Title: Chapter 3: Decimals
1Chapter 3 Decimals
- Reading, Writing, Rounding, and Ranking
2Reading Decimals
Place value
and is only used to mean a decimal point
and ths
Fourteen and twenty-three hundredths
Fourteen and twenty-three thousandths
Fourteen and twenty-three ten-thousandths
3Reading Decimals
Decimal Fractions end in ths
Whole Numbers
Fifty-two and one thousand eight hundred
sixty-seven ten-thousandths
4Rounding Decimals
Round 14.8647 to the nearest hundredth.
Mark the place value being considered
Round up
Look at the number to the right
Since the number is less than 5 the 6 does not
No change
5Rounding Decimals
Round 14.8647 to the nearest tenth.
Mark the place value being considered
Round up
Look at the number to the right
Since the number is greater than 5 the 8 changes
to a 9.
No change
6Ranking Decimals
0.302, 0.31, 0.206
1. Start with the tenths place and cover the
Smallest to Largest
0.302 0.31 0.206
0.3 0.3 0.2
0.30 0.31 0.20
0.302 0.31 0.206
2. List in order of smallest to largest.
0.206, 0.302, 0.31
0.206, 0.302
7Ranking Decimals
1. Add Zeros
2. Read
0.302 0.31 0.306
3. List in order of smallest to largest
Three hundred two thousandths Three hundred ten
thousandths Three hundred six thousandths
0.302, 0.306, 0.31