Title: Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy
1 Chapter 14
- Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy
2Marketing Communication Mix or Promotion Mix
Products Design
Products Price
Stores that Sell the Product
Products Package
3The Changing Communications Environment
Marketers Have Shifted Away From
Mass Marketing Less Broadcasting
- Two Factors
- are Changing the Face of Todays
- Marketing Communications
Improvements in Information Technology Has Led
to Segmented Marketing More Narrowcasting
4The Need for Integrated Marketing Communications
- With Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC),
the Company Carefully Integrates and Coordinates
Its Many Communications Channels to Deliver a
Clear, Consistent, and Compelling Message About
the Organization and Its Product or Service.
5Integrated Marketing Communications (Fig. 14.1)
Personal selling
Sales promotion
Public relations
Direct marketing
6A View of the Communications Process
Marketers View Communications as the Management
of the Customer Relationship Over Time Through
the Following Stages
Post- Consumption
7Elements in the Communication Process (Fig. 14.2)
8Key Factors in Good Communication
Sellers Must Develop Feedback Channels
to Assess Audiences Response to Messages.
Sellers Need to Know What Audiences They
Wish to Reach and Response Desired.
Sellers Must be Good at Encoding Messages That
Target Audience Can Decode.
Sellers Must Send Messages Through Media
that Reach Target Audiences
9Steps in Developing Effective Communication
Step 1. Identifying the Target Audience
Step 2. Determining the Communication
Objectives Buyer Readiness Stages
10Steps in Developing Effective Communication
Step 3. Designing a Message
Message Content Rational Appeals Emotional
Appeals Moral Appeals
Message Structure Draw Conclusions Argument
Type Argument Order
Message Format Headline, Illustration, Copy,
Color Body Language
11Steps in Developing Effective Communication
Step 5. Selecting the Message Source
Step 6. Collecting Feedback
12Setting the Total Promotion Budget
One of the Hardest Marketing Decisions Facing a
Company is How Much to Spend on Promotion.
Based on What the Company Can Afford
Percentage of Sales Based on a Certain
Percentage of Current or Forecasted Sales
Objective-and-Task Based on Determining
Objectives Tasks, Then Estimating Costs
Competitive-Parity Based on the
Competitors Promotion Budget
13Setting the Promotion Mix
14Promotion Mix Strategies
Push Strategy
Pull Strategy
Strategy that Calls for Spending A Lot on
Advertising and Consumer Promotion to Build Up
(Pull) Consumer Demand.
Strategy that Calls for Using the Salesforce and
Trade Promotion to Push the Product Through the
15Discussion Connections
- How do the integrated marketing communications
and promotion mix concepts relate to one another? - Describe the promotion mix of a company like
Kellogg, Coca-Cola, Campbell, or some other
consumer goods producer. - What pull promotion elements does the company
use? - What push elements?
- Are the companys communications well integrated?
16Integrating the Promotion Mix
Analyze trends internal and external
that can affect your companys ability to do
business. Audit the pockets of
communications spending through the
organization. Identify all contact points for
the company and its brands. Team up in
communications planning.
17Integrating the Promotion Mix
Create compatible themes, tones, and quality
across all communications media. Create
performance measures that are shared by all
communications elements. Appoint a director
responsible for the companys persuasive
communications efforts.
18Socially Responsible Marketing Communication
- Advertising and Sales Promotion
- Companies must avoid false and deceptive
advertising. - Sellers must avoid bait-and-switch advertising.
- Trade promotion activities are also closely
regulated. - Personal Selling
- Salespeople must follow the rules of fair
competition. - Three-day cooling-off rule
- Salespeople must not disparage competitors.
19Review of Concept Connections
- Name and define the tools of the marketing
communication mix. - Discuss the process and advantages of integrated
marketing communication. - Outline the steps in developing effective
marketing communications. - Explain the methods for setting the promotion
budget and factors that affect the design of the
promotion mix.
20Issue for discussion
- 1. Which form of marketing communications does
each of the following represent? (a) A Limp
Bizkit T-shirt sold at a concert (b) A Rolling
Stone interview with Eric Clapton arranged by
his manager (c) A scalper auctioning tickets via
eBay (ebay.com) for a Korn concert (d) A
music store selling Boyz II Men albums for 2 off
during the week their latest music video
debuts on MTV and (e) Shania Twains
development of a Web page to keep fans aware
of her concert tours, latest recordings, and line
of signature clothing products.
21- 2. The marketing communicator can use one or more
types of appeals or themes to produce a desired
response. (a) What are these types of appeals?
(b) When should each be used? (c) Provide an
example of each appeal using three different
magazine ads..