Micro review week 8 I dont know, Ive lost track - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Micro review week 8 I dont know, Ive lost track


And back to viruses for a minute ... Ectoparasites - live on outside of body; infestation (e.g. scabies) ... Reservoir - animal with same form as we do ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Micro review week 8 I dont know, Ive lost track

Micro reviewweek 8 (?! I dont know, Ive lost
What well cover today
  • Parasites!!
  • Introductory stuff
  • GI protazoans
  • Malaria, Babesia, Toxoplasma
  • Blood Tissue flagellates
  • And back to viruses for a minute
  • The stuff I mistakenly covered last week -
    Rabies, Hanta, Yellow fever, W. Nile, etc.

General stuff
  • Parasites can be
  • Ectoparasites - live on outside of body
    infestation (e.g. scabies)
  • Endoparasites - live inside body infection
  • Must evade immune system somehow
  • Humans, as hosts, can be
  • Definitive harbor adult/sexual form
  • Reservoir - animal with same form as we do
  • Incidental - host not necessary to life cycle of
    bugwe fall into this category, often
  • Intermediate harbor developing larval, asexual
  • Carrier harbor non-developing larval, asexual

How we get infected
  • Vectors
  • Biologic parasite develops/multiplies
  • Arthropod bite - break in skin, injects parasite
  • Mechanical transmits unchanged parasite
  • Ingestion
  • Parasite-directed penetration
  • E.g. Strongyloides - can just bore through
    unbroken skin

How they hurt us
  • Toxic products
  • Enzymes, amoebic pore, endotoxins
  • Mechanical damage
  • Block organs, pressure atrophy, migration through
  • Or we hurt ourselves - immune response
  • Anaphylaxis, immune complexes, cell-mediated

Immune evasion
  • Antigenic variation
  • common theme among parasites
  • Molecular mimicry
  • Concealment of antigens
  • borrow host protein coat
  • Being intracellular
  • Limits types of immune responses available
  • Suppressing our immune system
  • Secrete soluble cytokine receptors, Ig binding
    proteins, etc.

  • Free-living, single-celled, eukaryotic
  • Ameba (sarcodina)
  • Crawl around using pseudopods
  • Reproduce by binary fission (asexual)
  • Ciliates
  • Reproduce by binary fission
  • Flagellates
  • Can live either in body tubes (gut or GU tract)
    or invade into tissues
  • Reproduce by binary fission
  • Sporozoa
  • Sporogony - sexual
  • Schizogony - asexual

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Entamoeba histolytica
  • Most prevalent in tropics
  • Fecal-oral transmission via food contaminated
    with cysts
  • In colon, transforms into trophozoite (motile,
    feeding form)
  • Attaches to gut wall (via GIAP-lectin)
  • Forms amoeba pore - cytolysis
  • Proteolytic enzymes destroy mucosa (flask-like
    ulcers), PMNs
  • Ingests RBCs (only protazoan that does)
  • Occasionally, gets into portal circulation

Entamoeba histolytica
  • Intestinal amebiasis
  • Majority are asymptomatic
  • Non-dysenteric
  • Intermittent diarrhea, abdominal pain, localized
  • Dysenteric
  • Bloody diarrhea, tenesmus, widespread ulcerations
  • Complications
  • Ameboma, stricture
  • Perforation
  • Cutaneous spread
  • Postinfectious colitis

Entamoeba histolytica
  • Extraintestinal amebiasis
  • Portal circulation - liver sets up camp
  • liver abscess, subdiaphragmatic abscess
  • Erodes through diaphragm into thoracic cavity
  • Empyema, pericarditis, infection of lung
  • Hematogenous spread to lung, brain, spleen
  • Increased risk with immunosuppression
  • Dx stool OP X3, sigmoidoscopy, Bx, serology for
    invasive disease, EM - RBCs
  • Rx metronidazole drug to eliminate cyst passage

Naegleria fowleri
  • Free-living in fresh H2O
  • Water-up-the-nose transmission in S. US,
    inhalation in dust storms in Africa
  • Mainly healthy kids, young adults
  • Meningoencephalitis
  • Fever, HA, stiff neck, n/v, seizures, coma dead
    in a week
  • Dx look for motile trophs in CSF
  • Rx pretty much hopeless, but try Ampho B,
    miconazole rifampin

  • Free-living in soil, tap water can colonize
    mouth nose
  • Spit-on-your-contacts transmission to eyes,
    reaches CNS via upper respiratory tract
  • Meningoencephalitis
  • Especially common fatal in immunosuppressed
    necrotic granulomas in CNS
  • Keratitis uveitis - blindness
  • In healthy hosts
  • Dx cysts trophs in corneal scrapings, CSF
  • Rx hard - topical miconazole, try itraconzole

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Giardia lamblia
  • fecal- oral ingestion of food and water
    infected with cysts (or direct b/w people)
  • Converts to troph in gut, adheres to small bowel
  • Rarely invades
  • Causes malabsorption - steatorrhea
  • Persists by Ag variation
  • T-cell damage, increased cell turnover
  • Giardiasis
  • Asymptomatic in many (2/3 endemic, 1/3 epidemic)
  • Sx more likely in kids, primary infection,
  • Explosive, stinky, greasy diarrhea
  • Can be chronic
  • Dx - stool OP/Ag cysts, trophs with 2 nuclei,
    falling leaf motility
  • Rx metronidazole

Trichomonas vaginalis
  • Troph form only - sexual transmission
  • Attaches by axostyle doesnt invade
  • Persists by Ag variation
  • WomenVaginitis
  • frothy discharge, dysuria, dyspareunia
  • Men usually asymptomatic
  • Occasional urethritis, prostatitis, epididymitis
  • Prostatic secretions, urine movement clear
  • Dx wet mount of vaginal or prostatic fluid
    (Herky jerky movement), Ag detection
  • Rx metronidazole

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Leishmania spp.
  • Reservoirs rodents, humans, others
  • Promastigote - infectious form
  • Sandfly injects into humans phagocytosed by
    macros, converts to
  • Amastigote - intracellular form
  • Replicates by binary fission
  • Replicates in RE system rupture, releases bugs,
    invades new macros
  • Infected cells ingested by another sandfly
  • Disease determined by host response
  • Th1 - protective
  • Th2 - more disseminated disease
  • Dx Leishmania skin test - localized, -
    disseminated artificial liquid culture, PCR
  • Rx pentavalent antimonial ampho B, azoles.
    Resistance ?

Cutaneous leishmaniasis
  • L. tropica (urban) L. tropica major (rural)
  • Mediterranean, Middle E, India, Africa
  • Oriental sore - indurated, painless ulcer
  • L. tropica single facial lesion can disseminate
    cutaneously (like leprosy) or into viscera
  • L.t. major multiple leg lesions can have more
    chronic infection - leishmaniasis recidiva
  • L. mexicana
  • Central America
  • Chicleros ulcer - single ear lesion, destroys
  • Lesions usually self-limiting, heal in 6 months
  • Dx scrape ulcer base culture, serology skin

Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis
  • L. braziliensis
  • Latin America
  • Espundia
  • Primary dermal ulcer at bite site satellite
    lesions, lymphangitis, lymphohematogenous spread
  • Secondary 1-2 years later get ulceration of
    mucus membranes of nose mouth slowly destroys
    septum, soft palate, lips over 20-40 years
  • Complicated by bacterial infection
  • Dx skin test

Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis
Disseminated leishmaniasis
  • L. donovani
  • E. Africa, India, S. America, Mediterranean
  • Kala azar - disseminated visceral disease
  • Th1 response is deficient, get chronic infection
    of RE cells
  • see in malnourished kids
  • Massive hepatosplenomegaly, abd pain, diarrhea,
    weight loss, fever, severe anemia,
  • Dx - skin test amastigotes in macros from Bx
  • Even w/Rx, kills 10-25. Frequent relapses

Trypanosoma brucei
  • Vector tse tse fly
  • Metacyclic trypomastigote is innoculated form
    replicate in human blood stream, then picked up
    by new fly
  • African Sleeping Sickness
  • Acute chancre, fever, lymphadenitis, rash, HA
  • Recurrent parasitemia escapes by Ag variation
  • Parasites localize in small vessels of heart, CNS
  • T. b. rhodesiense
  • savannah tse tse, E. Africa
  • cattle, antelope reservoir
  • Subacute weakness, myocarditis, death in 6-9
  • T. b. gabiense
  • riverine tse tse, W. Africa
  • human reservoir
  • Chronic gradual meningoencephalitis, death in
  • Dx direct exam of blood CSF
  • Rx Melaroprol, DFMO (really toxic)

Tse tse
Trypanosoma brucei rhodiense
African sleeping sickness
Trypanosoma cruzi
  • Vector reduviid bug
  • Epimastigote - in reduviid gut
  • Trypomastigote - in reduviid poo
    (extracellular) infectious form
  • Amastigote - in human cells
  • Reservoir dog, cat, human, rodents, opposum
  • Central/South America, S. US
  • Chagas disease - American trypanosomiasis
  • Chagoma at entry site - hard, red lesion local
  • Invades blood, spreads to heart, smooth muscle,
  • Recurrent fever, rash big liver, spleen, nodes
  • Romanas sign unilateral conjunctivitis
    periorbital edema
  • Chronic disease years later cardiac enlargement,
    arrhythmias, megacolon, megaesophagus
  • Increased risk with immunosuppression
  • Dx serology, direct exam of LN Bx, blood
  • Rx acute - nitrofuramox, benznidazole

Reduviid bug
Romanas sign
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Sporozoa transmitted by ingestion
  • Oocyst
  • Isospora, Cyclospora, Cryptosporidium
  • All acid-fast
  • All transmitted fecal- oral via contaminated
    water, food
  • All cause diarrhea
  • Tachyzoite
  • Toxoplasma

  • Ubiquitous
  • Human- human transmission, zoonoses
  • Ingest oocyst - sporozoites invade brush border
    - trophs in superficial vacuole - multiply
    asexually - merozoites
  • Merozoites can invade new gut cells or form
    gametocytes - fertilized - oocysts passed in
  • Does NOT require embryonation to be infective
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Normal host self-limited diarrhea (? absorption)
  • Compromised host unremitting diarrhea, weight
    loss, fever
  • Dx stool OP
  • Rx albendazole or paromomycin for

  • Found worldwide, esp in AIDS, Haiti
  • Sexual asexual reproduction in intestinal
  • Pass oocysts in feces
  • Require embryonation in soil to be infective
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Can be asymptomatic - severe diarrhea
  • Steatorrhea - mimics giardiasis
  • Chronic intermittent diarrhea in
  • Dx stool OP - ovoid oocysts
  • Rx trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole

  • worldwide
  • Inhabits upper bowel
  • pass oocysts in feces
  • Requires embryonation in soil
  • Cyclosporiasis
  • Asymptomatic - severe diarrhea
  • More severe, prolonged in immunocompromised
  • Dx stool OP - round oocysts
  • Rx not usually needed

  • Alternating sexual asexual replication
  • Definitive host cats
  • Sporogony In GI tract, reproduce sexually -
    oocysts passed in stool
  • Incubate in cat box for a few days - infective
  • Intermediate host humans ( others)
  • ingest - tachyzoites ( trophozoite) can infect
    any nucleated cell, especially like lung, heart,
    lymph, CNS, eye
  • replicate by schizogony - tissue cysts
  • Transmission
  • Kitty litter, cat feces
  • transplacental (TOrches)
  • eat tissue cysts in another intermediate host
    (pork, beef)

  • Congenital
  • 1st trimester - stillbirth
  • Later - epilepsy, anemia, retardation, pneumo
  • Reactivation chronic chorioretinitis - 2nd-3rd
  • Acquired
  • Primary infection
  • asymptomatic
  • Febrile lymphadenopathy
  • Rarely, disseminated disease - myocarditis,
  • Immune hosts cysts form intermittent rupture
  • Relapsing chorioretinitis
  • Encephalitis with immunosuppression (AIDS)
  • Immunosuppressed get encephalitis, disseminated
  • Dx serology, Bx - demonstrate trophs, cysts
  • Rx pyrimethamine sulfadizaine for
    disseminated, immunocompromised, pregnant

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  • Vector Anopheles mosquito (definitive host,
  • Female mosquito ingests male female gametes -
    sporozoites - injected into humans (intermediate
  • Attach to penetrate hepatocytes
  • Some transform into dormant hypnozoite - can
  • Non-dormant - schizogony - merozoites released
  • Merozoites endocytosed by RBCs - ring shaped
    trophozoite - rupture, releases more merozoites
    - invade new RBCs or produce gametes
  • Gametes ingested by new mosquito

  • Malaria is characterized by
  • Rigors, fever - due to cytokine release with
    rupture of RBCs
  • Fevers can become synchronous, especially in
    semi-immune hosts (high temps kill schizonts)
  • May have paroxysms - cold then hot then wet
  • Splenomegaly - infection of RBCs decreases
    plasticity - increased removal in spleen
  • Anemia - due to increased clearance of RBCs in
    spleen, intravascular hemolysis
  • Relapsing course - antigen variation, strain
  • Dx thin thick smears
  • Rx chloroquine if sensitive

Plasmodium falciparum
  • Asia, Africa, Latin America tropics
  • Malaria persists up to 1 year due to persistant
    trophs in blood
  • Complication
  • Rare paroxysms
  • Synchrony - 36-48 hours
  • Pernicious syndromes
  • ARDS, shock, cerebral malaria, renal failure,
    blackwater fever (due to ICs, hemolysis)
  • Dx banana shaped gametes, rings in RBCs IFA
  • Rx often chloroquine resistant

P. vivax P. ovale
  • Subtropics, temperate Africa, Asia, L. Am
  • Have hypnozoite (dormant) forms - can relapse
    for up to 5 years
  • Tertian synchrony (48 hours)
  • Dx rings in RBCs
  • Rx mostly chloroquine sensitive need primaquine
    to kill hypnozoites

P. malariae
  • Uncommon in Africa
  • Quatran synchrony (72 hours)
  • Persists up to 30 years due to persistant blood
    forms (no hypnozoites)
  • Rx mostly chloroquine sensitive

Babesia spp.
  • Vector Ixodes tick (hard tick) - definitive host
  • Intermediate hosts - deer, mice, cattle, us
  • NE U.S.
  • Like malaria, but doesnt infect liver cells
  • Babesiosis
  • malaise, non-periodic fever
  • Complications Hemolytic anemia, renal failure
  • At risk with asplenia, immunosuppression
  • Dx thick thin smear - maltese cross
  • Rx quinine

  • Worldwide
  • Primitive eukaryotes
  • Lack mitochondria, peroxisomes, golgi
  • Genera that can infect humans
  • Encephalitozoon, enterocytozoon, nosema,
    pleistophora, microsporidium
  • Fecal - oral, swimming pools?
  • Causes diarrhea, biliary disease, pneumo, eye
    infections, meningitis
  • Most severe in immunocompromised, esp HIV
  • Dx stool OP spores are acid fast
  • Rx Albendazole

A couple of things
  • transmitted by ingestion - cysts (except
    toxoplasmaand even then, its sort of a cyst)
  • Parasites that cause diarrhea
  • Entamoeba
  • Giardia
  • Cryptosporidium
  • Isospora
  • Cyclospora

Which organ is most typically infected by
Leishmania mexicana?
  • Skin
  • Gut and skeletal muscle
  • Gut
  • Gut and CNS
  • Blood and CNS

Which organ is most typically infected by
Leishmania mexicana?
  • Skin
  • Gut and skeletal muscle
  • Gut
  • Gut and CNS
  • Blood and CNS

A man who has resided in rural West Africa until
he immigrated to the US 2 years ago comes to you
because of fever and chills. A blood smear shows
8 infected RBCs with early ring form
trophozoites and banana shaped gametocytes. The
most likely cause for his illness is
  • Plasmodium vivax
  • Plasmodium malariae
  • Plasmodium falciparum
  • Plasmodium ovale
  • Babesia microfti

A man who has resided in rural West Africa until
he immigrated to the US 2 years ago comes to you
because of fever and chills. A blood smear shows
8 infected RBCs with early ring form
trophozoites and banana shaped gametocytes. The
most likely cause for his illness is
  • Plasmodium vivax
  • Plasmodium malariae
  • Plasmodium falciparum
  • Plasmodium ovale
  • Babesia microfti

Which of the following can cause
hepatosplenomegaly in kids in Africa, India, and
  • Leishmania mexicana
  • Leishmania tropica
  • Leishmania donovani
  • Leishmania braziliensis
  • Leshmania major

Which of the following can cause
hepatosplenomegaly in kids in Africa, India, and
  • Leishmania mexicana
  • Leishmania tropica
  • Leishmania donovani
  • Leishmania braziliensis
  • Leshmania major

And now to wrap up viruses
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Sin Nombre virus
  • Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome
  • High fever, cough, vomiting, pulmonary edema, CV
  • Endocytosis, fuses with endosome on
    acidification, replicates in cytoplasm
  • Dx RT-PCR, IgM
  • Rx ribavirin
  • Found in Western US

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Rabies virus
  • Bullet shaped
  • Transmitted by inhalation of aerosol, bite of
    infected animal bat reservoir in NW, cats dogs
  • World-wide, year around
  • Rabies
  • Incubation weeks - months
  • Prodrome 2-10 days - fever, HA, lethargy, pain
    at bite site - virus is in CNS
  • Neurologic phase hydrophobia, encephalitis,
    paralysis, death
  • Endocytosis, fuses w/endosome on acidification,
    replicates in cytoplasm, released by budding
  • Carried to dorsal root - CNS - salivary glands
  • Dx Negri bodies - cytoplasmic inclusions
  • Rx vaccine, human If for post-exposre
  • Inactivated vaccine

  • Ebola marburg
  • Fulminant hemorrhagic fever
  • Flu-like Sx then n/v, diarrhea, rash
  • Bleed from everywhere
  • Death in up to 90, ebolamarburg
  • Fast replication in cytoplasm, cell lysis
  • Causes vascular injury, necrosis
  • Dx Level 4 containment, RT-PCR, ELISA
  • Rx quarantine, Ig, IFN
  • Endemic in Africa

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  • Transmited from rodents - people by eating
    contaminated food, fomites, aerosols
  • LCM
  • Lymphocytic choriomeningitis
  • Febrile illness, meningitis
  • Dx level 3 containment, serology
  • No person-person spread
  • Lassa fever
  • Fever, coagulopathy, petechiae, hepatic/splenic
    necrosis no vasculitis or CNS lesions
  • Dx Level 4 containment, urine serology
  • Person - person by bodily fluid contact,
  • Infects macrophages, replicates in cytoplasm,
    released by budding
  • Rx supportive

One last thing
  • Prions
  • Kuru, CJD, others in humans - genetic,
    spontaneous, food-borne (variant CJD)
  • Scrapie, BSE, etc in animals
  • Normal protein (PrPc)
  • Abnormal protein (PrPsc) - insoluble - amyloid
    can induce misfolding of normal one
  • Spongiform encephalooathy
  • Incubates up to 30 years
  • Dementia, ataxia, aphasia, clonus, death
  • Dx brain Bx
  • Rx noneavoid mad cow burgers

Virus can be commonly isolated from the sweat
glands of infected persons.
  • Sin nombre virus
  • Dengue virus
  • St. Louis Encephalitis
  • Ebola
  • Yellow fever virus

Virus can be commonly isolated from the sweat
glands of infected persons.
  • Sin nombre virus
  • Dengue virus
  • St. Louis Encephalitis
  • Ebola
  • Yellow fever virus

Potential etiologic agent of an acute pneumonia
causing respiratory insufficiency requiring
intubation in a 24 year old farmer in Walla Walla
  • Sin nombre virus
  • Dengue
  • St. Louis encephalitis
  • Ebola
  • Yellow Fever

Potential etiologic agent of an acute pneumonia
causing respiratory insufficiency requiring
intubation in a 24 year old farmer in Walla Walla
  • Sin nombre virus
  • Dengue
  • St. Louis encephalitis
  • Ebola
  • Yellow Fever

An intermediate host is
  • An organism that carries the larval or asexual
    form of the parasite without development
  • An organism harboring the adult or sexual stage
    of the parasite
  • An organism that harbors the same parasite
    species as humans
  • An organism in which the larval or asexual form
    undergoes a process of development
  • An organism that is an unusual definitive host
    unnecessary for the mainteneance of the parasite
    in nature

An intermediate host is
  • An organism that carries the larval or asexual
    form of the parasite without development
  • An organism harboring the adult or sexual stage
    of the parasite
  • An organism that harbors the same parasite
    species as humans
  • An organism in which the larval or asexual form
    undergoes a process of development
  • An organism that is an unusual definitive host
    unnecessary for the mainteneance of the parasite
    in nature

One more week to go in your first year!!!!
  • Final Review Saturday May 31st
  • 9-12 a.m.
  • So if youre out dancing the night beforesuck it
    up and show up anyway
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