Assessment Issues faced by Child Protection Investigation Officers working with families from Cultur - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Assessment Issues faced by Child Protection Investigation Officers working with families from Cultur


... respondents use an interpreter or translator service when working with CALD families. The ... Increasing information on Interpreter & Translation Services ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Assessment Issues faced by Child Protection Investigation Officers working with families from Cultur

Assessment Issues faced by Child Protection
Investigation Officers working with families from
Culturally And Linguistically Diverse
  • An Australian Exploratory Study By
  • Ms Jatinder Kaur
  • M. Soc, B.A. (Psy)

  • Australias population is increasingly becoming
    more diverse, whereby the ABS reported in 2001
  • 17 (603, 800) of Queensland's population was
    born overseas
  • 7.4 (261, 297) were born in a Non-English
    Speaking Country.
  • In South East Qld there is high proportion of
    CALD communities whereby the highest proportion
    of overseas born residents resided
  • Logan (24.9), Brisbane (22.7) and Gold Coast

Increase in Number of Child Protection
  • The number of child protection notifications has
    doubled over the last six years in Australia
  • 107, 134 notifications in 1999-2000
  • 252, 831 notification in 2004-05
  • (Australian Institute of Health Welfare, 2006)
  • However this report does not reflect the number
    of children from CALD background who entered the
    child protection system across Australia.

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD)
  • is commonly used to describe people who have a
  • cultural heritage different from that of the
    majority of people from the dominant
    Anglo-Australian culture (Department of Child
    Safety Practice Paper-Working with CALD families,
  • Culture is defined as
  • an integrated pattern of human behaviour that
    includes thoughts, communications, actions,
    customs, beliefs, values and institutions of
    racial, ethnic, religious or social group
  • (Cross, Bazron, Dennis Isaacs, 1989)

Linguistic Diversity
  • Australia is one of the most linguistically
    diverse countries in the world where some 200
    languages are spoken. Inevitably Professionals
    working in child protection authorities will come
    into contact with families from CALD
  • The co-existence of multiple languages has been
    commonly cited as language barriers to
    communication with CALD families (Harrison,
  • Communicating with immigrant and refugee families
    is difficult as those individuals display
    mistrust of authority, fear of exposure, past
    experiences of oppression as barriers to access
    services (Segal Maydas, 2005).

Use of Interpreters
  • Not all CALD families would require an
    interpreter, the practitioner would need to
    determine the level of English comprehension and
    understanding of the CALD family.
  • The failure to recognise the importance of
    language identity was highlighted in the Victoria
    Climbie Inquiry in the U.K. whereby this failure
    was found to compromise a childs ability to
    disclose and led to her subsequent death. Lord
    Laming (2003) recommended that where a Childs
    first language is not English they must have
    access to an interpreter when there are child
    welfare concerns.
  • Chand (2005) argued that it is vital for
    interpreters to be appropriately trained in the
    concepts associated with child maltreatment and
    neglect when used by child protection

Assessment Framework encompassing Culture
  • Interpreting differing standards of child rearing
    practices for CALD communities that are from
    diverse racial, ethnic and religious background
    is complex and difficult (Koromoa, Lynch
    Kinnair, 2002).
  • The practitioner has to distinguish between
    whether abuse meets the definition of child abuse
    or whether to attribute it to unfamiliar child
    rearing practices for that family.
  • There is a need to ensure that assessments allow
    for cultural, social, political and economic
    factors when determining child abuse has occurred
    or not. And to ensure that there is not an
    imbalance of CALD families to Anglo families in
    the child Protection system (Fontes, 2005 Cohen,

Implications of Binarism for child protection
practice with CALD families
  • There is debate in the literature where there is
    tendency to use contradictory approaches when
    intervening with CALD families.
  • Both of these approaches are discussed
  • 1.The Heavy Handed Approach with CALD families
  • CALD families being subjected to ethnocentric
  • Oppressive statutory interventions
  • Over representation of CALD families in Care
  • E.G. In USA there is over representation of
    African American, Native American and Latin
    American children in comparison to percentage of
    population (US Dept of Health Human Services,

Implications of Binarism for child protection
practice with CALD families
  • 2. The Reluctance to Intervene with CALD
  • Research from the UK has shown that
  • Workers frequently pathologising and stereotyping
    CALD families
  • Workers over relying on cultural explanations for
    abuse neglect
  • Failure to accommodate the diversity within
    ethnic minorities

Child Protection In Queensland
  • In Queensland the rate of children aged 0-16
    years who were subject of child protection
    substantiation in 2004-05 was 14.1 per 1,000
    investigated cases (AIHW, 2006)
  • Following two separate inquiries Forde Inquiry
    (1999) and CMC Inquiry (2003), the Queensland
    Government brought in new legislation Child
    Protection Act, 1999 and new Department of Child
  • The Department of Child Safety has implemented
    all 110 CMC recommendations as part of the reform
    of the Queensland Child Protection System. The
    Department is now proceeding in new phase of
    development of the CP system in Queensland.

Cultural Provision in CPA 1999
  • In developing the Child Protection Act, 1999, a
    number of provisions relating to culture were
  • Section 5 (e) (i) states
  • Actions taken while in the best interests of the
    child, maintain family relationships and are
    supportive of individual rights and ethnic,
    religious and cultural identity or values.
  • If the child is removed from childs family,
    Section 5 (g) (11) states
  • The childs need to maintain family and social
    contacts and ethnic and cultural identity must be
    taken into account.

Cultural Competency in Child Protection
  • Cross cultural competence infers that an
    individual or an organization is able to work
    effectively with people from CALD backgrounds
    (Department of Child Safety Practice
    Paper-Working with CALD Clients, 2006).
  • Cultural competence also has a political and
    activist component in promoting empowerment and
    inclusion of culturally diverse professionals in
    decision-making positions (Korbin, 2002).

Aims of the Study
  • Explore Assessment Issues faced by CSOs when
    working with CALD families
  • Explore the level of knowledge, training
    experience of CSOs
  • Explore the level of cultural competence of
  • Use of Interpreters
  • Structural barriers faced by CSOs in ensuring
    cultural sensitive practice with CALD families

Cross Cultural Child Protection Survey (CCCPS)
  • Currently there was no instrument in the research
    literature which assessed cross cultural
    competency in the child protection context.
  • The author designed and developed the Cross
    Cultural Child Protection Survey (CCCPS) 2007
  • The CCCPS incorporated McPhatter (1997) Cultural
    Competence Attainment Model. This model
    incorporates the following areas of
  • Self Awareness
  • Acquiring Knowledge
  • Developing Cross-Cultural Skills,
  • as essential skills in developing cultural
    competence and culturally effectiveness when
    working with CALD families.

  • The CCCPS was administered to Child Safety
    Officers (CSO) and Team Leaders (TL) who worked
    in the investigation and assessment teams (IA)
    and a total of (N66) completed the survey. Data
    collection occurred in November and December in
  • A non-random purposive sample was chosen to pilot
    the Cross Cultural Child Protection Survey
  • The investigation and assessments role was
    selected as it is the first point of contact
    families have with child protection authorities

The number of respondents per Child Safety
Service Centers.
  • Name of CSSC Number of Respondents (N)
  • Inala 13
  • Loganlea 5
  • Logan Central 5Woodridge 5
  • Brisbane Logan West Zonal IA Backlog team 6
  • Browns Plains Beaudesert 13
  • Goodna 6
  • Ipswich North South 11
  • Stones Corner 3

Population Demographics (N66)
  • Gender (N)
    Age (N)
  • Male 12
    21-25 years 26
  • Female 54 26-30
    years 14

    31-40years 15

    41-49 years 5

    (N6 missing data, no
  • Experience in working in Child Protection (N)
  • Less than 12 months 23 35
  • 12 month or more 43 65

Cultural Background of Respondents
Results-Statistical significance
  • A Chi-square test revealed statistical
    significance between the number of CSO who had
    completed CSO training and their length of
    experience with the Department CSO who had less
    than 12 months experience (n23) and those with
    more than 12 months experience (n24), x2 (1)
    10.64, pfor this statistical analysis.

Level of Preparedness for Cross Cultural Child
Protection Issues
Level of Preparedness for Cross Cultural Child
Protection Issues
  • A Chi-square test revealed statistical
    significant relationship between CSO who had less
    than 12 months experience (n23) and those with
    more than 12 months experience (n24) and
    respondents level of opportunity to learn about
    different CALD communities within their service
    area x2 (2) 7.641, pwas used for this statistical analysis.

The level of frequency respondents with working
with CALD families
  • The second section of CCCPS assessed the agency
    (Department of Child Safety) perspective and how
    the agency valued culture and diversity.

Response to whether Department respects cultural
diversity of its staff
  • Department considers the following concepts
  • (a) Language (b) Race (c) Ethnicity ( d)
    Customs and (e) Family Structure in its service
    delivery when working with CALD families.
  • The findings indicated that the majority of the
    respondents believed that the Department does
    consider the following cultural factors of
    language, race, ethnicity, customs and family
    structure in its service delivery with CALD
  • 20 of respondents indicated that they did not
    believe that the Department considered language,
    race, ethnicity, customs and family structure in
    its service delivery with CALD families.

Cultural Competence of Respondents
  • The third section of the CCCPS explored how CSOs
    conducted their service delivery, case planning
    and assessment when working with CALD families.
  • Predominantly (80) of CSOs indicated that they
    either all or most of the time were
    culturally competent in their assessments,
    service delivery and case planning when working
    with CALD families.

Use of Interpreters
  • The fourth section of the CCCPS explored the use
    of interpreters and their effectiveness when
    working with CALD families.
  • Results indicate that 70 (combined all of the
    time most of the time) of respondents use an
    interpreter or translator service when working
    with CALD families.

The effectiveness of Interpreter/Translator
  • The findings indicated that only 44 (n20) the
    interpreter service was effective/very effective.

  • Comments included
  • Not always necessary-Interpreters have no CP
    experiences which is good-remain impartial and
  • When available are very effective.
  • Other comments indicated that the interpreter
    service was not effective
  • Not provide info on cultural issues impacting on
  • Questioned their professionalism in providing
    neutral service and not summarizing content of
    conversation according to their own

  • This study identified key concerns in the
    provision of child protection practice, policy
    and service delivery when working with CALD
    families in the Queensland child protection
  • These include the need
  • For child safety officers to have the opportunity
    to attend training
  • The development of cross cultural competence
    training specific to child protection,
  • The need for interpreters to be familiar with
    child protection terminology and issues, the need
    for more CALD-specific services,
  • Printed fact sheets for CSOs regarding specific
    cultural communities to their Child Safety
    Service Centre.
  • Need for government and non-government agencies
    to ensure CALD is recognised as a separate
    demographic group.

What contributes to Culturally Insensitive
  • The majority of the respondents in this study
    found the following factors attributed to
    culturally insensitive practice in child
  • Lack of understanding of person's culture,
    beliefs, customs, cultural awareness
  • Lack of understanding
  • Lack of knowledge on family supports, dynamics
    within CALD families
  • Not building responsive relationships
  • Lack of use of interpreters
  • Not offering culturally appropriate follow-up
    services to CALD families.

Limitations of the Study
  • The sample was comprised of CSOs working in the
    investigation and assessment teams.
  • The sample comprised of only CSOs who work in
    the Queensland Child Protection system
  • In Australia each state has its own legislation,
    policies and procedures in relation to child
  • The small sample size (N66) did not allow for
    further inferential statistics to be performed
    with this sample
  • The CCCPS is a self report instrument and there
    are issues with self reported bias which would
    need to be addressed.

Department Initiatives on CALD Issues
  • Department of Child Safety Multicultural Action
    Plan 2006-07
  • Increasing information on Interpreter
    Translation Services
  • Exploring staff to become accredited
  • Increasing Number of CALD Carers through NGO
    sector ECCQ
  • Development of cross-cultural CP training
  • Increase staff diversity
  • Strengthening the Non Government Sector
  • Department of Child Safety Practice Paper-Working
    with CALD families (2006)

Future Research-PhD Proposal with UQ
  • Currently the Author is working on a PhD proposal
    to look at further development of the Cross
    Cultural Child Protection Survey (CCCPS) and
    assess for reliability and validity.
  • To administer the CCCPS to a larger sample within
    Department of Child Safety to include CSSC
    outside of South East Qld
  • To replicate this study with other states across
    Australia that have high a CALD population.
  • Other Areas
  • Research from CALD families perspective on how
    they are dealt with CP authorities
  • Research into perceptions of Use of Interpreter
    process ensuring families rights and views are
    included when engaging with CP authorities

Acknowledgement Thanks
  • Queensland Department of Child Safety who
    provided in-principle for the Research project
    and support to interview Departmental staff.
  • Thanks to all the participants who completed the
  • Rachel Robinson and Dr. Stephen Lake who
    supported and assisted the author in getting the
    research approval and ensuring that the author
    had access and opportunity to interview
  • Dr Karen Healy who supervised the author
    throughout the Research Project and guided her
    through this task.
  • Colleagues Andrew Haslem, Gregory Shuttlewood and
    Stacey Allerton who provided guidance, support
    and inspiration throughout this project.
  • Thanks to my husband and children who gave me
    time, space and understanding in completing this

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