Title: Cyber Regionalism and Online Learning
1Cyber Regionalism and Online Learning
New Paradigms in Teaching
Dr. Kevin R. Morgan Professor/Designer St
Petersburg College
2Characteristics of Cyber Regionalism
- The Internet presents a new region for human
WWW Regionalism and Post-Regionalism-Global
Access -Micro and macro communities of interest
New paradigm of information and communication
-Interconnectivity of information through
hypertext -Interconnectivity of communication-
email, discussion -New possibilities for
learning and communication
This medium presents new dimensions of space and
time -Interconnection of geographical regions
on WWW - Synchronous and Asynchronous
communications Any place and any time learning
and communication
3Denizens of Cyber Regions Education
- Non-traditional students
- Geographically diverse (remote locations)
- Adult learners with time constraints
- Traveling professionals, deployed military,
parents, older with responsibilities - Asynchronous time and varied time zones
- Traditional students
- - Scheduling conflicts, large classes,
- Self-motivated individuals (life-long
learners) - - Prefer academic freedom and self-control in
learning - - Prefer convenience of online learning
- - Prefer flexibility working of any time any
4Implications of the Cyber Region for Education,
Literacy, and Literature
More students can learn from any place and any
Non-traditional students can now have access to
More information is available than ever imagined,
but it
- needs to be filtered by content experts.
- needs to be organized for student use.
- needs to be shared, discussed, and
Online information and communication requires
- Information literacy to navigate, synthesize and
- Communication literacy requires a written
format as email, discussion, and chat (mostly
asynchronous- any time)
5Continuous Cycle of Cyber Learning
Cyber resources
Cyber Journeys
Student evaluation -Mastery of content -
Discussion Activity
Communications Email-professor Discussion-
Course Evaluation
Note Instruction is part of online course
design. While the instructor facilitates
delivery, learning becomes student-directed, not
teacher-led. Evaluation begins a new cycle.
6Components of Designing Online Learning
Cyber Resources
Online Research
Audio and Video Instruction
Multi-media resources
Multiple learning styles
Content Organization
Additional Resources
Graphic Banners
Interactive Study Guides
(QA) Chat
Research Essays
(Student-Student) Discussion
Course Evaluations
Exams Responses
(Student-Teacher) Email
7Cyber Journeys A New Paradigm in Constructivist
Learning Online
The Internet is a rich resource for most subject
Cyber resources can be organized to present
students with multiple possibilities of related
subject materials.
Students discover information and construct
knowledge, making their own unique cyber journeys.
Students control the pace, content, and direction
of their own learning pathways and shared
Students acquire content literacy, information
literacy, and communication skills learning
8Discussion Participation in the Cyber Region
Asynchronous discussion is continuous, although
not at the same time (synchronous), except when
using chat.
Discussion in online classes becomes the major
area of participation and all student to student
- Students post online who do not speak in
- Discussion online should be required and
rewarded for both quality and quantity as a
significant part of total grade.
Discussion is best when it is student-led and
initiated with minimum faculty involvement-
except questions, criteria, periodic
reinforcement, and evaluation.
9Evaluation in Online Learning Environments
Suggestions for Evaluation Online
- Tests should be entirely online for distance
Spread evaluation over a variety of activities
- participation, assignments, quizzes and tests
Use open-ended responses in content-evaluation.
Weight participation/discussion heavily for
quantity and quality.
Make Course Evaluations for students to evaluate
online course.
- Formative feedback to improve course
- Summative feedback to share and disseminate.
10Project Eagle Grant Congressional awards worth
over 10 million
Purpose To create a National Model for
increasing access to education - Students and
Workforce training anywhere and anytime.
Product The eCampus of St. Petersburg College
- Seven Years of Phenomenal Growth to over 17,000
(Spring 06)
- Awarded Outstanding Online Program in Nation-
2003-2006 by - the Instructional Technology Council
- Recognized (3) Outstanding Online Educators
2003-2006 by - the Instructional Technology Council
- Currently offering 321 different courses and
544 sections online.
Research, Evaluation and Dissemination
2003-2007 Project Eagle II 4,470,750
2004-2007 Project Eagle I B 1,491,150 Total
11Contact Information
St. Petersburg College http//www.spcollege.edu/
Seminole Campus http//www.spcollege.edu/se/
eCampus http//www.spcollege.edu/ecampus/
Project Eagle http//www.spcollege.edu/eagle/
Dr. Kevin R. Morgan morgank_at_spcollege.edu