Footsteps in Faith Catechist Workshop 20082009 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Footsteps in Faith Catechist Workshop 20082009


... must be a person of prayer, one who frequently reflects on the scriptures and ... given in the Harcourt textbook about two weeks in advance of your session. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Footsteps in Faith Catechist Workshop 20082009

Footsteps in FaithCatechist Workshop2008-2009
  • Opening Prayer
  • Sower of the
  • Seed

What is Catechesis?
  • "Catechesis leads people
  • to enter the mystery of Christ,
  • to encounter him, and
  • to discover themselves and
  • the meaning of their lives in him
  • -General Directory for Catechesis, 19

Vision for Catechesis
  • Catechesis literally means echo.
  • In Catechesis, we echo our the faith to the
    next generation.
  • In Catechesis we share our faith, not just teach
    about the faith.
  • In catechesis, you learn and grow in faith
    together with those you catechize.
  • Good catechesis causes conversion.

  • Building upon the sense of wonder, catechesis
    leads people to a sense of the sacred and to
    recognition of Gods presence in their lives.
  • National Catechetical Directory, 145

  • Catechesis has to reveal in all clarity the joy
    and the demands
  • of the way of Christ.
  • -John Paul II, Catechesi Tradendae, 29

Conversion is
  • Transformation
  • Metamorphosis
  • Change of heart
  • Seeing with new eyes
  • I once was blind but now I see
  • Amazing Grace

In Faith Formation, we aim to
  • Nurture peoples relationship with their Creator,
  • Introduce them to Jesus,
  • Teach them to listen to the Holy Spirit,
  • Help them to understand and appreciate the
    practices and traditions of the Church
  • Transform them for a lifetime of faith.

  • How does this vision of catechesis match or
    conflict with your experience of catechesis?
  • In what ways do you see this approach different
    than how you tend to approach Faith Formation?
  • How do you think this vision will challenge you
    this year?

Preparing for the Session
  • Because Catechizing is echoing the faith, you
    must be very careful about what you echo and how.
  • Faith must be shared with conviction, joy, love,
    enthusiasm, and hope.
  • -National Catechetical Directory, 207

  • He or she (the catechist) must be a person of
    prayer, one who frequently reflects on the
    scriptures and whose Christlike living testifies
    to deep faith.
  • -National Catechetical Directory, 207

Preparing Self for the Session
  • Read the Catechist Formation section before the
  • Slowly and carefully read and reflect on the
    readings mentioned in that sessions chapter.
  • Slowly and carefully read and reflect on the
    corresponding weeks Mass readings.
  • Ask God for inspiration and guidance to lead and
    share the faith compassionately and accurately.

Preparing Material for the Session
  • Spend at least one hour in preparation.
  • Read through the chapter given in the Harcourt
    textbook about two weeks in advance of your
  • On the back of your session plan sheet, jot ideas
    for your session as you go along.
  • Revisit this chapter and put together your
    session plan in the week before.

  • What does my daily prayer life look like?
  • In what area of my faith would I most like to
    grow this year?
  • What bible stories do I find the most enjoyable
    to retell?
  • When is my best time to prepare for the sessions?

Footsteps inFaith
Why Footsteps in Faith?
  • The Christian faith is, above all,
  • conversion to Jesus Christ,
  • full and sincere adherence
  • to his person
  • and the decision to walk in his footsteps.
  • -General Directory for Catechesis, 53

Program Components
  • Set up rooms done by 15 minutes prior to
  • Snack?
  • Building Community
  • Centering Community Gathering
  • Sending Forth by grade level
  • Grade-level time
  • Sending Forth to home

Setting up the Room
  • Complete by 15 mins prior to session
  • (Sunday 1130am, Wednesday 615pm)
  • Bulletin board
  • Prayer table
  • Activity
  • Name cards
  • tie-it-together projects
  • Media music, DVD/TV

  • Sunday snack will be coffee, OJ, and breakfast
    treats in the Parish Center prior to your
  • Wednesday snack
  • Do you prefer it in your rooms (held whenever is
    convenient) or in a large group in the Parish
  • What format? Have parents bring food or have a
    parish collection?

Building Community
  • While families are coming together and preparing
    themselves for the gathering, sharing snack, etc.
    please go around and say hello to your children.
    Greet them, meet their families, introduce
  • Start up a conversation how is school, what
    sports do you play, what was something you found
    you could give God thanks for this week.

Centering Gathering
  • Sunday we will come together and center ourselves
    at approximately 1200p.m.
  • Wednesday, if we share a snack as a group we will
    come together and center ourselves at
    approximately 645p.m. If not, we will center at
  • You will need to be present for all of all of the
    gatherings. (If you are running late, please
    sneak in the back.)

Sending forth by grade level
  • When your grade level is called, come stand to
    the front or side so your students can gather
    around you.
  • If you know you still do not have an assistant
    for that class, remind me and I will make the
    call for a parent to help.
  • Once you are collected together, you can go to
    your room (or where you are beginning your

Grade-level time
  • Always begin and end in prayer.
  • Talk about what is on the prayer table.
  • Session may be held in any of the parish spaces
    except for where others already are.
  • Church, Chapel, Memorial Garden, Prayer Garden
    (behind the PC), by Marys Statue in front of
    church, on the grass

Sending forth to home
  • Send something home with the students each week.
  • Pass out any handouts.
  • Make mention of upcoming birthdays.
  • Bless them or give hugs. Make the sign of the
    cross on their foreheads.
  • Do not release the child except to the parent
    (this is why meeting the parents is important).

  • Where is my favorite place to meet with God?
    The car? The shower? In Church?
  • Why is this place the right place for me?
  • What are some conversation starters ways for me
    to open conversation with other families?
  • How can I make my children feel special and loved
    before I send them forth?

Setting up the Room
  • Bulletin board
  • Changing monthly
  • Never blank
  • Can decorate with childrens pictures
  • Seasonal
  • Can use newspaper or wrapping paper as your
  • Prayer table
  • Always have a lit candle, bible, and white cloth.
    Add additional items as appropriate.
  • Name cards/place cards
  • Optional Can add to them during the year.
  • Media music, DVD/TV
  • Some rooms do not have TVs please request in
  • All rooms should have a stereo.

  • The metaphor should be incorporated into your
    classroom throughout the year i.e.
  • Following Jesus
  • Walking a journey of faith
  • Journeying together
  • Standing ground
  • Bible - a roadmap for your journey and a light
    onto the path
  • Jumping and leaping for joy

In-Session Reminders
  • At least one activity during your session should
    enable your children to move around.
  • Keep in mind that children learn in different
    ways sight, sound, music, motion, writing,
    speech, drawing, sharingIncorporate Use
    demonstrations, activities, examples, actions,
    symbols, signs, and story whenever possible to
    help a message stick.
  • Personalize your room to make your space familiar
    and friendly to your children.

Use of Prayer
  • Use prayer as often as it seems appropriate. If
    someone says they have a sick cousin, pray
    together, or put that name on a prayer list on
    the board.
  • Take prayer requests (when Joey says to pray for
    his grandma pray for Joeys and all grandmas).
  • Invite kids to write prayer requests on a slip of
    paper and put it in a prayer jar. You can pray
    over it at some point during class. It can be
    kept on the prayer table.

Tie-It Together activity ideas
  • Fill in the letters A-Z throughout the year with
    a word of the week
  • Make a quilt on the wall with each new piece
    representing the message of the week.
  • Hang one ornament on a tree per week (branch in a
    coffee can) as a symbol for that week.
  • Make a book with enough blank pages for the year.
    On each page the children can individually
    journal or write or draw about what they learned
    that day.
  • Faith ruler start with a ruler going up. On
    the lowest rung goes the first weeks message.
    Each new week gets a new line going up.
  • Memoir book Older kids Make a blank book with
    enogh pages for the year. On each page ask older
    children to write three sentences about what this
    weeks message meant to them personally, how it
    affects them, things to pray about, etc.

Liturgical Connection
  • When planning for your session, ask,
  • How can I incorporate the message from this
    weekends readings and gospel into my session?
  • How does my session fit with the meaning of the
    celebration of the Eucharist?
  • How can I bring elements from liturgy into my

Liturgical Connection Words
  • Dialogue with children as the priest does, i.e.
  • Peace be with you.And also with you.
  • Let us pray
  • May our Lord God bless you in the name of the
    Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
  • Use language they may hear elsewhere (in Mass) in
    your communications with your children.

Liturgical Connection Environment
  • Use liturgical colors when possible.
  • Green Ordinary Time
  • Purple Lent and Advent weeks 1, 2, 4
  • Red Pentecost
  • Pink Advent week 3
  • White baptisms and Easter season
  • Drape prayer table
  • Use colors on bulletin boards
  • Go to church and talk about what looks different
    when the colors change

Liturgical Connection Actions
  • Practice actions they make in Church
  • Kneeling
  • Holy Water sign of the cross
  • Genuflecting
  • Raise arms Peace be with you or during prayers
    of praise
  • Sign of peace shaking hands
  • Hold hands for the Our Father

  • Calendar Overview

Footsteps in Faith
  • Similar to last year
  • Sunday or Wednesday track
  • About twice monthly
  • 17 sessions on the calendar from beginning of
    Sept thru end of May
  • Dates in the yellow handout

Parent Program
  • Held at the same time as the childrens program
  • Speaker or presentation each time
  • Parents are asked to attend at least half of the
    sessions (8)

Family Faith
  • Brand new program this year
  • All-family events open to the entire parish
  • Nine on the calendar
  • Announced and promoted in the bulletin
  • No registration necessary

Family Faith Events
  • Need volunteers and creative thinkers to help put
    the events together
  • First meeting to discuss
  • September 4, 700pm in room 306
  • You will be asked to really promote this to your
  • All are welcome!

Family Faith Dates
  • October 1Teaching Mass
  • October 29Topic Saints Heroes
  • November 26Service Project
  • December 3Topic Advent
  • January 7Topic Rosary
  • February 24 Mardi Gras to Lent
  • March 18Topic Forgiveness
  • April 5Seder Meal
  • April 8Topic Holy Week

Other PossibleFaith Formation Events
  • Christmas Party 12/21 after 1030 Mass
  • Christmas Nativity 12/24 400pm Mass
  • Day-long VBS 12/29
  • Stations of the Cross or Passion 4/10
  • End-of-year bash in lieu of final session
  • Summer VBS week of 6/14 or 6/22
  • Summer series for children

Roles and Expectations
  • Catechists
  • Assistants
  • Catechetical Sunday Sept 21

Planning Meetings
  • Monthly planning meetings
  • For all Catechists and Assistants
  • Prefer weeknight or weekend?
  • Start in September

Catechetical Formation
  • Each Catechist is expected to participate in two
    catechetical formation experiences this year.
  • A magazine subscription to Religion Teachers
    Journal or Catechist Magazine counts as one of
    your formation experiences.

Diocesan Opportunities for Catechetical Formation
  • Catechetical Day Oct 25
  • St. Francis Xavier (Ft. Myers)
  • 800 a.m.-300 p.m.
  • "The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the
  • Keynote Carol Eipers (Sadlier Religion
    Consultant and Author)
  • Catechetical institute next summer
  • Classes at Diocesan Rice School

Local Opportunities for Catechetical Formation
  • Mandatory Catechist Workshop - January 8, 6-9pm
  • Ministry Day of Reflection Feb 14
  • If I find out more, I will let you know

  • Safe Environment
  • Volunteer Packets
  • Fingerprints
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