Title: Design, Synthesis, and Photochromism Studies of PhotoSwitchable Bispiropyran Polymers
1Design, Synthesis, and Photochromism Studies of
Photo-Switchable Bispiropyran Polymers
Tomoko Fujiwara, Department of Chemistry, The
University of Memphis
Spiropyrans/spirooxazines are a class of
photochromic compounds whose molecular structures
are alterable upon exposure to UV/visible light
or changes in temperature. The typical reaction
of spiropyran is the conversion between the
non-polar Sp form with the polar MC forms. We
have designed a functional polymers having unique
spiro dimer compound at the terminus. The
polar face of the MC form dimer strongly attracts
ionic species which can be released through
visible light due to the transformation into the
non-polar Sp form. We have successfully prepared
a bispiropyran-polymer conjugates and a new
spirooxazine dimer by multi-step synthesis.
Other outcomes and continuous studies
include preliminary tests for the ion binding
with bispiropyran and its polymer conjugates,
solvatochromism and photochromism kinetic
studies, and preparation of self-assembly
structures such as micelles and monolayer films.
Photochromism of spirooxazine dimer
MC absorbance
Sp form
MC-ion complex
Ion binding of spiropyran dimer and the
absorbance spectrum