known from the Warrawoona Group in Australia
which is 3.3 to 3.5 billion years old
57Other Evidence of Early Life
- Carbon isotopes in rocks 3.85 billion years old
in Greenland indicate life was perhaps present
then - The oldest known cyanobacteria were
photosynthesizing organisms - but photosynthesis is a complex metabolic process
- A simpler type of metabolism must have preceded
it - No fossils are known of these earliest organisms
58Earliest Organisms
- The earliest organisms must have resembled tiny
anaerobic bacteria - they required no oxygen
- They must have totally depended on an external
source of nutrients - they were heterotrophic
- as opposed to autotrophic organisms
- that make their own nutrients, as in
photosynthesis - They all had prokaryotic cells
- they lacked a cell nucleus
- lacked other internal cell structures typical of
eukaryotic cells
59Earliest Organisms
- The earliest organisms, then, were anaerobic,
heterotrophic prokaryotes - Their nutrient source was most likely adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) from their environment - which was used to drive the energy-requiring
reactions in cells - ATP can easily be synthesized from simple gases
and phosphate - so it was doubtless available in the early Earth
- A very important biological event occurring in
the Archean was the development of the
autotrophic process of photosynthesis - This may have happened as much as 3.5 billion
years ago - These prokaryotic cells were still anaerobic,
- but as autotrophs they were no longer dependent
on preformed organic molecules as a source of
nutrients - These anaerobic, autotrophic prokaryotes
- belong to the Kingdom Monera
- represented today by bacteria and cyanobacteria
61Fossil Prokaryotes
- Photomicrographs from western Australias3.3- to
3.5-billion-year-old Warrawoona Group - schematic restoration shown at the right of each