Title: OWL CareerLink formerly Interfase
1- OWL CareerLink (formerly Interfase)
- First-time Student Login Tutorial
Clarifying Options, Defining Potentials,
Connecting You to the Future!
2Welcome to OWL CareerLink! (formerly
Interfase) This tutorial is designed to help
first time users complete their profile
information and upload their resume in OWL
CareerLink (formerly Interfase).
3Using a web browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer
is recommended), go to the CDC Website website at
www.fau.edu/cdc Click on the OWL CareerLink
(formerly Interfase) Login to access the login
4- Registered Users enter your FAU email and
password - New Users register yourself by creating a new
5The first time you login, the system will take
you through filling out your information and
uploading your resume. If you are an alumni,
please use your active email address for both the
FAU Username field and the Primary Email field.
6Fill out all required fields. Filling out as many
non-required fields as possible may increase your
chances for matching employers hiring
7Fill out all required fields. Filling out as many
non-required fields as possible may increase your
chances for matching employers hiring
8(No Transcript)
9The Add/Remove Major dialog box allows you to
select your major(s)
Locate your college, and click on the sign
to display the colleges majors
10(No Transcript)
11This section captures information that helps
employers and advisors match job candidates to
job postings.
12The information in this section is optional. If
you wish, you may specify a career objective and
job target. Please specify the types of jobs and
industries you are interested in. Specify whether
you wish employers registered with our office who
have access to the system to be able to see your
Contact and Resume information.
Click on Register after you type all required
13Once all required fields are completed, the next
step is to upload your resume. Resumes must be
in Microsoft Word 2003 format for uploading to
work properly. Click on Upload File to begin.
14(No Transcript)
15Locate your resume file, select it, then click
16If your resume upload is successful, you will be
presented with the message above. Click on Submit
Profile to submit your information. Please allow
three (3) business day to process your request.
You will receive an e-mail notifying you of
successful activation. Once activated, you may
begin searching and viewing Jobs, Employers,
On-Campus Interview Schedules, and upcoming
Career Fairs and events. For further information
or assistance, please contact us at
(561)297-3533 or via career_at_fau.edu
17 These jobs are targeted to you in the same
system where you view jobs posted by our office
(under Job Search tab)
18Pending Profile
You can view your profile by Clicking on My
Account and selecting My Profile however,
you cannot search for jobs until your account
is approved. But
Please allow three (3) business day to process
your request. You will receive an e-mail
notifying you of successful activation.
19Pending Profile
Quick Help Provides information on using the
tools inside OWL CareerLink (formerly Interfase).
20Pending Profile
Quick Links This link allow student to quick
search the saved searches for jobs
21Pending Profile
22Approved Profile
Once your profile is activated by an admin, you
will be able to view jobs, on-campus recruiting
schedules, future career events and mentor search
23(No Transcript)
24Local Jobs Tab There are 12 jobs that match
the specified criteria.
25MonsterTRAK Jobs Tab There are 45 jobs that
match the specified criteria. To apply for
these MonsterTRAK jobs, Simply follow the same
process You follow for applying for other Jobs
within OWL CareerLink (formerly Interfase)
26MonsterTRAK Jobs Tab If you want to a apply the
job from MonsterTRAK, click Apply
27Once you click Apply, you will ask for
document selection (If you have several resume,
you can select them) and you can choose which
cover letter that you want to use. Click Save
IMPORTANT Once Save, your resume and Cover
letter will be submitted To the company that you
are interested
28You can save this search, and the Save Search
option will come up.
29 The saved search will be available under Quick
30(No Transcript)
31You can see your schedule on My Account and
under My Activity
32- All Schedules
- You will be able to look at all current schedules
in the system, BUT you can not apply - or sign-up. Go to Qualified Schedules to apply
or sign up on a schedules. - To search future schedules
- Fill in the search criteria to narrow down your
interview schedule search - Just click the Search button (without entering
any search criteria) to view all current - interview schedules.
if you need any assistance Career Development
Center 777 Glades Road SU Building, Room 220 Boca
Raton, Fl 33431-0991 Tel 561-297-3533 Fax
561-297-2740 Email career_at_fau.edu Website