Title: HEAVEN WP2 2002
1 HEAVEN WP2 2002
26.3.2002 Mária Kazmuková Útvar rozvoje hl.
m. Prahy
- Horizontal dissemination activities
- Heaven website
- Heaven database
- 3rd and 4th Newsletters, concept, timetable,
budget - Final conference concept, agenda, timetable,
budget - Heaven CD (?) timetable, budget
- Local disssemination activities
- Participation on Conferences
- Local dissemination activities planning
- Press releases
- Öther local events
- Workplan, allocation of tasks between Rupprecht
Consult and URM
106 úcastníku z 11 zemí
4Project Web Site
- Regular updating
- All public information online
- Active forum for exchange with virtual partners
5the website http//heaven.rec.org/
Encourage discussions of experts with an interest
in HEAVEN 13 postings to date.
Ask for more virtual partners from different
countries informed via email by the
Webmaster about site updates, workshops,
newsletter and other news
6HEAVEN Database
- Heaven database contacts Jan. 2002 (Apr.2001)
- 843 Local transport and environment decision
makers (616) - 156 European national decision makers (144)
- 172 Regional decision makers (72)
- 191 Research organisations (112)
- 170 Local, regional, European Global networks/
associations (156) - 53 International, regional local press/ media
(48) - 69 Others (consultants etc.) (69)
- 104 Industry (17)
- 1758 Total (1165)
- Selection for mailing up to 700 (?)
- Agreement on selection criteria
7HEAVEN Database
- Selection criteria
- Cities gt 250 000
- City administration bodies
- Traffic management
- Environment
- Urban Planning Development
- Research institutions
- Media
- 1 decission maker/representative for each body!
83rd Newsletter Overview
- Content - 8 pages
- Final Conference Announcement
- Summary Paris Workshop
- Verification Results
- Detailed description application sites
- Berlin
- Prague
- Rome
- Rotterdam
- Deadline 21.6.2002
93rd Newsletter Page Overview Authors
104th Newsletter Darft Page Overview
113rd HEAVEN Newsletter 4 pages
- info and evaluation on Heaven workshop at Paris
- Presentation of 2 cities Rome and Berlin,
- their objectives and application in HEAVEN?
- status report of the active work packages
- verification, start of demonstration
- WP9 questionnaire
- Anounncement of the Prague conference
- preparation beginning mid of April
- Deadline 21/06/02
- Direct mailing emailing, on conferences,
124th HEAVEN Newsletter 4 pages
Presentation of 2 cities Prague and Rotterdam
an overview of their objectives and applications
status report of the active work packages,
demonstration, evaluation Results of exploitation
inquiry 2nd invitation to the Prague
conference Preparation September October
Deadline mid October Direct mailing
emailing. distributed on conferences, workshops
13Objectives of Final Conference
- 1. Dissemination support
- Political acceptance of the project
- information dissemination
- new approach to environmental traffic
management scenarios evaluation - new approch to urban traffic demand analysis
- 2. Exploitation (Marketing) support
- Main user groups/customers identification
- Launch of a new Heaven products - demonstrators
- Possible market feedback input - discussion
- Duration 1 and a half day, max 150 participants
- Max budget of 25 000 EURO
CONCEPT I 1st day morning political
context afternoon most of the
topics of the first session,
(guided tour for the
VIPs). 2nd day morning technical session,
"virtual city" afternoon
technical visits. CONCEPT II 1st day morning
political context
afternoon technical session, "virtual city"
tour for the VIPs). 2nd day morning
impacts and benefits of HEAVEN
round table, conclusions
afternoon technical visits
15(No Transcript)
16(No Transcript)
17Final ConferencePreliminary Budget
4.12.2002 Reception coctail EUR 1.610,-/70
persons 5. 6.12.2002 amplification,
translations EUR 6.132,-/150 persons 5.12.
Dinner - OBECNI DUM EUR 7.350,-/150 persons 5.
6.12.2002 CATERING
(3 x coffee break, 2 x lunch) EUR 6.000,-/150
persons TOTAL EUR 21.092.- CONFERENCE
DOCUMENTS (?) EUR 3.500,- TOTAL EUR 24.592.-
18Final Heaven presentation and/ or CD(?)
- Final HEAVEN presentation document?
- (8 pages, overview, results)
- Heaven CD
- Introduction (final project overview/presentation
document) - Public deliverables
- Deadline final conference, or later?
- Budget for Final project document and CD?
19Local dissemination activities 1
- Site specific approach
- Brief local dissemination plan
- National and regional conferences
- Internal and local meetings
- Local press and media
- Reporting on local activities
20Local dissemination activities 2
Presentation of HEAVEN at conferences
- 2002 EURO-CHINA,
- Stockholm Sustainable Cities Partnership
Conference - Air Pollution 2002 Segovia
- Walk 21,
- Steps towards Liveable Cities
- ECOMM 2002 - European Conference on Mobility Mngt
- Inno Trans 2002 Berlin
- 9th ITS World Congress Chicago
- 8th International Conference on Harmonisation
within Atmospheric Modelling, Sofia - IST Conference Copenhagen
- and others?