Title: Stochastic Games
1Stochastic Games
- Mr Sujit P Gujar.
- e-Enterprise Lab
- Computer Science and Automation
- IISc, Bangalore.
- Stochastic Game
- Special Class of Stochastic Games
- Analysis Shapleys Result.
- Applications
3Repeated Game
- When players interact by playing a similar stage
game (such as the prisoner's dilemma) numerous
times, the game is called a repeated game.
4Stochastic Game
- Stochastic game is repeated game with
probabilistic/stochastic transitions. - There are different states of a game.
- Transition probabilities depend upon actions of
players. - Two player stochastic game 2 and 1/2 player
5Repeated Prisoners Dilemma
- Consider Game tree for PD repeated twice.
Assume each player has the same two options at
each info set C,D
What is Player 1s strategy set?(Cross product
of all choice sets at all information
sets) C,D x C,D x C,D x C,D x C,D 25
32 possible strategies
6Issues in Analyzing Repeated Games
- How to we solve infinitely repeated games?
- Strategies are infinite in number.
- Need to compare sums of infinite streams of
7Stochastic Game The Big Match
- Every day player 2 chooses a number, 0 or 1
- Player 1 tries to predict it. Wins a point if he
is correct. - This continues as long as player 1 predicts 0.
- But if he ever predicts 1, all future choices for
both players are required to be the same as that
day's choices.
8The Big Match
9- The "Big-Match" game is introduced by Gillette
(1957) as a difficult example. - The Big Match
- David Blackwell T. S. Ferguson
- The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, Vol. 39,
No. 1. (Feb., 1968), pp. 159-163.
11Stationary Strategies
- Enumerating all pure and mixed strategies is
cumbersome and redundant. - Behavior strategies those which specify a player
the same probabilities for his choices every time
the same position is reached by whatever route. - x (x1,x2,,xN) each xk (xk1, xk2,, xkmk)
- Given a matrix game B,
- valB minimax value to the first player.
- XB The set of optimal strategies for first
player. - YB The set of optimal strategies for second
player. - It can be shown, (B and C having same dimensions)
- valB - valC max bij - cij
13- When we start in position k, we obtain a
particular game, - We will refer stochastic game as,
- Define,
14Shapleys1 Results
1L.S. Shapley, Stochastic Games. PNAS 39(1953)
15- Let, denote the collection of games
whose pure strategies are the stationary
strategies of . The payoff function of these
new games must satisfy,
16Shapleys Result,
- 1When N 1,
- By setting all skij s gt 0, we get model of
infinitely repeated game with future payments are
discounted by a factor (1-s). - If we set nk 1 for all k, the result is
dynamic programming model.
1von Neumann J. , Ergennise eines Math,
Kolloquims, 8 73-83 (1937)
- Consider the game with N 1,
- A
- x(0.61,0.39)
- y(0.39, 0.61)