Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children KABCII - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children KABCII


Riddles. Atlantis. Core subtest for all ages. Measures ability to learn new information ... Riddles. Core subtest for CHC model; ages 3.0-18.11 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children KABCII

Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (KABC-II)
  • Ashley McElheney
  • Jessica Smith
  • May 9, 2005

  • KABC-II is an individually administered measure
    of cognitive ability (published in 2004)
  • Can contribute to psychological, clinical,
    psychoeducational, and neuropsychological
    evaluations at all levels between preschool and
    high school
  • Designed for ages 3-18
  • 18 subtests, about 12 core subtests (depends on
    model used and age of examinee)
  • Administration time
  • Core battery-Luria model 25-55 minutes
  • Core battery-CHC model 35-70 minutes
  • Based on dual theoretical foundation Luria
    neuropsychological model and Cattell/Horn/Carroll
    (CHC) approach

Two Theoretical Models (from Kevin S. McGrew)
  • CHC is primarily a structural descriptive theory
    to which empirical predictive methods (multiple
    regression) can be readily applied Gf, Gc, Glr,
    Gsm, Gv, Ga, Gs? cognitive/academic performance
  • Cognitive performance model (CPM) and
    Information Processing Model (IPM) are
    explanatory models grounded in information
    processing theory/research Acquired Knowledge,
    Thinking Ability, Cognitive Efficiency,
    Facilitator-Inhibitors? cognitive/academic

Use of KABC-II and the two models(from KABC-II
  • When interpreted from the perspective of the
    Luria model, the KABC-II focuses on mental
    processing, deemphasizes acquired knowledge, and
    yields a global score called the Mental
    Processing Index (MPI).
  • From the viewpoint of the CHC model, the KABC-II
    includes all the scales in the Luria system, but
    they are interpreted differentlyThe CHC model,
    as represented in the KABC-II, includes one
    additional scale that is not in the Luria model,
    the Knowledge/Gc scale. The global score yielded
    by administering all scales in the CHC model is
    labeled the Fluid-Crystallized Index (FCI).
  • The examiner must select either the Luria or the
    CHC model before testing the child or
  • How do you choose?

What AGS Publishing Says(from http//www.agsnetc.
  • A culturally fair ability test for all the
    children you serve.
  • Fun to take, easy to administer.
  • Can test bilingual (Spanish English) examinees
    (both languages given for responses on
    Knowledge/Crystallized Ability subtest, but all
    directions in English
  • Minimized verbal instructions and responses
  • Items contain little cultural content
  • Luria model excludes verbal ability
  • Nonverbal administration option
  • Small score differences between ethnic groups

Standardization Information
  • Took place Sept. 2001 to Jan. 2003
  • 3,025 examinees aged 2-18 tested at 127 sites in
    39 states and D.C. (Figure 7.1 on pg. 76 shoes
    numbers by state) matched to March 2001 Current
    Population Survey (http//www.bls.census.gov/cps/)
    on sex, ethnic group, parental education,
    geographic region, and special-education or
    gifted placement
  • Approximately 125-200 students for every age
    group (by year)

Technical Information
  • Average reliabilities for the scale indexes are
    around .90
  • Retest reliabilities average range from .80 to
  • Score differences girls (3-6) perform slightly
    higher than boys after age 7, males and females
    perform with little differences for school-age
    children, parental level of education is
    important predictor of performance (SES?) Ethnic
    groups very small differences, African Americans
    average scores 95-99, American Indian average
    scores 96-100, Asian American average score
    100, Hispanic average 97-98, white average

Clinical Validity Studies
  • Given to 141 students with learning disabilities
    in reading
  • Given to 96 students with learning disabilities
    in math
  • Given to 122 students with learning disabilities
    in written expression
  • Given to 42 students with mild mental retardation
  • Given to 38 students with Autistic Disorder
  • Given to 56 students with Attending-Deficit/Hypera
    ctivity Disorder
  • Given to 37 students with emotional disturbance
  • Given to 95 gifted students
  • Given to 28 students with hearing loss
  • See page 126-131 for more information on
    interpretation of these scores

Administration and Scoring of Subtests
Core Subtests By Age
  • Age 3
  • Atlantis
  • Conceptual Thinking
  • Face Recognition
  • Expressive Vocabulary
  • Triangles
  • Word Order
  • Riddles
  • Age 4
  • All subtests for Age 3 Plus
  • Number Recall
  • Rebus
  • Ages 13-18
  • Atlantis
  • Story Completion
  • Number Recall
  • Rover
  • Atlantis Delayed
  • Verbal Knowledge
  • Rebus
  • Block Counting
  • Word Order
  • Pattern Reasoning
  • Gestalt Closure
  • Rebus Delayed
  • Riddles

Core Subtests By Age Cont.
  • Ages 7-12
  • Atlantis
  • Story Completion
  • Number Recall
  • Rover
  • Atlantis Delayed
  • Verbal Knowledge
  • Rebus
  • Triangles
  • Word Order
  • Pattern Reasoning
  • Rebus Delayed
  • Riddles
  • Ages 13-18
  • Atlantis
  • Story Completion
  • Number Recall
  • Rover
  • Atlantis Delayed
  • Verbal Knowledge
  • Rebus
  • Block Counting
  • Word Order
  • Pattern Reasoning
  • Gestalt Closure
  • Rebus Delayed
  • Riddles

  • Core subtest for all ages
  • Measures ability to learn new information
  • Association between pictures and nonsense names
  • Examinee is taught names of pictures of imaginary
    fish, plants, and shells
  • Examiner says name and examinee points to picture
  • Starting Point All Ages begin with item 1
  • Give corrective feedback on items 1-48
  • Items 1-3 teaching items
  • Discontinue Rule Based on Stopping Points. If
    examinees total raw score is below specified
    value, discontinue testing
  • Scoring 2 Points Correct Response, 1 Point
    incorrect response in same category, 0 Points
    incorrect response in different category

Conceptual Thinking
  • Core subtest for ages 3.0-6.11
  • Measures nonverbal reasoning skills
  • Child looks at pictures and determines the one
    that does not belong
  • Starting Points
  • Age 3-5 Sample, item 1
  • Ages 6 Sample, item 6
  • Teaching items Sample, item 1, and item 2
  • Basal Drop back one start point if examinee
    receives a score of 0 on any of the first three
    items administered
  • Discontinue Rule 4 scores of 0 on 5 consecutive
  • Scoring Score 1 or 0

Face Recognition
  • Core subtest for ages 3.0-4.11
  • Measures short-term visual memory and visual
  • Examiner shows examinee picture of face and
    examinee must pick face from group of faces
  • Starting Points All ages begin with sample and
    item 1
  • Teaching items Sample item, item 1, item 2
  • Discontinue Rule 4 consecutive scores of 0
  • Scoring Score 1 or 0

Story Completion
  • Core subtest for ages 7.0-18.11
  • Nonverbal measure of planning or reasoning skills
  • Examinee shown incomplete series of pictures and
    examinee has to choose picture cards to complete
    the story
  • Items needed Stopwatch, story completion
    stimulus book, story completion cards
  • Starting Points
  • Ages 6-8 Sample, item 1
  • Ages 9-13 Sample, item 4
  • Ages 14-18 Sample, item 8
  • Teaching items Sample, items 1 and 2
  • Basal Rule Drop back one starting point if
    examinee receives 0 on any of first 3 items
  • Discontinue Rule 3 consecutive scores of 0
  • Scoring 0, 1, 2 (See Easel 1 for scoring for
    specific items)

Number Recall
  • Core subtest for ages 4.0-18.11
  • Measures sequential processing and short-term
  • Examiner says a series of numbers and examiner
    repeats them
  • Starting Points
  • Ages 3-6 Sample, item 1
  • Ages 7-18 Sample, item 4
  • Teaching Items Sample, items 1 and 2
  • Basal Rule Drop back one starting point if
    examinee receives 0 on any of first 3 items
  • Discontinue Rule 3 consecutive scores of 0
  • Scoring 1, 0

Gestalt Closure
  • Measure of visual processing
  • Examinee looks at incomplete inkblot drawing
    and identifies picture
  • Starting Points
  • Ages 3-5 Sample, item 1
  • Ages 6-7 Sample, item 5
  • Ages 8-10 Sample, item 9
  • Ages 11-18 Sample, item 14
  • Teaching Items Sample, items 1 and 2
  • Basal Rule Drop back one starting point if
    examinee scores 0 on any of first 3 items
  • Discontinue Rule 4 consecutive scores of 0
  • Scoring 1,0
  • Some items require queries
  • Give credit if response indicates correct
    recognition of object
  • Give credit if examinee points to object in room
    that is same as correct response
  • Correct responses in Spanish are provided on

  • Core subtest for ages 6.0-18.11
  • Measures visual processing
  • Examinee moves Rover to his bone in the least
    amount of moves
  • Items Needed Rover Stimulus Book, Rover,
  • Starting Points
  • All ages begin with Sample A and item 1
  • Teaching Items Sample items, B, Items 1, 2
  • Discontinue Rule 5 consecutive scores less than
  • Scoring
  • Based on the path child took for all items except
    4 and 5
  • Items 4-5 Must orally count moves
  • Score 0, 1, 2

Atlantis Delayed
  • Measures long-term memory and retrieval
  • Examinee points to pictures learned approximately
    20 minutes earlier
  • Starting Points All ages begin with item 1
  • Discontinue Rule Determined by last item
    administered on Atlantis or after 4 consecutive
    scores less than 2
  • Scoring
  • 2 points correct response
  • 1 point incorrect response in same category
  • 0 points incorrect response in different

Expressive Vocabulary
  • Core subtest for CHC Model ages 3.0-6.11
  • Measures knowledge or crystallized ability
  • Examinee names objects
  • Starting Point
  • Ages 3-4 item 1
  • Age 5 item 7
  • Ages 6-11 item 11
  • Ages 12-18 item 18
  • Basal Rule Drop back one starting 1 if examinee
    scores 0 on any of first 3 items given
  • Discontinue Rule 4 consecutive scores of 0
  • Scoring 1, 0
  • Queried responses, Spanish responses presented on

Verbal Knowledge
  • Core subtest for CHC model ages 7.0-18.11
  • Measures vocabulary and general information
  • Examiner says vocabulary word and examinee points
    to picture that corresponds with word
  • Starting Points
  • Ages 3-6 Item 1
  • Age 7 Item 11
  • Ages 8-10 Item 21
  • Ages 11-13 Item 28
  • Ages 14-18 Item 34
  • Basal Rule Drop back 1 starting point if
    examinee scores of 0 on any of first 3 items
  • Discontinue Rule 5 scores of 0 in 6 consecutive
  • Scoring 1, 0 answer key on record form

  • Core subtest for CHC model ages 4.0-18.11
  • Measures ability to learn new information
  • Examiner teaches examinee figures that stand for
    words (rebuses) examiner reads figures to
    create meaningful phrases
  • Starting Point All ages begin with item 1
  • Discontinue Rule Based on stopping points
  • Teaching Items Item 1
  • Scoring Mark rebuses on record form (C, IC,
    skipped) keep total of cumulative item scores

  • Core subtest for ages 3.0-12.11
  • Measures visual ability and spatial relationships
  • Examinee arranges shapes to match a model or
  • Items needed 16 plastic shapes, 9 foam
    triangles, Stopwatch
  • Starting Points
  • Ages 3-5 Sample A, Item 1
  • Ages 6-7 Sample A, Item 5
  • Ages 8-9 Sample B, Item 11
  • Ages 10-18 Sample B, Item 15
  • Basal Rule Drop back one starting point if
    score of 0 on any of first 3 items administered
  • Discontinue Rule 3 consecutive scores of 0
  • Teaching Items Sample A, Items 1,2,5 Sample B,
    Items 11-12
  • Scoring
  • Items 1-10 Specific scoring criteria printed on
    record form
  • Items 11-27 General scoring criteria no
    penalty for rotation
  • Score 1, 0

Block Counting
  • Core subtest for ages 13.0-18.11
  • Measures visualization of objects in 3 dimensions
  • Examinee says how many blocks are present in a
  • Items needed 4 yellow cubes, stopwatch
  • Starting Points
  • Ages 5-10 Samples A and B, Item 1
  • Ages 11-18 Samples A and B, Item 7
  • Teaching Items Sample items A and B, Items 1
    and 2
  • Basal Rule Drop back one starting point if
    examinee scores 0 on any of first 3 items
  • Discontinue Rule 4 consecutive scores of 0
  • Scoring
  • Items 1-16 1 point for each correct response
  • Items 27-35 2 points for each correct response
    1 point for 1 block of correct response

Word Order
  • Core subtest for ages 3.0-18.11
  • Measures sequential processing and short-term
  • Examiner says series of words and examinee points
    to pictures of those words in same sequence
  • Items Needed
  • Word Order Object Card
  • White Covering Card
  • Stopwatch
  • Starting Points
  • Ages 3-5 Item 1
  • Ages 6-7 Sample A, Item 4
  • Ages 8-18 Sample A, Item 7
  • Basal Rule
  • Starting with item 4 If score of 0 on Items 4
    and 5, administer items 1-3 and then stop
  • Starting with item 7 If score of 0 on Item 7,
    8, 9, drop back to item 4
  • Discontinue Rule 3 consecutive scores of 0
  • Teaching Items Samples A and B, Items 1, 2, 4,
  • Scoring
  • Teaching Items 2 points correct response on
    first trial 1 point correct response on second
  • Score 1, 0 0 if examinee responds orally rather
    than pointing

Pattern Reasoning
  • Core subtest for ages 5.0-18.11
  • Nonverbal test measures reasoning skills and
    hypothesis testing
  • Examinee presented with set of images and must
    select an image that completes the pattern
  • Record response time
  • Starting Points
  • Ages 5-8 Sample, Item 1
  • Ages 9-18 Sample, Item 6
  • Basal Rule Drop back one starting point if
    score of 0 on any of first 3 items
  • Discontinue Rule 4 scores of 0 in 5 consecutive
  • Teaching Items Sample item, items 1 and 2
  • Scoring
  • Ages 5-6 1 point for each correct answer
  • Ages 7-18
  • Items 1-9, 1 point for each correct answer
  • Items 10-36, 1, 2 points depending on response

Hand Movements
  • Measures sequential processing and short-term
  • Examiner makes series of hand movements and
    examinee imitates them in same sequence
  • Starting Point All ages begin with Sample, Item
  • Discontinue Rule 3 consecutive scores of 0
  • Teaching Items Sample Item
  • Scoring 1, 0

Rebus Delayed
  • Measures long-term memory and retrieval
  • Administered approximately 20 minutes after Rebus
    subtest Child asked to read rows of rebuses
  • Starting Point All ages begin with item 1
  • Discontinue Rule Determined by last item
    administered on Rebus subtest or 4 consecutive
    item scores less than 2

  • Core subtest for CHC model ages 3.0-18.11
  • Measures verbal comprehension, verbal reasoning,
    word retrieval
  • Examiner reads riddle and examinee answers the
    riddle by pointing to a picture or saying the
    missing word
  • Starting Points
  • Ages 3-6 Item 1
  • Ages 7-8 Item 9
  • Ages 9-10 Item 12
  • Ages 11-13 Item 16
  • Ages 14-15 Item 21
  • Ages 16-18 Item 26
  • Basal Rule Drop back one start point if score
    of 0 on any of first 3 items given
  • Discontinue Rule 4 consecutive scores of 0
  • Teaching Items Items 1, 2
  • Scoring 1,0

Scoring the KABC-II
  • Scoring software (ASSIST) is available
  • Obtain raw score for each subtest (generally the
    sum of item scores OR subtracting the number of
    errors from the number of the highest item
    attempted, ceiling)
  • Transfer raw scores to front or back cover,
    depending on age, then convert to scaled scores
    (Table D.1)

Scoring the KABC-II (cont.)
  • Transfer scaled scores to the section of the
    cover labeled Calculation of Scale Indexes
  • Write the sum of the scaled scores in the
    designated oval
  • Convert sum of scaled scores for the scales and
    the global scale to standard scores (Table D.2)
    can also obtain confidence interval and
    percentile rank

  • First step, interpret global scores (MPI for
    Luria model and FCI for CHC model)
  • Then, look at profile of scores
  • Then, go to Chapter 5 of the manual
  • In Ch. 5, there is a brief description of each
    subtest as well as some interpretive information
    based on the model used (CHC or Luria)

Evaluation of the KABC-II
  • A lot of stimulus material (this can be both
    great to keep kids attention, but test kit is
    very heavy and can be difficult to use!)
  • Offering two models makes the test more
    versatile, but could also make it confusing
  • Like the idea of not having to take into account
    crystallized ability to test some students
  • Attempts to teach the tasks so that examinees do
    not lose points simply from not understanding the
    task itself
  • Includes measures of cognitive processing
  • Standard procedure for error analysis not

Evaluation cont.
  • Subtests similar to those on the Wechsler scales
    and the WJ-III Cog.
  • Like the idea of CORE subtests being administered
    by age
  • Stimulus materials colorful and engaging
  • Some of the subtests have correct responses
    written in Spanish, but recommended that only
    nonverbal tests be used with ESL students
  • Basal and Discontinue rules sometimes confusing
  • Scoring criteria for some subtests hard to follow
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