Title: GTSP II Program Plan and Deliverables
1The Presidents FutureGen Initiative Ensuring
FutureGens Success
Presented by The Executives of the FutureGen
Industrial Alliance
10 June 2004
2FutureGen Key Points
- Industry has demonstrated a strong commitment
- The Presidents Initiative is in serious jeopardy
- Lack of Federal funding commitment
- Adverse impact on base coal RD program
- Industry Alliance has developed a funding
solution - Use previously appropriated Clean Coal Technology
funds - New appropriations flat through FY07
- New appropriations through FY09 below FY04 levels
inflation - Stakeholder support
- Significant benefits
- Need Administration commitment to proceed
3A Strong Industry Commitment
- Aggressive 15-month effort to promote the
Presidents Initiative including - Willingness to commit 200M
- Congressional staff briefings and testimony
- Worked closely with House and Senate
Appropriations Committees - Extensive interactions with Administration
officials - Outreach to foreign governments/industry
- Numerous public presentations to States,
industry, and NGOs - Alliance has strongly supported the Presidents
Initiative, even in the face of the budget
uncertainties - However, this is not sustainable without
Administration support
4The Presidents Initiative is in JeopardyThreats
- Up-front Federal Funding Commitment Lacking
- Required for industrial investment
- Minimizes risk of political failure after site
selection - 80 Federal cost-share customary DOE accounting
rules - Adverse Impact on Coal Research Budget
- Not at the expense of the base coal research
budget - Not a replacement for Clean Coal Power Initiative
- These threshold issues were identified in Spring
2003 and have not been resolved
5A Funding SolutionTotal Fossil Energy RD Budget
- Previous appropriations
- 237M of Clean Coal Technology funds allocated to
FutureGen - New appropriations in addition to previous
appropriations - 673M/yr FY05-FY07
- 723M/yr FY08-FY09
- Stakeholder support
- Politically acceptable
- Technically achievable
- Financially prudent
6A Funding SolutionTotal Fossil Energy RD
Budget FY05-FY09
5.0B What Experts Say Should be Invested
Presidents Initiative Dead
3.6B Business-As-Usual Based on FY04 Levels
3.5B We Can Make It Work
2.6B OMB Guidance
New Appropriations
Committed to FG
At Risk
Previously Appropriated Funds
7Benefits of the Solution
- Presidents FutureGen Initiative moves forward
expeditiously - State outreach
- Positive message on jobs, coal, and the
environment - Presidents 2B Clean Coal Technology commitment
viewed as fulfilled from industrys viewpoint - Presidents Hydrogen and Clear Skies Initiatives
supported - Solution is politically viable
8Need Administration Commitment
- New FY06 and out-year budget guidance to DOE
- Update out-year OMB projections
- Incorporate this solution into the SAP on the
Senate and House Interior Appropriations Bills - Personal follow-up with Senate and House
9Back-Up Slides
a Presentation by The Executives of the
FutureGen Industrial Alliance
10 June 2004
10A Funding SolutionWe Can Make it Work
237M balance allocated to FutureGen in FY05, in
addition to Fossil Energy RD funds outlined
- Clean Coal Technology Account
- (previously appropriated balance 237M)
11A Funding SolutionWhat Experts Say Should be
- FutureGen is one part of the fossil-based energy
system - Prioritizing RD requires an understanding of the
complete role of coal - DOE-EPRI-Coal Utilization Research Council
Roadmap - Identifies RD and demonstrations required
- Establishes performance metrics
- Total investment required to complete coal
roadmap 12B(a) of which industry will invest
4.5B. - A FY05-FY09 Total Fossil Energy RD Budget of
5B(b) is required to sustain such an investment
in the coal roadmap.
- Includes version 1 roadmap sequestration
roadmap - Total Fossil Energy RD Budget. Assumes all
non-coal programs are adequately funded. - Includes coal roadmap investment
of 600M/yr 280M/yr in other FE programs.
Assumes 2/yr inflation.
12Coal and FutureGen
- Coal is central to a strong US economy
- 80,000 direct jobs
- Coal is the backbone of the US electricity system
- More than 300 GW of installed coal-fired capacity
- More than 51 of US electricity is coal-fired
- Coal is secure
- 250 years of domestic supply
- Relatively low price volatility
- Relatively insulated from physical security
threats - FutureGen advances the technology necessary to
- Maintain affordable, coal-fueled electricity
- Fuel a hydrogen transportation infrastructure
- Manage the potential risks associated with
environmental issues
13FutureGen Industrial AllianceMembers
- Charter Members
- American Electric Power
- Cinergy Corp.
- CONSOL Energy Inc.
- Kennecott Energy Company
- PacifiCorp/ScottishPower
- Characteristics
- 45 of U.S. Coal Production
- 20 Coal-Fueled Electricity Production
- Operations in 30 States
- Represent all major coal types
- Broad stakeholder engagement
- Peabody Energy
- RAG American Coal Holding, Inc.
- Southern Co.
- The North American Coal Company
States w/operations