Title: BSC 297 Biological Evolution October 12
1BSC 297Biological EvolutionOctober 12
- Quiz 4 Today
- Reading
- Chapter 6.2
- Exam 2 moved to Wed 11/4
2The Hardy Weinberg Model
A1 A2 Alleles
Genotypes A1A1 A1A2 A2A2
Genotypes A1A1 A1A2 A2A2
Genotypes A1A1 A1A2 A2A2
Fig 6.1
3Assumptions of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Model
- random mating
- violations
- assortative mating (like prefers like)
- disassortative mating (opposites attract)
- no immigration or emigration
- no mutation
- large population size (no genetic drift)
- no selection
- Under these assumptions - NO EVOLUTION
- If all these assumptions are met, then the
distribution of genotypes in the NEXT generation
will be described by the formula - p2 2pq q2 1
4The HD Model Founder Effects
- Example coastal butterfly species
- wing color determined by a single gene
(co-dominance) - A1A1 orange
- A1A2 yellow
- A2A2 white
- random colonization event (100 colonizers)
- 60 orange, 20 yellow, 20 white
- What kind of frequencies are these?
5Frequencies of Genotypes in Populations
- Convert phenotype frequencies to genotype
frequencies - Founding Population genotype frequencies
- 60 A1A1 (orange) 60/100 0.6
- 20 A1A2 (yellow) 20/100 0.2
- 20 A2A2 (white) 20/100 0.2
- 100 Total 1.00
- Allele Frequencies
- frequency of A1 (p) 60x2 20x1 140
140/2000.7 - frequency of A2 (q) 20x1 20x2 60
60/2000.3 - total gene pool ( of gametes) 200
6The Hardy Weinberg Model
Alleles A1 A2 0.7 0.3
Genotypes A1A1 A1A2 A2A2 Gen 2 will be a
function of Gen 1 Allele frequencies
Genotypes A1A1 A1A2 A2A2 0.6 0.2 0.2
Fig 6.1
7Frequencies of Genotypes in Populations
- Next generation
- Allele frequencies in generation 1
- p 0.7 and q 0.3
- For both male and female gametes
- Then using Hardy Weinberg
- allele frequencies (gen 1) to genotypes
frequencies (gen 2) - p and q to p2 2pq q2
- 0.49 0.42 0.09 1
- If the population size is 100 individuals
- 0.49 x 100 49 of A1A1 Orange
- 0.42 x 100 42 of A1A2 Yellow
- 0.09 x 100 9 of A2A2 White
8The Hardy Weinberg Model
Alleles (Gen1) A1 A2 0.7 0.3
Genotypes (Gen2) A1A1 A1A2 A2A2 0.49 0.42
Phenotypes (Gen2) Org Yel Wht 49 42
Fig 6.1
9HW Model Predictions
10Frequencies of Genotypes in Populations
- Another generation
- Allele frequencies (gametes) from this population
- 49x2 42x1 140 140/200 0.7
- 9x2 42x1 60 48/200 0.3
- Genotypes frequencies using the allele freq.
- p2 2pq q2 1
- 0.49 0.42 0.09 1 genotype freq.
- 49 42 9 of individuals if 100 in population
- And so on..
- Initial population was a random subset of a
population and was not in the expected genotype
frequencies due to founder effect (60, 20, 20) - but after one generation of random mating the
expected genotype frequencies were achieved. - 49, 42, 9
11Application of Hardy-Weinbergfrequency of
carriers in a population
- Phenylketonuria
- defect in phenylalanine metabolism (recessive
trait) - 1 in 10,000 newborn Caucasians have the phenotype
(genotype q2) - How many carriers are in the population?
- What is the frequency of 2pq?
- Using Hardy-Weinberg (assumptions)
- Calculate the allele frequencies
- ?(1/10,000) 0.01 q
- Therefore p 1 - 0.01 0.99
- Calculate the genotype frequencies
- 2x 0.01 x 0.99 0.0198 or 2 in 100 are carriers
12Frequencies of Genotypes in Populations
- Hardy Weinberg Principle null hypothesis
- Assumptions
- NO Selection
- NO Mutation
- NO Assortative Mating (i.e.Non-Random Mating)
- NO Migration
- NO Chance Events such as Genetic Drift
- As a Null Model
- If Selection
- Changes in genotype frequencies resulting in
changes in allele frequencies - If Mutation
- Changes in allele frequencies resulting in
changes in genotype - If Non-Random Mating
- Changes in genotype frequencies but allele
frequencies would remain the same
13Frequencies of Genotypes in Populations
14Application of Hardy-Weinbergas a null model or
null hypothesis
- Selection
- Differences in relative fitness among the
genotypes - Fitness is the number of descendants an
individual leaves in next generation. - Results in unequal contribution to the gene pool
by the genotypes - Genotype frequencies will deviate from
Hardy-Weinberg expectations.