Financial Reporting Supervision Function of IAASA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Financial Reporting Supervision Function of IAASA


To protect and promote the public interest through effective, independent oversight; and ... (in that context, every person who was a director at the time ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Financial Reporting Supervision Function of IAASA

(No Transcript)
  • Financial Reporting Supervision Function of IAASA
  • Michael Kavanagh
  • Head of Financial Reporting Supervision

Presentation Overview
  • Brief history and overview of the 2003 Act
  • IAASA Board
  • Objects and functions of IAASA
  • Financial Reporting Supervision function
  • Review Constituency
  • Funding and the Reserve Fund
  • Other activities of Financial Reporting
    Supervision unit

Irish Auditing and Accounting Supervisory
Authority (IAASA)
  • Financial Reporting Supervision Function is part
    of IAASA so who are IAASA and what are its
    functions ?

A Brief History
  • RGA (2000) - Terms of reference included an
    examination of
  • whether self regulation of the accountancy
    profession was working effectively and
  • auditor independence and
  • role of the auditor in ensuring companies
    compliance with law and regulations
  • RGA recommended, inter alia,
  • establishment of an Oversight body
  • Financial reporting review function and
  • requirement for Directors Compliance Statements.

The 2003 Act
  • Recommendations of the RGA accepted by Government
    in December 2000.
  • RGAs recommendations given the force of law by
    the Companies (Auditing and Accounting) Act,
  • The 2003 Act deals principally with
  • the establishment of IAASA and
  • Other Measures to Strengthen the Regulation of
    Auditors, including
  • statutory backing for accounting standards
  • audit committees
  • disclosure of accounting policies
  • disclosure of auditors remuneration (analysed by
    audit, audit related and non-audit) and
  • Directors Compliance Statements.

  • Company ltd. by guarantee - Board comprises 15
    directors, nominated thus
  • 2 (including the Chairperson) nominated by the
  • 3 nominated jointly by the prescribed accountancy
  • 9 nominated by the following bodies (1 each)
  • Pensions Board IFSRA
  • Revenue DCE
  • Law Society
  • Chief Executive
  • A maximum of 5 of the 15 directors may be members
    of prescribed accountancy bodies.

  • Those sections of the Act necessary to permit the
    establishment of the Authority were commenced on
    20 December 2005 (S.I. No. 791 of 2005).
  • Requisite Ministerial designation occurred on 3
    January, from which date the Supervisory
    Authority came into formal existence.
  • Many of the Authoritys statutory functions and
    powers were commenced on 3 February 2006 (S.I.
    No. 56 of 2006)

Statutory Remit (S8)
  • To supervise how the prescribed accountancy
    bodies regulate and monitor their members
  • To promote adherence to high professional
    standards in the auditing accountancy
  • To monitor whether the accounts of certain
    classes of companies and other undertakings
    comply with the Companies Acts and, where
    applicable, Article 4 of the IAS Regulation
    reference to IFRS inserted by S.I. No. 116 of
    2005 and
  • To act as a specialist source of advice to the
    Minister on auditing and accounting matters.

  • The Authoritys principal functions will include
  • Promoting adherence to the highest standards in
    the profession
  • Reviewing the financial statements of certain
    companies and other undertakings
  • Considering applications for recognition for
    audit purposes
  • Supervising the manner in which the accountancy
    bodies monitor (including work quality) and
    regulate (including investigation and
    disciplinary functions) their members
  • Where deemed appropriate, conducting
    investgations into bodies and/or members.
  • Co-operating in the development of auditing and
    ethical standards.

Brief outline of IAASA function re Supervision
of Accountancy Bodies
Prescribed Bodies
  • Bodies recognised under the 1990 Act for audit
    purposes (i.e. ACCA, ICAEW, ICAI, ICAS, ICPAI,
    IIPA) and
  • Bodies prescribed by the Minister (AIA, CIMA and
  • The effect of Prescription is to
  • bring prescriptees within the Authoritys
    supervisory remit and
  • require prescriptees to contribute towards the
    Authoritys funding

Supervision of Accountancy Bodies
  • The Authoritys statutory remit, insofar as it
    directly relates to the prescribed bodies, can be
    broadly divided into the following categories
  • Approval
  • Supervision and
  • Investigation/enforcement.

  • The Authoritys approval functions include
  • Approval of bodies constitutions, bye-laws,
    regulations and standards, together with any
    subsequent amendments thereto.
  • Granting of recognition of accountancy bodies for
    audit purposes.
  • The attachment of conditions to recognition.
  • Pre-approval of bodies regulatory and monitoring

  • The Authoritys supervisory functions include
  • supervision of the operation of each prescribed
    bodys complaints, investigation, disciplinary
    and appeal procedures
  • supervision of how each recognised accountancy
    body monitors its members
  • the performance of section 25 reviews of members
    (reviews for the purposes of determining whether
    the body in question is, or has been, regulating
    its members in the manner approved and
  • ex-post review of bodies reports on their
    regulatory and monitoring activities and
    requiring explanations for variances between
    planned and actual activity.

  • To conduct enquiries under section 23 into
    whether a prescribed body has complied with its
    approved investigation and disciplinary
  • Where not satisfied that a prescribed body has
    complied with its approved investigation and
    disciplinary procedures, the Authority may impose
    sanctions on that body.
  • To undertake investigations under section 24 into
    possible breaches (by a member) of the standards
    of a prescribed body.
  • Where a member is found to have committed a
    breach of a bodys standards , the Authority may
    impose any sanction available to the body on the

Powers Sanctions
  • Section 23
  • The Authority may, for the purpose of determining
    whether a prescribed body has complied with its
    approved investigation and disciplinary
    procedures, enquire into
  • A decision not to undertake an investigation
  • The conduct of an investigation
  • Any other decision by a body in relation to a
    possible breach by a member.
  • For the purpose of such an enquiry, the Authority
  • Inspect, and take copies of, all relevant
    documents in the possession or control of a body
  • Require a body to explain why it reached a
    decision referred to above and/or to explain how
    it conducted its investigation.

  • In discharging its remit, the Authority will seek
    to achieve the following objectives
  • To enhance confidence in the regulatory and
    monitoring processes governing members of the
    auditing and accountancy profession
  • To protect and promote the public interest
    through effective, independent oversight and
  • To ensure the constitutions, bye-laws,
    regulations and standards of the prescribed
    bodies conform to a common high standard
    consistent with international best practice.

Financial Reporting Supervision Function
Principal functions of Financial Reporting Review
  • To monitor whether the accounts of certain
    classes of companies and other undertakings
    comply with the Companies Acts and IAS Regulation
  • Developing policy regarding the imposition of
    levies on the Authoritys financial statement
    review constituency
  • Assisting the Board to discharge its functions as
    an advisor to the Minister on accounting related
  • Identifying, and maintaining under review, the
    composition of the Authoritys financial
    statement review constituency
  • Liaising with other countries financial
    reporting monitoring bodies
  • Co-operating in the development of accounting
    standards and practice notes

Compliance with the Companies Acts and the IAS
  • In monitoring whether financial statements have
    been prepared in accordance with company law and,
    where applicable, the IAS Regulation, relevant
    considerations will include,
  • prescribed formats
  • statutory disclosure requirements
  • adherence to applicable accounting standards
    and, in cases of departure from same, disclosure
    of requisite detail
  • any matters to which members attention has been
    drawn in auditors reports
  • where applicable, the requirements of IAS/IFRS,
    as adopted by the EU.

Authoritys Review Constituency
  • The Authoritys review constituency comprises
  • all plcs (whether listed or not)
  • all subsidiary undertakings of plcs
  • all private companies limited by shares that, in
    both in the relevant financial year and the
    immediately preceding financial year, satisfy the
    following criteria
  • balance sheet total exceeds 25m and
  • turnover exceeds 50m.
  • all private companies limited by shares which,
    when aggregated with their subsidiary
    undertakings, exceed the aforementioned
  • all subsidiary undertakings of the preceding
    class of private companies and
  • certain other undertakings, and where applicable
    their subsidiary undertakings, that satisfy the
    aforementioned criteria, including unlimited
    companies and partnerships whose members having
    unlimited liability are themselves limited

Relevant Exemptions / S15 Levy
  • Act provides potential exemptions for
  • certain entities already subject to, what in the
    Ministers opinion, is an appropriate level of
    supervision/regulation and
  • S110 TCA 97 entities (securitisation vehicles).
  • Authority has commissioned research to establish
    the scale of the constituency.

Proposed Approach toFinancial Statement
  • Act suggests a proactive rather than reactive
    approach to monitoring
  • Risk based selection methodologies will be
    employed which may, for example, give rise to
  • entity/group specific reviews and/or
  • issue/sectoral specific reviews.
  • Emphasis will be on instances of material

  • In circumstances where there is, or may be, an
    issue regarding a set of financial statements
    compliance with the Companies Acts or the IAS
    Regulation, and those financial statements have
  • disseminated to members in advance of the AGM or
  • laid before the AGM or
  • delivered to the Registrar
  • the Authority may give notice to the directors of
    the entity concerned.

  • The aforementioned notice must specify
  • the matters in respect of which it appears to the
    Authority that a question of non-compliance
    arises and
  • a period of not less than 30 days in which the
    directors are required to furnish the Authority
    with an explanation of the financial statements
    or prepare revised financial statements.

  • In the event that, at the end of the specified
    period, the directors have neither, in the
    Authoritys opinion
  • given a satisfactory explanation
  • nor revised the financial statements,
  • the Authority may apply to the High Court for a
    declaration of non-compliance and associated

  • If, having considered the matter, the High Court
    is satisfied that an instance of non-compliance
    exists, the Court may make a declaration to that
    effect and may, inter alia order the following
  • the revision of the financial statements and/or
    directors report
  • the re-audit of the financial statements
  • that the directors take specified steps to bring
    the Court order to the notice of persons likely
    to rely on the financial statements
  • that the Authoritys, and reporting entitys,
    costs be awarded against the directors (in that
    context, every person who was a director at the
    time the financial statements were approved is
    considered to have been a party to that approval
    unless s/he can show that they took all
    reasonable steps to prevent approval (section

  • In the event of an application being made to the
    High Court, the Authority is required to furnish
    the CRO with
  • notice of the application and
  • a general statement of the matters at issue.
  • On the conclusion of proceedings, the Authority
    is required to furnish the CRO with
  • a copy of the Court Order or
  • notice that the application has failed or has
    been withdrawn.

Consistent Enforcementof IFRS in the EU
  • The IAS Regulation provides, inter alia, that a
    proper and rigorous enforcement regime is key to
    underpinning investors confidence in financial
    markets and, in that context, thatthe EU
    Commission intends to liaise with member States,
    notably through the Committee of European
    Securities Regulators (CESR), to develop a common
    approach to enforcement.
  • To that end, CESR has established an enforcement
    co-ordination forum, at which the Authority is
  • Through that forum, a database of member States
    enforcement decisions regarding IFRS will be
  • While not having the strict status of precedents,
    these decisions will serve to inform other
    enforcers deliberative and decision making

  • The Act provides that
  • the exchequer will provide 40 of the Authoritys
    funding and
  • the remaining 60 will be provided by the
    profession (by way of a levy on the prescribed
  • Bodies and IAASA have agreed a model for
    apportioning every bodies contribution.

Budget Funding - 2006
  • Total budget 2006 2.297m, provided thus
  • Exchequer 919,000
  • ICAI 757,000
  • ACCA 233,000
  • ICPAI 170,000
  • CIMA 96,000
  • IIPA 54,000
  • ICAEW 21,000
  • AIA 18,000
  • CIPFA 15,000
  • ICAS 14,000

  • Two Aspects to funding
  • - Day to day operation of IAASA
  • - Reserve Fund

The Reserve Fund
  • Section 15 of the Act requires the Authority to
    establish and maintain a Reserve Fund.
  • The purposes of the Fund is twofold, namely to
    discharge the costs associated with
  • enforcement in instances of non-compliance of
    financial statements with the Companies Acts and,
    where applicable, Article 4 of the IAS
    Regulation and
  • investigations into possible breaches of an
    accountancy bodys standards etc. by a member.

Relevant Exemptions / S15 Levy
  • Authority developing policy options on S15 levy.
  • Considerations include
  • risk
  • impact
  • cost/benefit considerations and
  • legal advice received by the Authority.
  • Complexities include
  • private companies turnover and total assets
    figures not captured by CRO. Therefore, a large
    scale manual exercise is required
  • S17 guarantees
  • filers of ultimate group financial statements
  • identity of S110 companies.
  • Public consultation will be undertaken by the

Other functions
  • Assisting the Board to discharge its functions as
    an advisor to the Minister on accounting related
    matters ASB observer status, Liason with IASB,
    advice on various matters as have arisen
  • Liaising with other countries financial
    reporting monitoring bodies member of EECS
  • Identifying, and maintaining under review, the
    composition of the Authoritys financial
    statement review constituency
  • Co-operating in the development of accounting
    standards and practice notes

Further Information
  • Further information on the Authority and its
    activities may be obtained from
  • 2nd Floor, Willow House
  • Millennium Park
  • Naas
  • Co. Kildare
  • Tel 353 (0)45 983600 Fax 353 (0)45
  • Email Web
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