Title: Weavers Way CoOp Member Survey
1Weavers Way Co-Op Member Survey
- Member priorities and report card members shop
- Members views on the coops community values
- Member thoughts for new coop strategic
direction - Membership demographics, who are we and what
do we look like
- Self-administered 40 question web survey
- 490 invitations emailed to current Weavers Way
members - 355 (72) completed surveys, 137
completed by paper (high paper response)
4Gap AnalysisCriteria for Choosing to Shop at
Weavers WayImportance versus Weavers Way
Mean Ratings 1Low 5High
- Cleanliness, customer service, staff friendliness
and a welcoming atmosphere are most important to
co-op members - Generally, members see room for improvement on
all these dimensions, but especially on
5Gap AnalysisSpecific Type of Products and
Shopping DecisionsImportance versus Weavers Way
Local Products
Fresh Meats, Poultry
Dairy (Milk, Yogurt)
Organic Products
Prepared Foods
Ethnic Products
- Produce is especially important in shopping
decisions of co-op members. But a variety of
other product categories are also considered
important. - Members clearly identify areas where they think
co-op product offerings need to be improved
(produce, local products, fresh meats/poultry)
and where they excel (cheese, bread, dairy)
6Gap AnalysisSpecific Type of Products and
Shopping DecisionsImportance versus Weavers Way
Performance (continued)
- The co-op performance clearly exceeds
expectations for many product categories rated as
less important in their shopping decisions by
7Shopping at Weavers Way and Other Stores
8Frequency of Shopping at Weavers Way
- Most co-op members report shopping once a week or
more (63) and relatively few shop only once a
month or less at the coop (13)
9Other Store Shopped At Most Often
- Local stores (ACME and Superfresh) are the most
frequently used alternatives to the co-op - Among non-local alternatives, Whole Foods and
Trader Joes are the most frequently mentioned
10Proportion of Weekly Grocery Budget Spent at
Weavers Way Versus Other Store Shopped Most Often
- Co-op members spend a significantly higher
proportion of their households weekly grocery
budget at Weavers Way compared to the other
store they shop at most frequently
11Average Amount Per Week Spent at Weavers Way
Versus Other Store Shopped Most Often
- There is not a statistically significant
difference between what co-op members spend at
the co-op vs. another store at which they also
shop, suggesting that those spending more money
are more likely to shop at other stores besides
the co-op
12Importance of Selected Reasons for Shopping at
Weavers Way - Mean Ratings 1Not at All
Important 5Very Important -
- Among the many reasons that members shop at the
co-op, support for co-op values, support for the
co-op and being part of the community are top
rated reasons
13Importance of Selected Reasons for Shopping at
Other Store Shopped Most Often - Mean Ratings
1Not at All Important 5Very Important -
- Product selection (cant get specific products at
the co-op) is the most important single reason
why members shop elsewhere
14Importance of Selected Reasons for Shopping at
Weavers Way Versus Other Store Shopped Most
Often- Mean Ratings 1Not at All Important
5Very Important -
- Weavers Way is rated significantly higher than
Other Stores on every measure except has specific
items that I cant get at the co-op, on which the
other stores score higher
15Shopping Related Values
16Relative Importance of Shopping Related Values -
Allocation of 100 Points Among Items -
- Healthy and high quality food rates highly as an
important co-op value, followed by lower price,
ethnic diversity of products, the work
requirement and selling to members only
17Relative Importance of Co-Op Related Community
Values - Allocation of 100 Points Among Items -
- The co-op related community values all receive
support from the membership - Given a choice of co-op related community values,
maintaining environmental programs, reflecting
community diversity in membership and staff are
rated slightly higher than the urban farm and the
student run marketplace at Henry school
18Relative Importance of Co-Op Related Social
Values - Allocation of 100 Points Among Items -
- All the co-op related social values receive
support from the membership - Higher support is expressed for living
wages/benefits for staff, supporting local
farmers, and commitment to the environment in
19Co-Op Membership Experience
20Length of Co-Op Membership
- Average membership is 8 years with more than one
third of the members reporting that their
association with the co-op exceeds 10 years - One quarter of the membership have been members
from one through three years
21Feeling About Co-Op Membership
- Feelings about the co-op membership are extremely
22Agreement with Statements About Work Requirement
- Mean Ratings Strongly Agree4 Strongly
- While agreement that working at the co-op is a
valuable experience is high, there is less
uniformity in preserving the current work
23Likelihood of Working More Co-Op Hours for
Additional Discount on Food
- Overall there is considerable support for this
concept, with 40 saying they are very or
somewhat likely to use this option
24Likelihood of Paying 10 Per Hour to Weavers Way
Part-Time Staff for Doing Co-Op Hours
- Support for this concept is relatively weak, with
only 26 reporting that they are very or somewhat
likely to use this option
25Member Opinions About Second Store
26Level of Support for Opening Second Store
- Member opinions tend to be positive regarding the
opening of a second store, with 62 expressing
some level of support and another 24 indicating
that they had no view/preference on the matter
27Preferred Location for Second Store (Aided)
- There is no member consensus on where the co-op
should open a second store
28Interest in Weavers Way Business Opportunities
- Mean Ratings 1Not at All Interested 5Very
Interested -
- None of the new business options received strong
support from the membership - Top rated areas for new business opportunities
include a café, a restaurant, catering/food
29Co-Operator Demographic Profile
30Proximity and Transportation to Co-Op
Distance of Home from Co-Op
Zip Code
Transportation to Co-Op Used Most Often
- More than half of co-op members live in the 19119
zip code (Mt. Airy), and live within one mile of
the co-op - Almost 80 of the members drive to the co-op
31Age and Income
Household Income
- The membership of the co-op skews slightly
younger and higher income (vs. 46,520) than Mt.
Airy as a whole
32Household Composition
Have Children 15 or Younger
- Compared with Mt. Airy as a whole, co-op members
are much more likely to have children in their
household, and are much more likely to be white