Title: Gig Harbor Washington (WA) Dentist Kim Rioux, DDS
1Gig Harbor Dentist Dr. Kim Rioux DDS - Cosmetic
Dentistry, Dentists In Port Orchard, Tacoma,
Washington (WA)
2Serving the Areas of Port Orchard Gig
Harbor Dr. Rioux's dedication to her craft sets a
high standard of excellence for her entire team.
Her goal is to create cosmetic dentistry
solutions of superlative beauty and function that
will impact her client's lives in a very positive
way. As a very "patient focused" dentist, Dr.
Rioux offers practical and individualized
solutions that reveal her care, compassion and
interest in each one of her patients.
3Services - Porcelain Veneers - Smile Design -
Teeth Whitening - Implants - Cosmetic Bonding
5Contact us 3519 56th St. NW 260Gig Harbor, WA
98335 Phone 253-579-1922 Fax
253-857-1030 Email info_at_kimriouxdds.com
6Thank You