Title: ASCUE 2001 Myrtle Beach, S.C.
1ASCUE 2001Myrtle Beach, S.C.
2The Possibilities and Perils of Streaming
Multimedia to Students
- Jon Mueller Judy Walters
- North Central College
3North Central College
- Located in Naperville, 30 miles from Chicago
- Comprehensive Liberal Arts college
- Founded in 1861 (United Methodist affiliated)
- 2500 students
- 1750 full time undergraduate
- 1000 residential
- Many career focused majors
- 6 graduate programs ( Business, Computer Science,
Education, MIS, Liberal Studies Leadership)
4What the Brain Likes
- Organization
- (and chocolate!)
5What is Streaming Media?
- Text
- Pictures
- Charts Graphs
- Computer Screen Shots
- Sounds
- Music
- Speech
6What is Streaming Media?
- Compare a bathtub to a shower.
7Streaming Media
- Significantly compressed audio/video
- Delivered almost instantaneously
- No downloading necessary
- Can successfully view media clips with even a
fairly slow modem (28.8 Kbps) - On demand/replay
8Testing the Water
9Course Website Beyond the Repository
- More than just posting syllabus/assignments
- link to supplementary material
- access to interactive exercises/reviews
- promote additional discussion
10Why We Chose Real Products
- Previous positive experiences
- Webcasting events
- WONC radio broadcasts
11Why We Chose Real Products
- Stable
- less technical support to keep the server running
- lower long term costs
12Why We Chose Real Products
- Multi-platform
- players, content creators, and servers
- Windows -- Macintosh -- Linux
- Real Presenter
- PowerPoint slides with voiceovers music
- Real Producer
- Video
- Real Server
- Stores and streams the files to students
- Real Player
- Used by students to view the media clips (free)
14The Setup and Cost
- Server is a PC running UNIX
- 100 Simultaneous viewers
- 12,000 for server hardware, software, and
licenses - Can start with free software and simple server
setup for almost nothing
15 We Started Small
1. Web components and
multi-media integrated into traditional
classes 2. One entirely on-line
- Mathematics
- Political Science
- Business
- Psychology
- Philosophy
- French
- Biology
- Computer Science
16Streaming Media to Support a Traditional
ClassIntroduction to Psychology
17Additional Flexibility
- Allows more active learning in the classroom
- Delivers more content outside of class
- Captures elements of active lecture
- imagery
- intonation
- questions
- review
18Pedagogical Uses of Streaming Media
- Deliver direct instruction
- Preview and review
- Share with colleagues
- Develop a repository of lectures/lessons
- Access campus/guest speakers
19Streaming Media to Support an On-line Web
delivered ClassProblem Solving Using
21 22 23 24 25Starting Excel
26Our First Spreadsheet
27(No Transcript)
28How I Made My Presentations
- 1. Plan a spreadsheet that uses the concepts and
techniques to be demonstrated. - 2. Create the spreadsheet, taking a screen shot
at every step. - I used Snagit which allows you to save as a
.jpg whatever part of the screen shot you want.
29How I Made My Presentations
- 3. Create a set of PowerPoint slides, using a
template so all the slides have the same basic
look. Most slides will contain one of the
spreadsheet screen shots. - Insert / Picture / From File
- 4. Save and Print the slides.
30How I Made My Presentations
- 5. Plan the narration to go with each slide and
make notes to speak from. - 6. Use RealPresenter to
- convert the PowerPoint slides to .jpg files
- add narration to the slides
- bundle everything into a streaming media module
31How to Make a RealPresenter Media Clip
- Make your PowerPoint slide show as described.
- Start RealPresenter running and open the file
holding your PowerPoint slides. - Follow the directions to add narration to the
slides. - Review and re-record individual slides if needed
- Save the presentation and upload it to your
streaming server.
32(No Transcript)
33(No Transcript)
34(No Transcript)
35(No Transcript)
36(No Transcript)
37Students Liked
- Can view from home or dorm room
- Can view when they want
- Can select what to view
- Can replay selections if necessary
38Special Needs Students
- Limited mobility students
- Sight impaired students
- Students with reading disabilities
- ESL students with limited English
- Shorter, more focused media clips
- Clearer titles for media clips on Web page
- Clearer titles on individual slides
- Used to navigate forward/backward
- 30 characters maximum
40In Summary
41Possibilities of Streaming Media
- Deliver direct instruction
- Preview and review
- Share with colleagues
- Develop a repository of lectures/lessons
- Access campus/guest speakers
42Perils of Streaming Media
- Technological
- Excessive content creation time
- A/V quality dependent on equipment
- Possible excessive buffering time
- Must consider low-end users
- Servers can go down
43Perils of Streaming Media
- Pedagogical
- Locked into tool use
- Locked into content
- Locked into methodology
44Wading in the Stream
45Next Steps
- Share with potential users (PowerPointers)
- Integrate into Blackboard
- Showcase possible uses
- Build a repository
- Jon Mueller jfm_at_noctrl.edu
- Judy Walters jcw_at_noctrl.edu
- http//jonathan.mueller.faculty.noctrl.edu/ascue.p