Title: The Changing Nature of Warfare, 17921918
1The Changing Nature of Warfare, 1792-1918
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4Identify and describe the weapons technology
illustrated here. What were its chief drawbacks?
Rifled barrels what difference did they make on
the battlefield?
What type of weapon is illustrated on the
right? Describe the principal changes these
weapons made to fighting by 1900
The photograph shows a group of British machine
gunners in 1917 Explain the changing
relationship between tactics and weapons
technology in the First World War.
5Artillery What was the task of artillery on the
By 1918, what changes had taken place in
artillery design?
What was the effect of railways on warfare?
6Powered and manned flight was achieved by the
Wright brothers in 1903 What were the military
applications of flight before and after this
The production line is a symbol of mass
production what impact did this have on warfare?
8Classically, leaders have had a profound
influence on historical events, although the
extent to which they have been the primary factor
of change has been challenged by historians in
recent decades. Can it be said that Napoleon was
the most influential leader of the period
Assess Napoleons importance here
The American Civil war produced some excellent
leaders and others that were poor. What was it
that made a few so outstanding? What criteria
would you apply?
9Who is the general to the left and what were his
To the left is General Falkenhayn, and to the
right General Horne (a British
general) addressing his men in 1918. Were the
generals of the First World War any better or
any worse than leaders of previous eras? Explain.
10The Quality of Troops
The quality of soldiers is dependent on several
factors such as motivation, levels of training,
discipline and morale. High quality troops might
also be defined by their ability to sustain
heavy casualties and yet to continue to fight and
11How can we assess the armies of Napoleon which,
after all, were eventually defeated?
To the left is an illustration of the
Confederates in Picketts charge at Gettysburg
in 1863. Although the Americans in the Civil War
were not highly trained at first, what
assessment can be made of the quality of the men?
12Europeans put great store on the personal
qualities of soldiers. They believed that these
would overcome even changes in technology. What
ideas reinforced these views in the late
nineteenth century?
The First World War revealed the limits of human
endurance. Give examples of how the quality of
troops could affect the outcomes of the First
World War.
14Explain Napoleons formula for success and label
the diagram to the right.
The diagram below shows how, in 1862, Robert E.
Lee was faced by overwhelming odds. He had to
defend the capital Richmond. Against the
conventions of war, which stated that forces
should not be divided in the face of the enemy,
Lee despatched General Stonewall Jackson to
the north-west to draw away a large portion of
Union troops. This demonstrates Lees
boldness which so often brought him victory.
Shenandoah Valley
15Describe the strategy to the right Label the
The diagram to the left illustrates
attrition. Why did some generals turn to this
destructive strategy? Give examples.
Tactics are the techniques of fighting on a
battlefield. Throughout the period 1792-1918,
tactics evolved in response to new and improved
weapon design.
17What were the advantages and disadvantages of the
column attack?
A loose skirmish line. How did commanders retain
control when formations became more dispersed?
18Planning and alliances
19From 1792-1918, the Europeans were acute rivals.
To improve the chances of success in war,
coalitions and alliances wee formed. Diplomacy
was used to isolate opponents. Revolutionary and
Napoleonic France was unable to overcome the
combined might of the other Europeans.
In the period 1815-1854, the priority was the
containment of France to prevent another
Bonaparte dominating Europe. However, Napoleon
III did try to resurrect his uncles legacy and
fought Russia, Austria and Germany between 1854
and 1870
What role did alliances play between 1866 and
20Mobilisation Timetable
Europeans developed means for rapid mobilisation
to gain for themselves a distinct advantage in
any war. They universally hoped for a short,
victorious war that would avoid cost and
hardship. An increase in tension between the
powers, meant that detailed planning and
alliances were of critical importance.
Explain the German War Plan, and why it was
considered necessary to invade a neutral state
like Belgium
21Organisation of the state for war
The apparatus of the state had always included
the production of munitions, the pay, equipment
and monopoly of control of armies, but
industrialisation meant the greater involvement
of civilians and private businesses in a far more
sophisticated era of warfare.
22The organisation of the state meant the raising
of armies. How did states balance the need for
armies with the costs of maintaining them?
What kind of industrial developments meant that
civilians would be drawn into the war effort of
their country?
23The Media and Public Opinion
24Napoleon had been careful to groom the media.
What was the effect of this?
The ruling elites of the nineteenth century were
concerned by socialist movements. What means
did they employ to neutralise left wing ideas?
The Kaisers
Troops in barracks
Anti-communist poster
25What measures were employed to generate support
for the war effort in the First World War? List
examples of success and failure in these measures.
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