Title: Careers in Foreign Languages
1Careers in Foreign Languages
- Department of Foreign Languages
- March 22, 2005
2What have Albion Foreign Language graduates done
after graduation?
3They have. . .
- worked with the US government, in public policy
or politics - joined the staff of International Consulates and
Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) - organized international events and worked in
public relations - become international photographers,
environmentalists and museum curators - gotten jobs in international business and banking
(both in the US and outside of the country)
4And they have. . .
- worked in the area of hotel, restaurant and
tourism, as well as with airlines - of course, they have become recognized teachers
for their excellent preparation and effectiveness
in the classroom.
5Others have gone to graduate schools in
- Law
- Medicine
- Public policy
- PhD programs in Foreign Languages, International
Development, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences. .
. .
6Some who were not sure of what to do found
employment right after graduation in the
following areas
- Teaching English abroad for 1-3 years (in Europe
and in Asia) - Joined the Peace Corps for 3 years
- Joined Teach America for 1-3 years
7Some of our more illustrious alums are
- Carolyn Aishton, member of our Board of Trustees
and former Vice-President of Avon Corporation - Michael Halbig, Associate Dean of the US Naval
Academy - Mark Shauer, Michigan State Senator
8Related Career Titles for Foreign Language
9Related Career Titles for Foreign Language
10(No Transcript)
11Related Career Titles for Foreign Language
Majors, continued
12International Jobs Center
- Hot Jobs this Week
- Click on the desired subject area to go directly
to those jobs. - International Development Assistance Positions
- International Understanding Education
Communications Exchange - Foreign Policy Governance Intelligence
- International Environmental Programs
- International Commerce
- International Engineering Computer System
Support - International Program Administration Foreign
Language Support - International Internships
- International Health Care
13What can you do now?
- Learn as much as you can at Albion College
because your career is starting NOW. - Think about what you like to do and what your
talents are. - Talk to your professors about possible careers
- Participate in off-campus study and internships
- Visit the Career Development office and begin to
develop your résumé, and learn how to access
career information and how to strategize.
14And . . .
- Take advantage of this room full of interested
people to ask questions and gather information!!