Title: Insight and Innovation for Technology Leaders
1Insight and Innovation for Technology Leaders
October 26, 2007 Palisades, NY
Web 2.0 Best Practices Ryan Bretag Coordinator
of Instructional Technology Glenbrook North High
School Northbrook, IL rbretag_at_glenbrook.k12.il.us
2Web 2.0?
3School 2.0?
4Learning 2.0?
5Classroom 2.0?
6How about Reality 2.0?
8A Web 2.0 State of Mind
Shifting Concerns to Goals
9Shift 1 Training Isolation to Learning
To reach the masses, the focus has to be on what
they value, what motivates them as educators
10Training is outdated and fosters the wrong
mindset. If you really want technology infusion,
stop talking about technology and shift the focus
to learning.
11If we shift school cultures to support adult
learning, professional development is experienced
as a personal journey of growth and discovery
that engages the leaner on a daily basis." --
Dr. Jamie McKenzie Just in Time Technology
Photo Creative Commons Jay Cross
12WARNING Contradiction Coming! With Networks, it
is all about the tools!
13Experience has long been considered the best
teacher of knowledge. Since we cannot
experience everything, other peoples experiences
become the surrogate for knowledge. I store my
knowledge in my friends is an axiom for
collecting knowledge through collecting
people. --- Karen Stephenson Knowing Knowledge
14Shift 2 Just Do It to Modeling
One of the most powerful change agent is
modeling who should lead the modeling of
instructional technology?
15Imagine the power of administrators modeling a
Web 2.0 State of Mind. What would the response be
from teachers? What would happen to concerns?
Would it translate into the classroom?
16"All of the great leaders have had one
characteristic in common it was the willingness
to confront unequivocally the major anxiety of
their people in their time. This, and not much
else, is the essence of leadership." --John
Kenneth Galbraith
17Shift 3 Gatekeepers to A Community of Mavens
What happens when everyone shares, empowers, and
distributes expertise? Just-in Time, All The
18Focusing on the Innovators and Early Adopters is
easy and feels good. Cultivating change is about
creating Mavens throughout the school
19The critical thing about Mavens, though, is that
they are not passive collectors of information.
To be a Maven is to be a teacher. But it is also
to be a student. -- Malcolm Gladwell The
Tipping Point
20 Dont Push Growth! Remove the
Factors Limiting Growth
-- Peter Senge The Fifth Discipline
21How will you respond to the challenge?