Title: Unmet Need: Aware and Not in Care
1Unmet Need Aware and Not in Care
- Nicole Diehl, Mark Turner, Kay Holladay
- Division of Surveillance and Care Delivery,
HIV/STD Service
- In 1983, the OSDH made AIDS reportable
- In May 1987, an active/passive surveillance
system and software were initiated for AIDS
- In June 1988, an active/passive surveillance
system and software were initiated for HIV
- In 1990, one single surveillance software was
deployed for both HIV and AIDS
- In 1993, CD4 condition
- In 1997, HIV PCRS was offered to persons
identified through the surveillance system
- HARS is a surveillance database
- - Treatment is not one of the 616 HARS
- - Viral load is not part of the surveillance
definition for an AIDS case, neither is it a
reportable condition
- - CD4 cell counts above 200 are not part of
the surveillance definition for an AIDS case
- - AIDS cases were not updated with additional
CD4 counts
4Limitations, cont.
- CD4 500 is not a reportable condition
- CD4 is not a reportable condition
- Social Security Death Index 1937 1999 79
out-of-state cases
- Medicaid 2004 729 HIV infected persons, 679
(93) were in-care, 50 (7) out-of-care
- 2004 RW CAREWare, HIV Drug Assistance Program
(HDAP), Health Insurance Assistance Program
(HIAP), 1,721 HIV infected persons, 1,287 (75)
were in-care, 432 (25) were out-of-care - HARS local screen variable
6Methodology, cont.
- Chart Reviews 3,497 charts were reviewed by the
Field Surveillance Specialists
- Of these
- - there were 1,512 (43) persons with no known
- - 1,193 (34) were found to be in care
- - 607 (17) had moved to another state
- - 185 (5) not in-care in 2004 but were in- care
in 2005
7Future Plans
- Update HIV and AIDS cases with all reported CD4
cell counts, CD4 s, and viral loads
- Deploy routine follow-up of all persons without a
HRSA definition of in-care update for all persons
that are not lost to follow-up
- Perform a 2000 2004 Social Security Death Index
cross match with the HIV/AIDS database
8Unmet Need Framework
9Overall Unmet Need Estimate
- 5,327 People Living with HIV/AIDs (PLWH/A) as of
12/31/2004 and Aware of Their Status
- 2,735 (51) PLWH/A In Care with at least 1 CD4
count, Viral Load, or provision of antiretroviral
therapy in 2004
- 2,592 (49) PLWH/A Out of Care in 2004
49 of those living with HIV/AIDS in Oklahoma are
estimated to be out of primary medical care in
10Out of Care by HIV/AIDS Status
People Living With HIV/non-AIDS make up 52 of
the total HIV/Aware population, yet account for
63 of the out of care cases. 3 out of every 5
(60) HIV/non-AIDS cases are out of care.
11Out of Care by Gender
12Out of Care by Race
13Out of Care by Exposure Behavior
14Out of Care by HRSA Special Needs Populations
15Out of Care by Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)
16Key Points
- Overall 49 of the Total HIV/Aware population
are out of care.
- HIV Status 63 of those out of care are
HIV/non-AIDS when they make up only 52 of the
total HIV/Aware population.
- Race Blacks and Hispanics are disproportionately
out of care. Native Americans and Whites are more
likely to be in care.
- Exposure Injection Drug Users are
disproportionately out of care.
- Special Needs More than half of HIV/Aware Women
over 50 and Hispanic MSM are out of care.
- 73 of cases diagnosed in the Lawton MSA are out
of care.
17Programs Currently Addressing Unmet Need
- Outreach Case Management Program OKC, Red Rock
Behavioral Health Services
- Community Case Management Program Lawton, RAIN
- Emerging Communities, Primary Medical CareOKC,
- Minority AIDS Initiative, Outreach to HIV
African Americans Out of Care OKC, Guiding
Right, Inc.
- In-Reach/Out-Reach Peer to Peer Program Tulsa,
- Partner Notification Services statewide, OSDH
- Surveillance Field
- Operations Staff
- Terrainia Harris, OSDH
- Dr. Fahmida Kahn, OSDH
- Anne Kozak, OSDH
- Sandy Lucas, OSDH
- Christie McDonald, OSDH
- Sam Nimo, OSDH
- Brady Parsons, OSDH
- Olivia Scott, OSDH
- Guiding Right, Inc.
- Long Term Care Authority
- Oklahoma Healthcare Authority
- Oklahoma Infectious Disease Physicians
- OU Infectious Diseases Institute
- OU Pharmacist Care Center
- Red Rock Behavioral Health Services
- RAIN Oklahoma
- Tulsa C.A.R.E.S