Title: Patient Safety: New Trends and Strategies for Implementation
1Patient Safety New Trends and
Strategies for Implementation Canadian College
of Health Service Executives March 2006
2- Speakers
- Donna Towers, CHE
- Capital Health (Alberta)
- John King, CHE
- St. Michaels Hospital, Toronto
- Anne McGuire, CHE
- IWK Health Centre, Halifax
3- Outline
- Canadian College of Health Service Executives
- Collaboration to date on the common patient
safety agenda - The executives role in patient safety
- Practical examples
- Capital Health (Alberta)
- St. Michaels Hospital
- IWK Health Centre
4Canadian College of Health Service Executives
(CCHSE) A professional association with
3,000 members across all sectors of health
5CCHSE Vision and Mission Vision To be the
professional association of choice for Canadas
health leaders Mission To develop, promote,
advance and recognize excellence in health
6- CCHSE Strategic Directions
- Position the College as a must belong to
organization, responsive to its members - Raise the profile of health leaders and their
contribution to public policy, the health system,
and the health of Canadians - Raise the stature of the College so that it is
recognized as a resource and source of solutions
in addressing health leadership issues
7CCHSE Strategic Directions
- Position the College as responsive to all health
leaders, regardless of their professional
background - Promote evidence-based practices for health
leaders across the public, corporate, voluntary
and university sectors
8- Canadian Patient Safety Institute
- (CPSI)
- Announced in December 2003
- Located in Edmonton
- Mandate to provide leadership and coordinate the
work to build a culture of patient safety and
quality improvement throughout the Canadian
health system
9Collaboration and Cross Representation
- CCHSE is a voting member of CPSI
- CPSI is a corporate member of CCHSE
10- Colleges Role in Patient Safety
- Developed a position paper for members (2004)
which states that responsibilities and
accountabilities for patient safety need to be
delineated in governance, management and clinical
processes - Advocate effectively communicating improvements
in patient safety - Internally
- Externally
12- Health Executives Role
- in Patient Safety
- Culture
- Accountability
- Measures
- High Reliability/Redesign
- Communication and Teamwork
- Professional Development
13- Culture
- Critical role for leaders is to drive cultural
change by demonstrating commitment to safety
through - Clearly communicating patient safety goals
- Supporting resources and tools required to
achieve success - Visible commitment to openly share information
- Driving patient safety education at every level
and at every opportunity
14- Culture of Safety Accreditation
- Canadian Council on Health Services Accreditation
(CCHSA) - Quality and patient safety are important
components of CCHSA standards - Major focus areas for accreditation
15- CCHSA Patient Safety Goals
- Create a culture of safety within the
organization - Improve the effectiveness and coordination of
communication among service providers and with
the recipients across the continuum - Ensure the safe use of high risk medications
- Create a work life and physical environment that
supports the safe delivery of care/service - Reduce the risk of health service
organization-acquired infections, and their
impact across the continuum of care/service
16- Accountability
- Organizations must clearly define
accountabilities for patient safety - Capital Health (Alberta) patient safety
accountability resides with VP Medical and VP/CLO
- Report bimonthly to the board on quality and
patient safety issues - Regional Quality Council with representation from
all sites and sectors advisory to Executive
17- Develop reporting policies within a quality
improvement framework across the organization
that promote learning - Executives role is to ensure appropriate
reporting and monitoring mechanisms are in place
18- High Reliability/Redesign
- Based on learnings from the aviation industry and
the nuclear industry - Reliability principles
- simplification
- standardization
- relation of humans to the work
- environment (Resar Leonard, 2004)
19- High Reliability/Redesign KCl
- Appropriate monitoring from other countries
resulted in Capital Health (Alberta) taking early
action in the area of potassium chloride (KCl)
purchase and storage on patient units to minimize
the risk of potential error of incorrect
potassium chloride administration - In 2002 moved to purchase dialysate for CRRT
based on environmental scanning
20Communication and Teamwork Health care
personnel, patients and all others within the
- must be informed participants
- understand that human error is inevitable
- underlying systemic factors including ongoing
system change contribute to most near misses,
adverse events and critical incidents
21- Communication and Teamwork
- Communication and team-building to improve
teamwork including across sites/sectors - Safer hand-offs and transitions
- Openness in communication with staff, key
stakeholders, patients and the general public - Sharing and dissemination of lessons learned
about improving patient safety throughout the
continuum of care
22- Communication and Teamwork
- Communications threaded into all areas
- Transparent/open communication is essential for a
culture of quality and patient safety - Behaviour change is a key indicator of effective
23- Professional Development
- Maintenance of professional competency is an
important aspect of ensuring patient safety - CCHSE Certified Health Executive
- CCHSE role
- To continue professional development and
networking in the area of patient safety and its
associated techniques and theory
24- Translation of National Level to the
Organizational Level - Challenge for health executives is to take what
is being developed at the national level and
operationalize patient safety within their
organizations -
25St. Michaels Hospital Safety Program and Plan
- Mr. John King, CHE
- Executive Vice President
26St. Michaels Approach
- Strategic commitment to adopt a leadership role
in the implementation of patient safety
initiatives (Reaching New Heights 2004) - White paper on Patient Safety (2004)
- Patient Safety Plan (2005)
- Corporate Objective for 2006/2007
27SMH Safety Plan is based on the Institute of
Medicine (IOM) and Canadian Council on Health
Services Accreditation Goals
- Strategies are in place under five IOM
Principles - Leadership
- Respect Human Limits in Process Design
- Effective Team Functioning
- Anticipate the Unexpected
- A Learning Environment
- Clear organizational leadership and professional
support, including involvement of governing
boards, management, and clinical leadership - Strategic direction (2004)
- EVP sponsors for all strategic safety initiatives
- Safety policy
- Quarterly safety reports to senior management and
Board of Directors - Accountability for all staff defined (MAC,
professional practice, performance appraisals for
all staff)
29Respect Human Limits in Process Design
- Job design with attention to human factors 1
- Current projects selected that affect work
(individuals) safety include - Patient safety audits (ERM Framework)
- Clinical documentation, order entry, scheduling
(Gemini) - Pharmacy medication packaging and distribution
technology - Supply chain redesign in cath lab, OR and
laboratory - 1 Haberstroh, Charles H. Organization, Design
Systems Analysis, in Handbook of Organizations,
J. J. March, ed. Chicago Rand McNally, 1965.
30Effective Team Functioning
- Team training for safety
- Team Safety Education Plan
- Interdisciplinary collaborative practice model
(Gemini) - Critical care and perioperative services safety
strategy - Patient safety education (OHAs Your Healthcare.
Be Involved) -
31Anticipate the Unexpected
- Continuous examination of processes of care to
identify safety problems - Failure mode analysis for selected new
technologies collaborative work involving ORNT
and simulation center (e.g. IV pumps) - Sharps Exposure Control Program
- Patient Falls Prevention Program
- Wound Care Program
- Patient Lifts and Transfers Program
- OHA Safety Group (WSIB Workplace Safety Program)
32A Learning Environment
- Communication, education and support for
learning - Electronic Event Tracking System and Root Cause
Analysis Database - Communication of Adverse Event Policy
- Quality of Care Committee under QCIPA
33Positioning Patient Safety on the Strategic Agenda
- Anne McGuire, CHE
- President CEO
- IWK Health Centre
34Getting a Handle on Patient Safety
- Medication and non-medication occurrence
reporting (including near miss) - Committees with patient safety component
- Patient Care Committee
- Drugs and Therapeutics Committee
- Childrens Mortality Committee
- Perinatal Peer Review Committee
- Nursing Professional Practice Committee
- Infection Control Committee
- Professional Practice Committee
- Medical Advisory Committee
35Getting a Handle on Patient Safety
- MOM committees
- Multidisciplinary patient safety teams
- Initiative underway for 5 years (currently 29
teams) - Profile of the MOM committees has increased
significantly - Mortality review
- Morbidity review
- Occurrence review
- Sentinel event review
- Root cause analysis
- Report through teams and programs to the Centre-
wide Morbidity (Patient Safety) Committee
36A Lot is Happening No Strategic Focus!
- Combination of centralized and decentralized
supports - No representation at the senior executive table
- Patient safety language not used to describe
patient safety activities - No single person or department leading and
coordinating all activities - Not on the radar at the Board level
- 10 Step Program
37Step One
- Organizational leader responsible for quality
resources and decision support services (patient
safety) to report directly to the CEO
38Step Two
- Included quality/patient safety leadership on the
executive team - October 2005 Director, Quality Resources and
Decision Support Services became a member of the
senior management team
39Step Three
- As part of the senior management team
reorganization, quality and patient safety was
positioned as one of three communities of
practice to be lead by the Director
40Step Four
- Centralized all supports and programming related
to patient safety under the Centralized Quality
Division - All Quality Improvement Coordinators
- Infection prevention and control
41Step Five
- Reorganization of the Quality Division with three
new management positions - Manager, Quality
- Manager, Patient Safety
- Manager, Risk and Legal Services
- Manager, Decision Support Services (existing)
42Step Six
- Patient safety positioned at the Board level
- International patient safety expertise
- Updates on patient safety initiatives included in
CEO Report to the Board - Patient safety strategic focus
43Step Seven
- Patient safety identified as one of the five
organizational strategic themes - Improving the health of the population
- Becoming a workplace of choice
- Wise investment and efficient management of
resources sustainability - Advancing (not creating) a culture of patient
safety (recognizing the work already underway) - Leading in learning, discovery and innovation
44More About the Patient Safety Strategic Theme
- Goal 1 Create a climate for patient safety by
ensuring that structures and processes that
permit spread of best practices are consistently
in place - Goal 2 Apply best practice initiatives where
they are proven and appropriate to increase
patient safety
45More About the Patient Safety Strategic Theme
- Goal 3 Develop an environment which supports and
enhances a patient safety culture - Goal 4 Live patient safety as a strategic
priority - One of the measures of success for Goal 4
Patient safety issues are an important component
of Board and Senior Management meeting agendas
46Step Eight
- Positioning patient safety on the senior
executive agenda - Real life IWK cases presented to SMT
- Progress of patient safety initiatives reviewed
- Safer Healthcare Now!
- CAPHC Patient Safety Collaborative
- Pediatric Trigger Tool CAPHC replication of
the Baker Norton study - CPSI research participation culture survey,
indicators - Discussion of new initiatives patient safety
leadership walkabouts, MORE OB, SBAR
47Step Nine
- Communicated patient safety initiatives
- PULSE (IWK intranet)
- Leadership Forums
- Town Halls
- IWK website (patient safety component under
development) - Etc
48Step Ten
- Link strategies with provincial, regional and
national strategies - Halifax Patient Safety Symposiums
- Provincial Healthcare Safety Working Group
- Patient Safety Advisory Group CDHA
- Safer Healthcare Now! Steering Committee
- National Patient Safety Collaborative CAPHC
- National Medbuy linkage with IHI
- CCHSA patient safety standards
49- In conclusion, health service executives have
enhanced roles and responsibilities in patient
safety that include - Culture
- Accountability
- Measures
- High Reliability/Redesign
- Communication and Teamwork
- Professional Development
50Conclusion The safety of patients within the
health care system depends on all levels working
together toward the common goal of patient