Title: Mobile phone use in vehicles Are they a Hazard
1Mobile phone use in vehicles - Are they a
2Do You Drink Alcohol and Drive ?
Do You talk on a Phone While Driving?
What's the Connection?
3Both Activities Could Kill You
Or Kill Some Other Innocent Person
4Countless Studies have been done in the past
decade and all have conclusively found that
talking on a cell phone while driving increases
the risk of an accident by as much as 4 times.
The increased risk is compared to driving while
impaired by alcohol.
5Cell Phones
Car Phones
Mobile Phones
Bat Phones
Shoe Phones
There are times when you need to have and need a
phone and times when not to use them
6Positives of Cell Phones
Call for help with disabled vehicle
Call for help when lost
Call for help when stuck
7Positives of Cell Phones
Call to report aggressive drivers
Call Emergency Services to report an accident
Call to police when in danger
Call if late for appointment
Call to report drunk drivers
8Negatives of Cell Phones
Increased response time
In-car distraction
Increased cases of non-response
9Hands Free Vs. Hand Held
- Believe it or not, It is not the dexterity
required to use a cell phone that causes the
increased risk of a crash, but the drivers
ability to allocate attention
10Hands Free Vs. Hand Held
- Put another way,
- It is not whether you have both hands on the
wheel that matters, but rather whether you have
all of your mind on the task at hand, that being
11Cell Phones Vs. Conversation with a Passenger
- A passenger can also see the high risk situations
developing and stop the conversation. - Conversations on cell phones tend to be more
intense than face to face. - While talking on the phone your mind tends to
wander to the setting at the other end of the
phone line.
12An Age Old Issue
- Age plays a major factor in the increased risk of
using cell phones while driving. - While on the phone, drivers over 50 years are 2-3
times more apt than younger drivers to not
respond in time, if they respond at all, to
dangerous situations.
13Look Closely. Can you spot the real dummy!
- Does your company have a cell phone policy?
- If not, who will write one?
- Independent of company policy what will you
choose to do in your personal life? - Will you honestly lead by example, not just with
your employees but more importantly with your
loved ones?