Title: Structural Preferences of NSubstituted Monosaccharide Derivatives
1Experimental Investigation of the Effect of
Pressure and Fluid Saturation on Carbonate Rocks
Gary Mavko, Department of Geophysics, Stanford
University, Stanford, CA 94305-2215
Carbonate rocks contain 60 of the worlds
hydrocarbons. Yet, the basic understanding of
how geophysical properties are related to
reservoir and fluid properties is lacking, owing
in part to complexities of carbonate
microtexture, mineralogy, pore shape, and
chemical reactivity. Through a comprehensive
laboratory study, we are better defining the
fundamental relationships between seismic wave
propagation in carbonate rocks and the underlying
porosity, permeability, pore type, and fluid
Ultrasonic velocities in calcitic rocks (FP, GR)
vary continuously with porosity, out to
porosities gt 50 dolomite-bearing rocks (MSA)
are faster, with shallower trend micrite-rich
rocks (MA) show a steeper slope and narrower
porosity range. At the same time, micrite can
drastically reduce permeability.
Mineral-fluid chemical reactions modify the rock
frame, yielding elastic moduli inconsistent with
conventional models.