PerformanceEnhancing Substances: Effects, Risks, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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PerformanceEnhancing Substances: Effects, Risks,


Anabolic steroids ... Results of unnatural use of anabolic steroids ... Injectable steroids are more potent than oral because of their delivery ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: PerformanceEnhancing Substances: Effects, Risks,

Performance-Enhancing Substances Effects, Risks,
Appropriate AlternativesCh. 11
  • Ergogenic substances- performance-enhancing drugs
    dietary supplements
  • Majority of these substances are promoted on
    basis of unfounded claims
  • Any ergogenic substance has some benefit-risk

Types of performance-enhancing substances
  • 2 principle categories
  • Naturally occurring hormones drugs that mimic
    their effects
  • Dietary supplements
  • Distinction between a drug dietary supplement
    determines whether or not a product must meet
    Food Drug Administration (FDA) approval for
    safety effectiveness
  • If not a drug or does not claim to have
    therapeutic effect, FDA regulations are relaxed
  • FDA will not investigate for safety or
    effectiveness unless health risk is brought to

  • Part of FDA definition of a drug is a substance
    that changes bodys structure or function
  • In 1994 Dietary Supplement Health Education Act
  • Premarket safety evaluations no longer required
  • Can be sold if they do not present significant
    or unreasonable risk of illness or injury when
    used as directed on label or under normal
  • Can also make claims about effects on bodys
    structure function, as long as not misleading

Definition of products that can be sold as
dietary supplements
  • Product intended to supplement diet that contains
    one or more of following dietary ingredients
  • Vitamin
  • Mineral
  • Herb or other botanical
  • Amino acid
  • Dietary substance for use by humans to supplement
    diet by increasing total dietary intake
  • Concentrate, metabolite, constituent, extract, or
    combination of any ingredient described in a)
    through e)
  • Product must also be intended for ingestion
    cannot be advertised for use as conventional food
    or as sole item of a meal or diet

  • Ergogenic substances are usually banned from
    athletic competition when consensus is reached
    that they may provide competitive edge
  • Substance currently banned by International
    Olympic Committee (IOC)
  • Psychomotor stimulants amphetamine, cocaine,
  • Sympathomimetic amines ephedrine, isoprenaline
  • Other stimulants caffeine ( certain levels),
    doxapram, strychnine

  • Anabolic steroids testosterone, stanozolol,
    nandrolone, norethandrolone, methandienone,
  • Other hormones growth hormone, erythropoietin
  • Narcotic analgesics codeine, heroin,
    hydromorphone, methadone, morphine
  • Masking agents diuretics probenecid, furosemide

Anabolic steroids
  • Referred to interchangeably as androgens,
    androgenic steroids, or anabolic steroids
  • Primary androgen is testosterone
  • Most of which is synthesized in testes from
  • Androgens are primary determinants of male
    physical characteristics

Results of unnatural use of anabolic steroids
  • When administered to women will adopt male
    physical characteristics, increased upper-body
    muscularity decreased body fat deepening of
    voice cessation of menstrual cycles increased
    facial hair
  • On adolescent boys primary risk is accelerated
    puberty, rapid growth in size secondary sex
  • Can produce early closure of growth plates

Types of Anabolic Steroids Table 11.2
  • All appear to work through same receptors in
    body, although effects can differ in various
    tissues because of differences in metabolites
    they form how well they attach to certain
  • No highly anabolic steroid that helps an
    athlete more than another
  • High dose of any is likely to achieve
    muscle-binding effect in most people

  • Injectable steroids are more potent than oral
    because of their delivery
  • Athletes typically take higher doses than men who
    take them for medical treatment
  • Testosterone enanthate, main injectable steroid
    used by athletes
  • Readily available in U.S., used clinically
  • Wide range of half-lives (how long in body)
  • Testosterone propionate remains 1.5 days
  • Testosterone buciclate lasts 3 months

Who uses anabolic steroids?
  • Athletes in many sports have tested positive
  • Strength sports more likely FB, wt. lifting
  • People outside organized sports use to enhance
    appearance rather than performance
  • reverse anorexia nervosa- body builders with
    altered self-image
  • Believe that they look small weak even though
    they are large muscular

Ergogenic Benefits of Anabolic Steroids
  • Muscle mass strength
  • Androgens increase body mass in men women,
    including nonfat component
  • Increase in total body water with increase in
    muscle mass, because water is majority of
    cellular wt.
  • May explain decrease in wt. when use is stopped
  • Increases in muscle protein synthesis muscle
    RNA content
  • Athletes may derive benefit from use even if they
    stop use long enough before competition to pass
    drug test

  • Athletic Performance
  • No enhancement of athletic performance has ever
    been clearly shown
  • Most studies involved low doses similar to those
    used for medical treatment
  • Typical end point measure is 1RM which athlete
    was not training for
  • No studies have examined anaerobic power
  • No studies on whether help or hinder aerobic
  • Do not want increase in total body mass, but may
    help prevent muscle breakdown

Psychological changes with anabolic steroids
  • Increased aggressiveness form high-doses
  • Most potent hazardous
  • Improved motivation feelings of well-being have
    been shown in androgen deficient men

Potential risks to performance of anabolic
  • Uncontrolled emotional responses directed at
    teammate when teamwork is critical
  • Unanticipated decline in performance when use is
    suddenly stopped
  • Undesirable increase in body wt. in aerobic
    endurance athletes
  • Effects on performance after use is unstudied

Signs of anabolic steroid use
  • Other than positive drug test or direct
    observation of use, there is no way of being
    certain that athlete is using
  • Most reliable sign is an unexpectedly large
    increase in body size, possibly accompanied by
    substantial strength gain
  • New acne problem, gynecomastia (male development
    of breasts), or sudden change in behavior
  • Medical screening may reveal subnormal HDL
    cholesterol level soft, small testes

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
  • Hormone obtained from urine of pregnant women
    is very close to structure function to
    luteinizing hormone
  • Injected into men, can cause increase testicular
    testosterone production
  • Risks receptor desensitization of testes, excess
    estrogen production of testes
  • Useful in reducing body fat
  • No sound evidence of enhancing performance

Growth Hormone
  • Protein secreted by pituitary gland stimulation
    of physical growth
  • Maintains blood glucose levels, increases uptake
    of glucose amino acids into muscle cells,
    stimulates release of fatty acids from fat cells
  • Main source is from lab synthesis using
    recombinant DNA technology

  • Increases muscle mass decreases body fat in
    growth hormone deficient individuals
  • No evidence if same effects occur in normal men
    women or enhances performance
  • If used for long periods, may produce symptoms of
    acromegaly (disfiguring disease widening of
    bones, organ enlargement, arthritis)

  • Can be produced by recombinant DNA
  • Naturally produced in kidneys stimulates
    production of new RBCs (carry oxygen)
  • Levels increase in response to endurance ex.
  • Enhanced oxygen-carrying capacity of blood allows
    athlete to work at higher level of oxygen

  • Blood doping- athletes reinfused with their own
    RBCs after period of collection storage
  • Risks
  • Additional RBCs may cause blood to be more
    viscous thermoregulatory ability becomes
  • Possibility of sudden death from heart failure

Beta-Adrenergic Agonists
  • Synthetic beta-adrenergic agonists are substances
    chemically related to epinephrine, hormone that
    regulates effects such as lipolysis (breakdown of
    fat) thermogenesis (increased energy
    expenditure for heat production)
  • Originally developed for asthma other
    life-threatening conditions

  • May increase lean body mass decrease fat
  • Used a lot on livestock
  • May cause sleeplessness, nervousness, increased
    heart rate
  • May impair certain types of athletic performance
    involving fine motor skills

Drug Testing
  • Can be reliable effective means of maintaining
    level playing field for all athletes
  • Testers always trying to develop improve
    methods to catch those who think they can beat it

Methods of testing
  • Key elements of effective drug program include
    year-round, random, unannounced testing
  • Tests must be performed by competent lab
    certified in this type of work
  • Tests can usually be developed for any substance
    that does not occur naturally in the body

Problems in drug testing
  • Substances used to mask illicit ergogenic
    substances are now banned can be detected
  • Most masking agents are diuretics, which dilute
    urine specimen make it harder to obtain
    positive test

Dietary Supplements
  • Useful primarily to athletes who have specific
    nutritional deficiency or who do not take in
    adequate vitamins mineral in their normal diet
  • Many advertised supplements do not serve any
    useful purpose
  • Most products are not tested for safety or
    efficacy unless questions about its health risks
    are brought about

  • People can protect themselves against fraud by
    carefully reading the labels claims associated
    with a product
  • Want to by products made according to established
    manufacturing standards (labeled U.S.P) from
    nationally known food drug manufacturers
  • natural has no meaning in terms of safety

  • Reduction in physical performance is observed in
    chronic vitamin deficiencies
  • Especially deficiencies in some B vitamins
  • Recent studies have shown no performance benefit
    from greater-than-normal vitamin intake
  • Antioxidants- reduce tissue damage caused by
    oxidative stress vitamin C E
  • May help speed up recovery, minimize illness or
    injury, sustain immune function

Steroid Replacers
  • Substances that may increase testosterone levels
    either through stimulation of testosterone
    production by the body or by acting as precursors
    for steroid production
  • None are known to be effective performance
  • Androstenedione, sapogenins

Growth Hormone Releasers
  • Intravenous infusion of amino acid arginine
    produces relatively consistent increase in growth
    hormone secretion in normal subjects
  • Has not been shown if oral application produces
    same effect or if any performance-enhancing
  • One of best GH releasers is resistance exercise
    or perhaps any exercise that produces large rise
    in lactic acid
  • Can produce same levels as arginine infusion
  • Do not waste money on

  • Essential for transport of certain types of fats
    into mitochondria for energy production
  • Synthesized in body stored in skeletal
    cardiac muscle
  • Theory is that if muscle carnitine levels can be
    increased, there will be greater utilization of
    fat saving of glycogen during exercise
  • No evidence of performance enhancing effects

  • Found in high concentration in meat
    theoretically increases energy substrate
  • Supplementation clearly increases intramuscular
    concentrations of creatine phosphate boosts
  • CP maintains high concentration of ATP in muscle
    during periods of muscular exertion
  • Critical at start of sprint or other
    high-intensity activity
  • Supplementation would be expected to delay fatigue

  • Taken in form of creatine monohydrate to be able
    to pass through cell membranes
  • Creatine is not retained by all people, these
    people would not benefit from it
  • Reported wt. gains may or may not be related to
    changes in hydration
  • No reported risks, but some may emerge in future

Caffeine other stimulants
  • Effects of stimulants includes
  • Reduced fatigue
  • Increased alertness
  • Increased confidence
  • Even euphoria
  • By delaying fatigue producing euphoric effects,
    the risk that an athlete will be pushed beyond
    safe physiological limits could suffer serious
  • Development of drug dependence

  • Caffeine can benefit prolonged endurance
  • Primary benefit is glycogen-sparing effect
    through increased availability of fatty acids
  • Glycogen-sparing does not occur in all
    individuals appears most consistently in
    well-trained individuals
  • Principal drawback is potential diuretic effect
  • From inconvenience to performance-threatening
  • Individual responses vary with use, each person
    should find out for themselves whether it works
    for them
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