Title: Wildflowers of
1Wildflowers of Petrified Forest National
Park Blooming as of June 5, 2009 Some of these
flowers have faded, but a few linger while others
Pink, Orange, and Red Flowers
2White and Green Flowers
Yucca angustissima var. angustissima Narrowleaf
Yucca baccata banana yucca
Asclepias asperula antelopehorns
Lepidium montanum mountain pepperweed
Chaenactis stevioides Steves dustymaiden
Cryptantha crassisepala thicksepal cryptantha
Dimorphocarpa wislizeni Spectaclepod, touristplant
Cryptantha pterocarya wingnut cryptantha
Erigeron divergens spreading fleabane
Oenothera albicaulis whitest evening primrose
Comandra umbellata ssp. pallida pale bastard
Purshia stansburiana Stansbury cliffrose
Chaetopappa ericoides Rose heath
Cardaria draba Whitetop evil non-native!
3Yellow Flowers 1
Senecio flaccidus var. flaccidus threadleaf
Tetraneuris ivesiana Ives' fournerved daisy
Stanleya pinnata Princes plume
Lesquerella intermedia mid bladderpod
Calochortus aureus golden mariposa lily
Descurainia sp. tansymustard
Mentzelia albicaulis whitestem blazingstar
Cryptantha flava yellow catseye
Gaillardia pinnatifida red dome blanketflower
Hymenopappus filifolius var. pauciflorus fineleaf
Lesquerella fendleri Fendler's bladderpod
Heterotheca villosa var. villosa hairy false
Hymenopappus flavescens var. canotomenstosus colle
ge flower
Psilostrophe sp. paperflower
Astragalus flavus yellow milkvetch
Yellow Flowers 2
4Yellow Flowers 2
Mentzelia multiflora manyflowered blazingstar
Thelesperma megapotamicum Hopi tea greenthread
Melilotus officinalis yellow sweetclover Invasive
Opuntia polyacantha var. hystricina grizzlybear
Tragopogon lamottei Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon Nasty
Tragopogon dubius Yellow salsify Invasive alien
5Pink, Orange, and Red Flowers
Castilleja integra wholeleaf paintbrush
Sphaeralcea spp. globemallow
Castilleja applegatei ssp. martinii wavyleaf
Gaura coccinea scarlet beeblossom
Mirabilis multiflora Colorado four oclock
6Blue and Purple Flowers
Lupinus pusillus var. intermontanus Intermountain
Delphinium scaposum Tall mountain larkspur
Giliastrum acerosum Bluebowls
Phacelia crenulata Cleftleaf wildheliotrope
Phacelia integrifolia Gypsum phacelia
Astragalus mollissimus Woolly locoweed
Astragalus lentiginosus Freckled milkvetch
Ipomopsis longiflora Pale blue trumpets
Solanum elaeagnifolium Silverleaf nightshade
Orobanche ludoviciana Broomrape