Title: Thank you for your participation
1Session 1
Thank you for your participation
to this experiment.
If you are ready, press any key to start.
2Preliminary Question 1
Which task is the one you most would like to do
among the below six tasks? Please choose one (pl
ease press the number).
- Video game
- Solitaire
- Proofreading
- Black Jack
- Transcribing Audiotapes
- Alphabetizing
Art. Do you think it would be better to use also
Images of individual tasks?
3Preliminary Question 2
Here are same tasks. Which task is the one you mo
st would not like to do? Please choose one
(please press the number).
- Video game
- Solitaire
- Proofreading
- Black Jack
- Transcribing Audiotapes
- Alphabetizing
4- From now, we will evaluate your performance
throughout the experimental session.
- You will be given a subtraction task.
- If you do well the subtraction task, then you
will get to do the task you chose earlier as you
most would like to perform, instead of the task
you chose as you most would not like to perform.
If you are ready, press any key to start.
5Subtraction Task
- Please subtract 7 from 1000 and continually
subtract 7 from the answer. With each
subtraction, write your answers in the blank
paper on the desk until you hear a sound about
two minutes later. - Please write the answers as many as you can.
- Example
- 1000 7 993
- 993 7 986
- 986 7 979
- .
- You have to write only answers.
If you are ready, press any key to start.
6The first session is over. Please call the
experimenter to get start the Second session.