Title: Triana Morales Daniela 1106102 HSI
1Triana Morales Daniela -1106102 HSI
- Antecedentes
- Menarquia 24-12-03
- U.Menstruación 24-12-03
- Talla145cm, P38 kg,Dolor a la palpación fosa
iliaca izquierda (repisado). Blumberg - - No irritación peritoneal .Rs Intestinales
- Dx Dolor abdominal en observación
- Gastroenteritis
- Deshidratación I
- SS Hidratación parenteral.
- 24-02-04(0430) Abdomen difícil de valorar por
emesis y paciente álgida. - 0700 Valoración por Cirugía para programar
- F.I24-02-04
- FS27-02-04
- Edad 12 años
- Consulta a Urgencias por dolor abdominal en
hipogastrio, nauseas, vomito, y deposiciones
liquidas de 30 horas de evolución. - FI a Urgencias 23-02-04 (1930)
- Toman CH 19.800 leuc.
- N92, L8 No hay interpretación.
2Triana Morales Daniela -1106102 HSI
- 24-02-04
- H. Clinica de Ingreso La madre suministró
Buscapina e interpretan Cuadro Hematico como
- 24-02-03 (0930)
- Laparotomia
- Apendicitis gangrenosa
- peritonitis generalizada.
- Clindamicinaamikacinaampicilina
- Salida control
- Drenaje absceso de pared el dia 05-03-04
3Triana Morales Daniela -1106102 HSIno
- La madre presenta queja por demora en la Cirugía.
- Análisis
- Hora de Ingreso
- 23-02-04 1930
- Hora cirugía
- 24-02-04 0930
- Tiempo13 horas
- Usualmente por ayuno / otras 7 horas
- Causas de Dx tardío
- Automedicación con analgésicos Antiespasmódicos
4Clinical Considerations Typical Clinical
Presentation Appendicitis initially produces
crampy periumbilical pain, corresponding to
infection localized to the appendiceal mucosa and
muscularis layers. Pain then becomes more
localized to the region of the appendix as
infection extends into the peritoneal layer.
Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, fever, and
leukocytosis (with left shift, no eosinophilia)
are common.
5Clinical Considerations Atypical Clinical
Presentation A. Atypical clinical presentation
related to the position of the appendix The
incidence of atypical clinical presentation of
appendicitis ranges from 30 - 45 (4). The
relationship of the base of the appendix to the
cecum is generally constant. However, the
position of the distal end of the appendix is
variable. It may be found in a medial, lateral,
or caudal position with respect to the cecum, or
may be retrocecal. Two thirds of appendices are
retrocecal in location only one third extend in
an inferomedial direction (9).
6Retrocecal or retroileal appendix A child with
acute retrocecal or retroileal appendicitis
(appendix deep to distal ileal bowel loops) may
walk with exaggerated lumbar lordosis and have a
slightly flexed right hip as a result of right
psoas muscle spasm. Pain with extension of the
right hip with the patient in left lateral
decubitus position (psoas sign) and with internal
rotation of the thigh (obturator sign) may be
found with retrocecal appendicitis. If present,
this indicates peritonitis
7Clinical Considerations Outcome The
preoperative clinical diagnostic accuracy rate
ranges from 70 - 78, with an unnecessary
laparotomy rate of 20 - 25 (4,10,11). This rate
is higher in women at 35 - 45 (13). Perforation
occurs in 20 - 40 of patients with appendicitis
(8,12) . In children, if the diagnosis is delayed
for more than 36 hours, the perforation rate is
65 (2).
Teaching Program A Vade MD, CG Salomon MD , CL
Kalbhen MD, JR Halama PhD Loyola University
Medical Center, Maywood, Illinois
- Composición Inyectable cada ampolla de 1 ml
contiene Escopolamina N-Butil Bromuro 20 mg. - Grageas cada gragea contiene Escopolamina
N-Butil Bromuro 10 mg. Supositorios cada
supositorio contiene Escopolamina N-Butil
Bromuro 10 mg. Gotas cada 1 ml (20 gotas)
contiene Escopolamina N-Butil Bromuro 10 mg.
Acción Terapéutica Antiespasmódico
- INTERESADO Boehringer Ingelheim S.A.
- Comprimidos recubiertos.
- Cada comprimido contiene n-butilbromuro de
hioscina 10 mg, paracetamol (acetaminofén) 500
mg. -
- Analgésico, antipirético, antiespasmódico.
11- Drugs withdrawn from the market Buscapina, an
unapproved drug that came from Mexico, appeared
to be the pain and fever drug dipyrone. The FDA
removed dipyrone from the market in 1977 because
of potentially fatal side effects
12- Children
- Children with appendicitis are misdiagnosed in
25-30 of cases overall, and the rate of initial
misdiagnosis is inversely related to the age of
the patient. - The most common misdiagnosis is gastroenteritis,
followed by upper respiratory infection and lower
respiratory infection. - Misdiagnosed children are more likely than their
correctly diagnosed counterparts to have vomiting
before pain onset, diarrhea, constipation,
dysuria, signs and symptoms of upper respiratory
infection, and lethargy or irritability. - Physical findings less likely to be documented in
the children who are misdiagnosed include
findings of ear, nose, and throat exam bowel
sounds peritoneal signs and findings of rectal