Title: Update in Parkinsons disease
1Update in Parkinsons disease
Monique L. Giroux, MD Medical Director, Booth
Gardner Parkinson's Care Center
2Parkinsons Disease
3Idiopathic Parkinsons disease
- A loss of dopamine
- Or is it?
4Pathology- Braaks Stages
- I DMN Vagus, Auerbachs plexus
- III SNpc, Amygdala, BFN, Hypothalamus
- IV Temporal Neocortex
- V Depigmentation SN, PF and Sensory Assoc
Cortex - VI Neocortex
- Braak 2004, Cell Tissue Res 318. 123-134
5Preclinical detection
- Loss of smell
- Depression
- Constipation
- REM Sleep behavior Disorder
6Current Medical Strategies
Pharmacologic Strategies
- Replace Dopamine
- Block Acetylcholine
- ? Other targets
7Medical Strategies
Minimize Adverse Events or Motor Complications
- Dyskinesia
- Enough is Enough
- Confusion
- Hallucination
- Hypersomnolence, Sleep Problems
- Orthostasis
- Impulsivity and pathologic gambling
- Effective for tremor
- Trihexyphenidyl
- Benztropine
- Akineton
9Treating Parkinsons Disease- Dopamine
- Carbidopa/Ldopa- (Sinemet, Parcopa)
- Amantadine
- Dopamine Agonists- Ropinirole (Requip,
Pramipexole (Mirapex), Pergolide (Permax),
Apomorphine (Apokyn), rotigotine (Neupro) - Enzyme Inhibitors
- COMT Inhibitor- Entacapone (Comtan, Stalevo, )
- MAO B Inhibitor- Selegeline (Eldepryl, Zelopar),
10Treating Motor Symptoms New Medicines
- Parcopa
- Rasagiline (Azilect)
- Zydis Selegeline (Zelopar)
- Rotigotine (Neupro)
11Mild Disease
- Rasagiline- MAO B inhibitor
- Taken once daily
- Dietary restrictions
- Can not use with certain medications
- Demerol, Tramadol,
- Certain antidepressants, cold medicines
12Mild Disease
- Rotigotine (Neupro)
- Once a day patch- 2mg-4mg-6mg
- Dopamine Agonist
- ? Must weigh risk and benefit
- Skin reaction
- More continuous delivery of medicine
13LDOPA Related Side Effects
- 50-60 of patients treated with L-Dopa will
develop motor complications within 5 years of
their disease - Dyskinesia, Dystonia
- Motor Fluctuations
- Ahlskog 2002 Movement Disorders
14Motor ComplicationsMedical treatment
- Fractionate LDopa
- Adjuvant therapy- increase half life
- COMT Inhibitors
- MAO B Inhibitors
- Dopaminergic agonists
- Amantadine
- Deep Brain Stimulation
15Motor Complications
- Zydis Selegeline (Zelopar)
- Rasagiline (Azilect)
- Apomorphine (Apokyn)
16Motor complications
- Zydis Selegeline (Zelopar)
- MAOB inhibitor
- Dissolves on tongue
- Less side effects
17Rescue therapy
- Apomorphine (Apokyn)
- Fast Acting
- Injectable- subcutaneous
- Onset 10-20minutes
- Duration
- Must be started in doctors office
- Pretreatment with nausea medicine
18Deep Brain Stmulation
- Goals for surgery
- Tremor reduction
- Reduce Off Increase On periods
- Dystonia
- Dyskinesia managment
19DBS for Parkinsons disease
- Inclusion Criteria
- Diagnosis of idiopathic Parkinson's disease
- Response to Ldopa
- Medical therapy optimized or limited
- Disabling tremor, dyskinesia, or motor
fluctuations - No dementia or unstable comorbid medical Problems
- Appropriate patient expectations
- Adequate Support and compliance
20Treating Motor Symptoms- Future Medicines
undergoing research
- Antidyskinesia
- Amantadine, Namenda, Talampanel
- Istradefylline- Adenosine blocker
- Levetiracetam
- ACP 103- 5HTP blocker
- Fipamezole- Alpha adrenergic blocker
21Treating Motor Symptoms - New Delivery
- LDopa
- Sinemet- Ldopa/Carbidopa
- Stalevo- Ldopa/Carbidopa/Entacapone
- Parcopa- dissolvable tab
- Duodopa- Ldopa gel/GI infusion pump (not
available in US)
22 Treating Motor Symptoms- Future Medicines
undergoing research
- Duodopa- approved in Europe and Canada (under
study in US) - Research trial
- Ldopa infused directly into the small intestines
- Infusion catheter and pump
- Continuous dopamine stimulation
- Reduces Off time
23Neuroprotective Strategies
- Hormones
- Estrogen
- Dopaminergic agents
- Nicotine, dopamine agonists, levodopa
- A2A (adenosine receptor) antagonists
- Istradefylline, caffeine
- Anti-inflammatory agents
- Minocycline, aspirin, COX-2 inhibitors, NSAIDs,
tetracycline - Growth/Neurotrophic factors
- Neuroimmunophilins -GPI-1485, GDNF, GM-1
ganglioside, SR57667, proprarygylamines
- Bioenergetic agents
- Coenzyme Q10, creatine
- Antioxidants
- Vitamin E, C, iron chelators
- MAO-B inhibitors
- Selegiline, rasagiline
- Anti-apoptotic agents
- Mixed lineage kinase inhibitors (CEP-1347,
TCH346, rapamycin, selegiline, rasagiline)
caspase inhibitors - NMDA-receptor antagonists
- Amantadine, memantine
24Neuroprotection- BrakesProtect future nerve
cell death
- NINDS Committee to idenitfy Neuroprotective
Agents Nonfutile Drugs - CoEnz Q10 Cell energy (1200mg, 2400mg, 360mg)
- Minocycline- Cell death and anti-inflammatory
- Creatine- Cell energy
- GPI 1485 Stimulates nerve growth
25What Can I do?
- Exercise
- Reduced risk of PD
- Protects animals from experimental PD
- Mind body connection
- Stress, Mood, Wellbeing, Life Quality
- CoEnz Q10 1200mg, 2400mg, 360mg
- Diet- Antioxidants- natural Vit E
- Reverse nerve damage
- Promote repair and growth of nerve cells
27Transplant and Gene therapies
28Neurorestoration- ReverseBrain Grafts- Fetal
- No difference between sham surgery and fetal cell
- Increase Dopamine Measures
- OFF Medicine dyskinesia
- Mild and Younger
29Gene Therapy
- 1. Restore Dopamine synthesis
- 2. Revive or Protect Cells
- 3. Correct Circuitry
- 4. Interfere in pathogenesis
30Nonmotor Symptoms
- Depression
- Dementia-
- Rivastigmine approved for dementia in PD
- New patch delivery
- Pain
- Sleep
- Hypersomnolence- Provigil- caution skin reaction
31Nonmotor Symptoms- Dementia
- Rivastigmine- (Exelon)
- Improves cognitive symptoms
- Improves behavioral symptoms- Apathy,
hallucinations - Twice daily dosing and slow titration due to GI
side effects - New Patch