Title: Andrew Hutton
- Andrew Hutton
- Director of Operations
- Jefferson Lab
- Review of the basic accelerator layout
- Injector
- making electrons
- creating electron bunches
- Linacs
- How does RF acceleration work
- Setting up the RF
- Secrets of the Arcs
- Emittance and Optics notions
- Special features
3Summary Accelerator Description
- Beam performance objectives
- 5.7 GeV, 200 µA, CW
- 3 simultaneous beams, independent energy and
current adjustment - Beam polarization 75
- Parity quality
- Design concept recirculating, superconducting
CW Linac - CW for high beam quality
- RF superconductivity for efficiency
- 5-pass beam re-circulation gives multi-energy
operation - Isochronous, achromatic beam recirculation arcs
4(No Transcript)
5Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
2 gain switched diode lasers _at_ 499 MHz 1 G0 laser
_at_ 31 MHz Df 120?
0.6 GeV linac
(20 cryomodules)
1497 MHz
67 MeV injector
(2 1/4 cryomodules)
1497 MHz
RF separators
499 MHz
Pockels cell
Double sided
6Making Electrons
- Photo-electric Gun
- Shine laser light on a semiconductor wafer
- Photo-electric effect kicks out an electron
- same effect as solar cells which make electricity
from the sun - Because the laser can be pulsed, electron beam is
also pulsed - Use three separate lasers, one for each Hall
- provides greater flexibility
- Cathode material is strained Gallium Arsenide
- Laser light of 780nm gives weakly polarized beams
35 - but high Quantum Efficiency (QE1)
- Laser light of 840 nm gives strongly polarized
beam 75 - but low QE0.2
7Polarized photoinjector
- 2 identical horizontal guns installed in 1998
Gun 2 Oct 2000 to Jan 2001
Gun 3 Feb 2001 to Mar 2002
Gun service required once per year. Both guns
provide high polarization (gt70).
8Source perspective
A 100 keV beam from either gun is deflected 15
by a magnet to a common pre-accelerator beamline.
Two laser tables straddle the beamline and
provide a direct optical path to the cathode.
9Diode Laser
- Diode lasers like in your CD player
- Requires additional amplifier to obtain 100 mW
of light - Highly reliable
- Pulse length d 20 ps
- But
- Amplifier does not fully switch off between
pulses - Creates bleed-through
- Have tried to pulse amplifier with some success
still a problem - We always probably use diode laser for Hall B
- Presently using diode laser for Hall A
10Ti-Sapphire Laser
- High power without additional amplifier
- Switches off cleanly unmeasurable bleed-through
- Early laser had noise on the beams
- Led to trips of the safety system
- A Ti-Sapphire laser from TimeBandwidth Inc. in
Switzerland (Tiger) was ordered for the G0
experiment at 31.2 MHz - Uses a different, proprietary method for locking
to RF frequency - Has operated flawlessly
- Can create pulses with d from 20ps to 70ps
- We have ordered another Tiger laser for 499MHz
operation - Expect good performance
- Will be used for future, high current Hall A
11Dynamic laser configuration
Re-re-re-re-configuration. . . 3 end-stations
makes for a dynamic physics program which
requires that the laser table be configurable for
beam qualities Intensity (power) Polarization
(wavelength) RF (1497, 499, 31.1875) Parity
Future HAPPEx2
12Making Bunches
- Beam from 100 keV gun sent through 499 MHz
chopper cavity (one third of accelerating
frequency) - Rotates beam in circle of 1.5 cm radius
- Slits at 240, 0 and 120 degrees allow bunches
of electrons to pass - Slits are individually controlled to regulate
currents for Halls A, B C - The three beams are recombined by another 499 MHz
chopper cavity - Creates 110 picosecond bunch
- Hall A Hall B
- To reduce bleed-through, Hall B uses about 20
µA beam current from the cathode and rejects all
but a few nA at the slits - Improves rejection of leakage from Hall A and
Hall C beams - But
- Makes Hall B current very sensitive to position
movement at the slit - Have installed a fast feedback to stabilize
position - But
- BPMs read position of the average currents for
Halls A, B C - Displaces low current beam if all the beams are
not exactly coincident - Cannot stabilize against laser spot movements
14Making Bunches (cont)
- Beam then goes through buncher section
- Decelerates front of bunch, accelerates back of
bunch - After a drift space, bunch is compressed
(shorter) 5 picosecond - but energy spread in the bunch is increased
- Beam then goes through capture which continues
process - Final bunch length 1 picosecond (3/10 of a
millimeter) - Phases of Injector Rf must be stable to within 1
ps - Can achieve this for short periods of time
- Best in summer and winter
- Injector very unstable in spring and fall
sun-up and sun-down
15Measuring Bunch Length
- Measure the time of arrival of the bunch at a
high frequency cavity (5.988 GHz)downstream of
the buncher - Move the phases of the chopper cavities and
re-measure the time of arrival - Plot the time of arrival as a function of the
phase - Each point is the center of gravity of the beam
- By moving the center of gravity, the result
mimics the behavior of particles distributed
along the bunch - This measurement is accurate to about 15
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17Wave acceleration
18How does RF acceleration work?
- Imagine a surfer riding a wave
- Get on the wave at right time and right speed -
acceleration - Get on the wave at wrong time or wrong speed,
deceleration, wipe-out - A good surfer will speed up to catch the wave and
will then start to move across the wave to avoid
overtaking the wave and wiping out - Matching the phase velocity and the group
velocity - Now imagine an electron traveling in a
radio-frequency (RF) wave - If it arrives at exactly the right time it will
gain energy - If it arrives at the wrong time it will gain less
energy - But If it is traveling near the speed of light,
it will not speed up or slow down it will gain
or lose mass as it gains energy - No wipe -out, but not the right energy at the end
19How does RF acceleration work? cont.
- RF acceleration comes from multiple, independent
klystrons, each feeding one 5-cell cavity - The trick is to ensure that as a bunch arrives at
each cavity, the fields are correct to continue
acceleration - The waves (fields) in each cavity have to be in
phase - Phases have to be set up correctly
- Phases have to stay correct
- Both of these are a challenge
- Each klystron is fed from the same phase
reference, but . . . . . . - must be accurate to a few picoseconds
- klystrons are up to half a mile away from the
source - Thermal problems, stability problems in repeaters
. . . .
20Superconducting Cavities
- Use superconducting niobium cavities to create
the RF fields for acceleration - Very low losses on the cavity walls
- cavity resonance very sharp (Qext 106)
- sensitive to vibration (microphonics)
- Cooled by superfluid liquid Helium _at_ 2 K so heat
transfer is easy - no bubbles to vibrate the cavity
- Helium temperature (pressure) changes the tuning
- keeping all of the cavities in tune requires
automated software - CEBAF Acceleration System
- 330 cavities in 41 1/4 cryomodules, installed and
functional - Gradient limit and Q twice as good as
21CEBAF SRF Cavities
CEBAF 5-cell cavities operate at 1497 MHz with an
active length of 50 cm each There are eight
cavities per cryomodule
22Linac Cryomodules
CEBAF has 42¼ cryomodules with a total active
length of 169 meters
23Superconducting Cavity Treatment
- Gradient specification of CEBAF cavities was 5
MV/m - Average gradient of superconducting cavities as
installed was 7.3 MV/m - Two approaches to improve performance of
cavities, - Helium processing and waveguide vacuum
processing - Carried out in situ
- Aim to reduce field emission
- Average gradient of superconducting cavities is
now 7.76 MV/m - Limit is established with CW beam under standard
operating conditions
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25FSD Trips
- Fast Shut Down (FSD) trips are triggered by RF
arcs and protect the SRF cavities from arc damage - Caused by charging up of ceramic widows?
- Caused by three dimensional gas discharges?
- Strongly dependent on accelerating gradient
- Weakly dependent on total linac beam current
- Pushing energy to
- 5.7 GeV ? 10 hit in availability (just
acceptable) - 6 GeV ? 20 hit in availability (unacceptable)
26Improving RF arc trip rate
- Installed gt50 stub tuners to improve match
- Reduces klystron power for same beam power
- Helium processed all cryomodules (some twice)
- Reduces electron emission in cavities
- Improved algorithm for calculating set points
- Optimize for gradient, current, cryogenic load,
etc - Problem is inherent, getting close to limit
- This year, will try to reduce time to reset trip
27FSD Trip Rate Versus Energy October 99 June 01
28Ponderomotive Force
- Ponderomotive force of RF fields tends to lower
cavity resonant frequency - RF fields have energy, tends to push outwards,
makes cavity bigger - Cavity tuner changes to maintain correct
operating frequency - In a few cavities (so far)
- If cavity trips off at high gradient, resulting
frequency shift is so large - Cavity goes out of resonance
- Cannot be switched back on
- This is the most serious problem for RF control
of the new cryomodules for 12 GeV
29Linac RF Operation
- Operation of the linacs requires sophisticated
high-level software - Automated Cavity Tuning
- Make it resonate at exactly the right frequency
- Automated Cavity phasing
- Make all the cavities resonate in phase
- Linac Energy Management
- Set up exactly the right energy
- Set up exactly the right phase for each cavity
- Maintain the right phase for each linac
30Automated Cavity Tuning
- Sweep Mode (Exact tuning)
- The cavity frequency is modulated over a range of
200 Hz in steps of 5 Hz. - Find the typical response of a resonant system to
harmonic excitation - The measured de-tuning angle ? as a function of
modulating frequency is - compared to the predicted curve to determine the
resonance frequency - as well as the phase offset ???
- Autotrack (locks cavity on frequency)
- Uses the phase offset ???determined above to keep
the cavity tuned to the operating frequency
31Linac Auto-Phasing
- Purpose Precise cavity phasing is achieved by
maximizing the Linac energy. - Arc is used to measure energy changes
- The higher the energy, the heavier it is, the
harder it is to bend so it travels on the outside
of the bend - Phase of an individual cavity is changed by 30.
- Initial beam position and beam position changes
are recorded. - Crest phase is found from
- ?0 initial phase setting, y0 beam position at
?0, y beam position at ? ?0 ?? - Reproducibility better than 1, Phasing time 2
32Linac Energy Management (LEM)
- For a given energy at the end of North or South
Linac and available cavities - Optimizes the cavity gradient distribution using
individual cavity characteristics - Calculates energy profile along the linacs
- Calculates Linac quad values consistent with
calculated energy profile - Downloads and sets RF, Quads (including
hysteresis) and skew quads - Required input
- Maximum gradient permitted for each cavity
- List of available cavities
- Integrated into the maintenance log
- Most useful number energy overhead available
(usually 6 10)
33Global Procedures
- Krest (intrusive)
- Modulate the phase of each cavity
- Observe the change in energy at a BPM in the Arc
where there is dispersion (particles with
different energies have different orbits) - Move the cavity phase until energy does not
change with modulation - Repeated for each cavity
- Each cryomodule is done by hand at start-up
- Momod (parasitic)
- Modulate the phase of the RF phase reference for
each Linac using two different frequencies 800
Hz during accelerator operation - Move the cavity phase until energy does not
change with modulation - Linac is now on crest
34What is Emittance?
- The beam size in an accelerator can be separated
into two parts - The emittance or phase space which is a property
of the beam - The beta functions or R matrix elements which
describe the focusing - In an accelerator, the emittance is defined by
the gun characteristics and cannot be improved
later but it can be degraded - For CEBAF, emittance is the extent of the beam in
six dimensions - X, X, Y, Y, dE, dL
- As the beam is accelerated, the transverse
emittance should be adiabatically damped (reduced
proportionally to the energy) - As the beam is accelerated the transverse energy
of the beam stays constant but the longitudinal
energy increases. It is like pulling on a rubber
band it gets thinner
35Basic Accelerator Optics
- magnets that bend the beam (usually horizontally,
sometimes vertically and sometimes at an angle)
They define the shape of the machine - Higher energy electrons will be bent less (like a
prism in optics) - The edges of the beam have fields that are not
uniform, so they focus as well (like aberrations
due to non-flat prism faces) - QUADRUPOLES
- magnets that focus the beam (like a lens in
optics) - main difference with an optical lens is that if
the lens focuses in the horizontal, it will
defocus in the vertical and vice versa - Strong focusing if the quadrupoles are
sufficiently strong (and close together) overall
they will focus in horizontal and vertical - the result is rather like a periscope in optics
and is stable
36The R Matrix
- The R Matrix relates the output angles and
positions from a beamline to the input angles and
positions. - Xout R11 R12 R13 R14 Xin
- X'out R21 R22 R23 R24 X'in
- Yout R31 R32 R33 R34 Yin
- Y'out R41 R42 R43 R44 Y'in
- The matrix for an uncoupled beamline would have
the cross-terms zero - If the beam is kicked horizontally, it will
oscillate in the horizontal plane but - should never show a vertical oscillation
37CEBAF Optics
- A Linac (LINear ACcelerator) is straight no
bends - In CEBAF, electrons of very different energies
travel together - There is a regular array of equi-spaced
quadrupoles - They focus strongly for the lowest energy pass,
more weakly for the highest pass but still
strong focusing - ARCS
- At the end of the Linacs the beams of different
energies are separated by the spreaders - There is then a regular circular Arc section
(actually five of them) - At the end of the Arcs the beams of different
energies are brought together by the recombiner
38Achromatic Isochronous
- Bunches must be transported around the arc and
all of the electrons must arrive at the other end
at the same place and time - Achromatic electrons of different energies
arrive at the same place - From the Greek a without, khroma color
- Isochronous electrons of different energies
take the same time - From the Greek isos equal, chronos time
- The Arc was designed to be both achromatic and
39Principle of Isochronicity
Isochronous if path length difference in Arcs
equals path length difference in spreaders and
40Types of Emittance Increase
- Filamentation
- In the longitudinal plane, RF focusing in
circular machines causes particles of different
energies to rotate around the RF bucket at
different speeds. This can cause an effect like
an egg beater resulting in real emittance
dilution. This effect is not relevant for CEBAF - Longitudinal variation of Emittance
- If the front of the beam is not in the same
position as the back of the beam, the projection
of the beam on a screen is apparently enlarged
(think of the beam as a banana the projection
is thicker than the cross-section of the banana).
This effect is usually not a problem at CEBAF. - Emittance Projection
- If the beam is strongly X-Y coupled, the
projections of the phase space onto the visible
axes X, X, Y, Y can all be increased this has
been a problem at CEBAF.
41Coupled Beams
- Beam coupling refers to a coupling between
horizontal and vertical oscillations in the beam - Under normal (uncoupled) conditions, the
horizontal and vertical motions of the beam are
independent - Note that a quadrupole has the effect of focusing
in one plane and defocusing in the other plane so
there is a correspondence between the two planes - When the beams are coupled, an oscillation in one
plane couples into the other plane, like two
coupled oscillators - This can lead to an apparent increase in the beam
emittance - Note that Louivilles theorem says that phase
space (emittance) is conserved, so the increase
is only apparent but very real!
42Uncoupled Emittances
In the absence of coupling, the product of the
projections of the phase space area on the X and
X axes is a constant
43Coupled Emittances
In the presence of coupling, the product of the
projections of the phase space area on the X and
X axes is a never a constant and is usually
much larger than when uncoupled
44Causes of Coupling
- Point coupling in the Injector
- Most likely candidates are the counter-wound
solenoids, the cryounit and the cryomodules - Uniform Coupling in the Linacs
- Produced by skew fields in the SRF cavities due
to asymmetry in the HOM couplers - Corrected by the skew quadrupoles
- Point Coupling in the Arcs
- Produced by mis-steered beams going through
fringe fields in dipoles - Most serious in the spreaders and recombiners
- Goal is to reduce coupling as much as possible
- Keeping the accelerator tuned up is a demanding,
delicate task - The operators usually have a Batchelor degree in
Physics (some are studying for their Masters) - They are trained on the job for six months to
become an Operator - It takes another 2-3 years to become Crew Chief
- They try incredibly hard to deliver quality beam
to Users - There are new capabilities all of the time
- We are all learning as we go
- Please give the Operators a break and complain
to me if you are unhappy - Thats my job!