Title: The Rules of the Game
1 The Rules of the Game
- Jane DiRenzo Pigott
- R3 Group LLC
2What Game Are We Playing? Heres What It Was in
3(No Transcript)
4What Game Are We Playing?
- Are We Winning or Losing?
- Do We Know?
5Where Are We Now?
- Women Board Directors of Fortune 500
- 13.6 of directors were women
- 3.0 of directors were women of color
- All of Top 100 companies have at least one women
director - 54 still have no women directors
- 54 have 25 or more women directors
6Where Are We Now?
- Women Corporate Officers and Top Earners of
Fortune 500 - 15.7 of corporate officers were women
- 1.6 of corporate officers were women of color
- 5.2 of top earners were women
- 7.1 of CFOs were women
- 16.1 of GCs were women
7Where Are We In Chicago?
- Largest 50 Chicago public companies
- 13.0 women directors
- 7.7 women top earners
- 14.4 women executive officers
- 3 companies have no women directors
- 32 companies have no women top earners
- 11 companies have no women executive officers
8(No Transcript)
9Why Should The Progress Be Accelerated?
- Catalyst The Bottom Line Connecting Corporate
Performance and Gender Diversity - Companies with the highest representation of
women on their senior management teams had a 35
higher return on equity and a 34 higher total
return to shareholders than companies with the
lowest womens representation in the executive
officer ranks
10Female CEOs outperform SP 500
- Eight companies run by female CEOs were up 53
over last 2 years versus 38 for SP 500 - Lucent was up 197.6 over the 2 years
- The eight companies Avon (275), Golden West
Financial (440), Hewlett-Packard (11), Lucent
(243), Mirant (314), Pathmark Stores (432), Rite
Aid (128), Xerox (130)
11Lets Start Playing to WIN!
12 The Rules of the Game
13Rule 1
- Exceeding Expectations and
- Doing High Quality Work
- Is the Price of Admission
- Not the Key to Success
14No One Is Watching Out for YouThat Is Your Job
- Create your own success dont just react to
circumstances - Sitting in your office, doing all of your work,
isnt enough - Get out there and take risks
- Be noticed for the right reasons
15 Rule 2
- Mentoring Is One Of the
- Keys to Success
- It Is Your Responsibility
- Mentoring is a relationship started and
maintained by the mentee. - People unwittingly recreate in their own image.
It is your responsibility to break this cycle,
not theirs. - You need to develop your own personal board of
directors. - Mentoring is a relationship, not an activity. It
is a journey, not a destination.
17Whats In It For You?
- Learn the organizations goals and politics
- Meet the power players
- Get high quality, high visibility assignments
- Have access to informal networks
- Get informal feedback on your performance
- Get feedback on how you are perceived
- Get someone else to own your success
- Get a sounding board and someones trusted
18 Rule 3
- Your Professional
- Presentation
- Matters
19White House Project Research on Female Candidates
- How they look not too sexy, too casual or too
glamorous - What they say proven record, not kitchen table
topics - Where they say it formal not informal settings
- How they say it energetic presentation with
action verbs
20- Whats wrong with this picture?
- What game is she dressed to play?
21 Rule 4
- You Are Different.
- Different Does Not Equal Detriment.
22Make Others Comfortable With You
- Act comfortable
- Find commonalities
- Identify with the organizations goals and find
ways to help it achieve them - Identify with your boss goals and find ways to
make him/her look better - Make them feel they know you and how you think
23 Rule 5
- No One Will Know
- Your Contribution Without
- You Telling Them the Value
24Self-promotion Is Necessary
- Women are raised not call attention to our own
accomplishments or intelligence - Women are socialized to believe that taking
center stage is unladylike and improper - Satisfaction Accomplishment Acknowledgment
- Consequently, women must learn to publicize their
accomplishments appropriately to succeed
25 Rule 6
- Balance Is Achievable
- on a Longer Term Basis.
- Short Term Balance
- May Never Be Perfect.
- Women multitask so they feel more overwhelmed
- Men usually do one thing at a time
- Women still bear a disproportionate burden for
home, children, parents, etc. - You can buy time
- Are flexible hours/part time arrangements career
27 Rule 7
- The Trappings of Success are
- Signs Read by Others.
- Do Not Give Them Up,
- Even if You Dont Care About Them.
28Play Well by Allowing People to Judge You From
- Perks speak of power within an organization
- Make sure you get the appropriate size office,
staff, cars, club membership, severance package
and stock options
- Dont assume responsibility without the
authority/title - Make sure you act like you belong at the table
29 Rule 8
- Believe in Yourself or
- No One Else Ever Will
30Come on Coach, Play ME
- Men arrive prepared to sell themselves
- Accept uncertainty
- Believe that you can do anything and be willing
to take the risk to do so - Mistakes are acceptable
- You miss 100 of the shots you never take
- Be flexible instead of asking why, ask why
not - Bluffing
31 Rule 9
32Dont Take It Personally
- Tears must be appropriately addressed
- Womens superior relationship skills become a
hindrance when we allow them to convince us that
business is personal - You dont have to like someone to work with them
- You win as a team so support your team
33Rule 10
- Wear Your Game Face
- Even When the Odds Are Against You
34Always Act Like a Winner
- Dont discuss your problems or mistakes with
everyone - Now Im in over my headyou spend all of your
energy worrying about a presumed unmasking that
it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy - The team must win, not you, dont ever undermine
the team for your personal benefit
35 Rule 11
36Enjoy Yourself
- If you continue to play the game make sure that
you get satisfaction out of playing - If you choose to leave the game, dont storm off
the field or be a bad sport - If you play the game, get satisfaction
- Make work fun
37 Rule 12
- Networking
- Is Essential To Success
38Why Is It Essential To Success?
- It allows you to know more, help more, be helped
more and do more - The world is small and round
- Understand the science of creating a
non-redundant network - Understand the value of super connectors
39 Rule 13
40You Already Have Power
- Be generous to others
- Identify and leverage your networks
- There is nothing imposing about asking for help
from your friends - Propose solutions and volunteer to implement
themown without equity - Everyday, every week do something to help other
women - There are two ways to exert ones strength one
is pushing down, the other is pulling up.
Booker T. Washington
41A candle loses nothing by lighting another
candle. (Erin Majors)