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9:11-16 The people stubbornly followed their own hearts rather than follow God. ... 7:3-7 God offers to let them live if they amend their ways. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Judah Alone - part 2
Judahs Last Years
Auditorium Class March - May 2009 Ken Ledbetter
Lessons 1 thru 5
Lesson Plan
Judahs Last Years
  • Lesson
  • 1. Introduction Overview Timeline and
  • 2. Gods Message of Rebuke through Jeremiah
  • 3. Josiahs Reforms Assyria falls to Babylon
  • 4. Jehoiakim on the throne of Judah First
  • 5. The Burned Scroll Jehoiakims Last Years
  • 6. Zedekiah and the Great Deportation
  • 7. Jeremiahs Prophesies under Zedekiah
  • 8. Siege and Fall of Jerusalem
  • 9. Habakkuks Questions
  • 10. Prophesies of Physical and Spiritual

Judahs Last Years
Approx 650 BC
Overview, Timeline and History
  • Will cover period from about 650 BC to fall of
    Judah in 587 BC.
  • The Assyrian Empire was near its peak. (and
    beginning to decline)
  • Assyrian Kings Sargon II ? Sennacherib ?
    Esarhaddon ? Ashur-banipal
  • The Babylonian Empire was rising.
  • Babylonian Kings Nabopolassar ? Nebuchanezzar
  • Media was growing in power under Cyaxares, who
    preceded Cyrus.
  • Egypt was still a power under Pharaoh Necho,
    although declining.
  • Judah was caught in the geographic middle of
    world conflict.
  • Kings of Judah Josiah ?Jehoahaz ?Jehoiakim
    ?Jehoiachin ?Zedekiah
  • Prophets of God consistently foretold the woe to
  • Zephaniah ? Jeremiah ? Habakkuk
  • False prophets were proclaiming a popular
    message of
  • Peace, lasting peace in this place. (Jer

Judah in the geographic middle of world conflict
Circa 650 BC
Timeline During Isaiahs Exhortation
Fall of Israel - 722
Sargon II conquers Gaza and defeats Egyptians -
Assyria sacks Babylon - 689
Assyrian Siege of Jerusalem - 701
First Captivity - 732
Manassah taken to Ninevah -678
Esarhaddon invades Egypt - 671
740 730 720 710 700 690
680 670 660 650 640
Zephaniah prophesies (c 650 630)
Isaiah (740 700)
Micah prophesies (c 710 698)
Kings Of Judah
Ahaz (735 - 716)
Hezekiah (716 686)
Manassah (697 642)
Kings Of Assyria
Amon (642 - 640)
Tiglath Pileser III (745 727)
Shalmaneser V (727 722)
Sargon II (722 705)
Sennacherib (704 681)
Esarhaddon (681 669)
Ashur-banipal (669 - 627)
Attitude of the People
  • Rather than study the man Jeremiah or his book as
    a whole, we will look at Jeremiahs words as they
    reflect the current situation, his prophesy of
    what is to come, and the attitude and actions of
    the people.
  • Judah had just experienced 55 years of evil King
  • Jeremiah 7 22-31
  • Jeremiah 8 4-9
  • Jeremiah 9 2-8

Attitude of the People
Jer 8 4-9 They have turned away and do not
repent are in continual apostasy hold fast to
deceit refuse to return speak what is not
right do not repent of wickedness saying What
have I done? they do not know the ordinances of
the Lord the scribes have a lying pen their
wise men reject the word of the Lord.
Jer 9 2-8 They are all adulterers an
assembly of treacherous men they bend their
tongue where lies, and not truth, prevail in the
land they proceed from evil to evil they do not
know God deal craftily with their brothers
every neighbor slanders and deceives his
neighbor do not speak the truth, having taught
their tongue to speak lies weary themselves
committing iniquity their tongue is a deadly
arrow speaking peace, they set an ambush for
their neighbor.
Gods Message of Rebuke through Jeremiah
Judahs Last Years
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lesson 2
  • Jeremiahs Call Jer 11-5
  • Began in the 13th year of the reign of Josiah,
    king of Judah
  • (627 BC)
  • Will last until the fall of Jerusalem into
    captivity. (587 BC)
  • Was the son of Hilkiah, a priest, later to be
    the High Priest.
  • Appointed to be a prophet of God while still
    in the womb.
  • It will be a hard task. . . But God will be with
    him. (Jer 117-19)
  • God warns Jeremiah they will not listen to him.
    (Jer 725-28)

Gods Message of Rebuke
  • Jeremiah
  • 114-16 Punishment will come from the kingdoms
    of the north
  • 226-28 People have turned to idols who cannot
    save them.
  • 36-11 Judah did not learn from Israels
  • 525-31 An appalling and horrible thing has
    happened in the land.
  • 66-8 Jerusalem. This is the city which must
    be punished.
  • 613-15 No, they were not at all ashamed.
  • 730-33 Because they sacrificed their children,
    they will die horribly.
  • 911-16 The people stubbornly followed their own
    hearts rather than follow God.
  • 119-14 They have turned back to the iniquities
    of their forefathers and have broken my

The Peoples Response to Jeremiah
  • Jeremiah
  • 235-37 People refuse to acknowledge their sin.
  • 511-12 They have spoken falsely of the Lord
  • 616-17 They arrogantly choose not to listen to
  • 85-6 Every one turns to his own course
  • 1118-23 The people plot to kill Jeremiah.
  • 1413-14 False prophets exclaim words of comfort.
  • 201-2 Jeremiah is beaten and put in stocks.

Gods Response to the People
  • His Concern for His people
  • Jeremiah
  • 414 wash your heart from wickedness, that you
    may be saved.
  • 418-22 God is in anguish over Judahs sin.
  • 73-7 God offers to let them live if they amend
    their ways.
  • His Righteous Judgment
  • Jeremiah
  • 45-8 A destroyer of nations will make
    your land a waste.
  • 511-19 you shall serve strangers in a land
    that is not yours.
  • 618-23 Evil will come from the north because
    they spurned Gods law.
  • 713-15 you did not listen and I will cast
    you out of my sight
  • 734 The voices of mirth and of gladness will
    cease from Judah.
  • 1415-16 False prophets to be stricken down.
  • 204-6 Judah to be carried into captivity in

Gods Response to the People
  • Other contemporary prophets gave same message
  • Zephaniah also prophesied during the early part
    of the reign of Josiah. (Zeph 11)
  • His message forecast similar woe for Judah for
    those that worship idols, who turn from following
    God and who fill the house of the Lord with
    violence and deceit. (Zeph 14-9,17)
  • Huldah the prophetess answers Josiah when he
    inquires about the wrath of God. (2 Kings
    2214-17 or 2 Chron 3422-25)
  • Because they have forsaken God and worshiped
    other gods, He will bring evil upon Judah and its

Josiahs Reforms
Judahs Last Years
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lesson 3
  • Josiahs father, Amon, followed in the evil steps
    of Manasseh, his father. (2 Chron 33 21-24)
  • Josiah became King in 640 BC when he was only 8
    years old. (2 Chron 341-2)
  • He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, in
    spite of his father and grandfather.
  • May have been influenced by Hilkiah, the high
  • In the 8th year of his reign (In 632 BC, when he
    was 16) he began to seek the God of his father
    David. (2 Chron 343a)
  • It is possible he was influenced by the preaching
    of Zephaniah.
  • In his 12th year (in 628 BC, when he was 20) he
    began to purge Judah of idols. He destroyed the
    alters of Baal, the Asherah poles and carved
    idols. (2 Chron 343b-7)
  • Jeremiah began preaching a year after this.

Josiahs Reforms
  • In his 18th year (in 622 BC, when he was 26) he
    set out to have the house of the Lord repaired.
    (2 Chron 348-11)
  • Trusted Hilkiah with the money given by the
    tribes to the house of God to hire workmen for
    the repair work.
  • As repairs to the temple began, the workers found
    the book of the Law. It was customary in
    ancient times to place documents in the
    foundations of buildings..
  • Upon reading the Book, Josiah rent his clothes.
    (2 Chron 3414-19)
  • Why did Josiah do this? See 2 Chron 3421.
  • Even the High Priest was not aware of the
    requirements of the Law of Moses. The book had
    been lost for generations.
  • Josiah inquired of Huldah the prophetess, the
    meaning of the words of the book. (2 Chron 3422)

Archeology and the Old Testament, Merrill F.
Unger, 1954, pg 281
Josiahs Reforms
  • Gods response to Josiahs inquiry Judah will
    still be punished, but after Josiahs time. (2
    Chron 3423-28)
  • Josiahs response He renewed the covenant and
    made all to serve the Lord, their God. (2
    Chron 3429-33)
  • Josiah conducts the Passover for the first time
    in many years. (2 Kings 2321-23 Also 2
    Chron 351-19)
  • In the same year that the temple was repaired
    (621 BC), Josiah commanded the Passover to be
  • By now, the land had been purged of idols, the
    law had been found, the covenant renewed and the
    temple repaired.
  • Josiah had the Levites put the Ark into the
  • We do not know why the Ark was not already in the
    temple or where it had been, but it is notable
    that this is the last time the ark is mentioned
    as being in existence.

Josiahs Reforms
  • Josiahs Fight Against Idolatry
  • 2 Kings 23 and 2 Chron 34 record details of
    Josiahs sweeping reforms, which extended beyond
  • He removed the idolatrous priests.
  • He removed the Asherah pole from the temple.
  • He destroyed the houses of the Sodomites.
  • He destroyed the horses chariots dedicated to
    the sun.
  • He destroyed idolatrous altars made by Ahaz
  • He destroyed the high places built by Solomon for
    his wives.
  • He destroyed the altar the Asherah pole in
  • His efforts went beyond Judah to even Manasseh,
    Ephraim, Simeon, Naphtali (2 Chron 346-7)

Josiahs reform spread from Judah throughout
the entire promised land
Josiahs Reforms
  • 2 Kings 2324-27 says there was no King before or
    after Josiah who turned to God with more heart
    and soul.
  • Josiahs reign is a high point in Judahs
    history, but his goodness did not atone for the 3
    centuries of the peoples sin, especially the
    wickedness of Manassah.
  • Sin sometimes sets in motion certain consequences
    which even subsequent good intentions cannot
  • Given Josiahs reforms, Jeremiah inquired of God
    why he does not relent in his seeking punishment
    for Judah. (Jer 1419-21)
  • Gods answer I am weary of relenting. (Jer
  • Are there applications for today?

The Fall of Assyria (and of Josiah)
  • Median forces attack and take Ashur of Assyria in
    614 BC.
  • Cyaxares of Media and Nabopolassar of Babylonia
    join forces when Nabopolassars son
    Nebuchadnezzar marries Cyaxares daughter.
  • The combined Median/Babylonian forces destroy the
    Assyrian capital, Nineveh, in 612 BC.
  • Assyrian forces withdraw to Haran, only to be
    beaten again by Nabopolassar in 610 BC.
  • Afraid of Babylonian supremacy, Pharaoh Necho of
    Egypt rushes northward to help the weakened
  • King Josiah of Judah tries to stop Necho, but is
    killed in battle on the Plain of Megiddo in 609
    BC. (2 Chron 3520-24)

Assyria falls to Babylon (612 605 BC)
The Fall of Assyria (and of Josiah)
  • In 609 BC, Pharaoh Necho takes Josiahs son
    Jehoahaz captive to Egypt, placing his brother
    Jehoiakim on the throne and imposing heavy
    tribute on Judah. (2 Chron 361-4)
  • Pharaoh Nechos forces and the remaining
    Assyrians battle Nebuchadnezzar at Carchemish in
    605 BC Assyrians are crushed Necho is defeated.
  • This battle at Carchemish effectively brings to
    an end two Empires. The Assyrians will never be
    heard from again and the Egyptians will never
    again be a world power.
  • Thus in 605 BC, the Babylonians now control the
    former Assyrian Empire. Nebuchadnezzar is made
    King of this new Babylonian Empire, having
    succeeded his father Nabopolassar

Jehoiakim on the throne of Judah
Judahs Last Years
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lesson 4
  • The people made 23-year old Jehoahaz (or Joahaz),
    the son of Josiah, King, but he only reigned 3
    months. (2 Kings 2331-33)
  • In this short time, he chose to ignore the good
    works of his father and follow his grandfathers
    path to evil.
  • Why do you suppose he did this?
  • In 609 BC, Pharoah Necho took Jehoahaz prisoner
    back to Egypt and installed his 25-year old
    brother, Jehoiakim, on the throne instead. (2
    Kings 2334)
  • Jeremiah prophesied that he would not return.
    (Jer 2210-12)
  • The people wanted the younger brother they got
    the older one instead.

Jehoiakim on the throne of Judah
  • Jehoiakim exacted heavy taxes from the people to
    pay the heavy tribute that Necho required. He
    reigned for 11 years and did evil in the sight
    of the Lord. (2 Kings 2335-37)
  • Now that Josiahs good influence is gone and his
    sons have led Judah back into corrupt practices,
    Jeremiah renewed his call for reform. (Jer
  • God says If they listen and turn from their
    evil ways, I will relent
  • The peoples response Jer 267-11 This man
    must die.
  • Some defended him Jer 2616
  • In the end, Jeremiah was released Jer 2624

Jehoiakim on the throne of Judah
  • The First Deportation 606 BC
  • Jehoiakims subjugation to Pharaoh Necho lasted 3
    years. In 606 BC, Nebuchadnezzar arrived and
    Jehoiakims reporting chain is changed.
  • 2 Kings 241 Jehoiakim was to be a puppet king
    for Nebuchadnezzar. (Also lasted for 3 years.)
  • 2 Chron 366-7 Nebuchadnezzar bound Jehoiakim
    in chains and raided the house of the Lord.
  • Daniel 11-3 Establishes the date
    Nebuchadnezzar carried away articles from the
    house of God along with certain royal family
    youth, including Daniel.
  • Nebuchadnezzar may have released Jehoiakim after
    securing him as a vassal king or may have taken
    him first to Babylon and then let him return to
    govern Judah as his vassal.
  • He ruled Judah for another 8 years, 3 of them
    under Babylon.

Jehoiakim on the throne of Judah
  • One year after the first deportation to Babylon,
    Jeremiah doesnt let the threats on his life stop
    his message. (Jer 251-7)
  • God says For 23 years I have spoken to you
    again and again and you have not listened.
  • This is likely after the Battle of Carchemish, in
    605 BC.
  • Jeremiah told them to expect 70 years of
    captivity. (Jer 258-11)
  • Nebuchadnezzar will come and destroy you and you
    shall serve him.
  • Then Babylon will fall. (Jer 2512-14) At the
    end of the 70 yrs
  • I will punish the King of Babylon and that
    nation, says God.
  • Message for Judah. (Jer 3513-17)
  • There are those that have listened to My words
  • Example the sons of Jonadab.
  • But you have not. . . and will thus reap the

The Burned Scroll
Judahs Last Years
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lesson 5
  • After 23 years of preaching, none of Jeremiahs
    words have been written down. God now directs
    that to happen. (605 BC) (Jer 361-3)
  • Why do you suppose God requested this be done?
  • Jeremiah enlisted the scribe Baruch to take
    dictation. (Jer 364)
  • This task took significant effort, because Baruch
    complained about weariness and Jeremiah had to
    set him straight. (Jer 451-5)
  • Jeremiah told Baruch to go to the house of the
    Lord on a day of fasting and read the scroll, and
    he complied. (Jer 365-10)
  • People had come from other cities of Judah to
  • This occurred in the 9th Jewish month (winter) of
    604 BC.
  • Court officials hear of the scroll and request it
    be read to them. (Jer 3611-15) Baruch

The Burned Scroll
  • The officials were alarmed at the words of the
    scroll and decided they must report this to King
    Jehoiakim. (Jer 3616-19)
  • They warned Baruch and Jeremiah to go hide.
  • The scroll is read to Jehoiakim, who, as it was
    read, burned it in the fireplace, in spite of
    advice from his officials not to do so.
    (Jer 3620-26)
  • He then ordered the arrest of Baruch and
  • God directed Jeremiah to re-write the scroll, and
    add to it a judgment against Jehoiakim. (Jer
  • Jehoiakim will be deposed, his body thrown out in
    the open.
  • He will have the burial of a donkey. (Jer
  • Jehoiakim disdained Gods word. Do people today
    disdain Gods word? What are some of the

The Last Years of Jehoiakim
  • Jehoiakim must have been emboldened by his
    disdain for the Lords words, because now he
    rebels against Nebuchadnezzar. (2 Kings 241b)
    It is now 603 BC.
  • Jehoiakim withheld his tribute and threw off the
    yoke, hoping to make himself independent.
  • He couldnt re-align with Egypt, because they had
    been beaten back by the Babylonians. (2 Kings
  • For the next four years, God (thru
    Nebuchadnezzar) sent bands of Chaldeans, Syrians,
    and Ammonites to chastise his rebellious vassal.
    (2 Kings 242-4)
  • They cruelly harassed the whole country.
  • because of the sins of Manassah

The Last Years of Jehoiakim
  • Jehoiakims death. (2 Kings 245-6)
  • Secular history says the king came to a violent
    death and his body was thrown over the wall of
    Jerusalem to convince the besieging army that he
    was dead. After having been dragged away, he was
    buried beyond the gates of Jerusalem "with the
    burial of a donkey as Jeremiah had prophesied.
    This was in 598 BC.
  • Jehoiakim was succeeded by his 18-year old son
    Jehoiachin on the throne. (2 Kings 248-9)
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