Title: Society of Petroleum Engineers
1SPE - Gulf Coast Section
Membership Overview
2004-2005 Kick-off Meeting Friday, August 20,
2004 Anadarko Tower
Society of Petroleum Engineers Gulf Coast Section
2Membership Committee
- Long-Term Membership Goals
- Recruit New Members - especially young engineers
and those interested in the oil and gas industry. - Retain Existing Membership - SPE Membership is
essential to individuals in the Oil and Gas
Industry - Elicit More Volunteerism - from Membership and
Study Groups
- 2003-2004 Committee Members
- Randy Woods, Chair
- Susan Howes
- Nicholas Piskurich
- Anjali Prasad
- ClaudeThorpe
- Mike Sumrow
- Jim Paul
- Thanks for all the help!!!!
- Jennifer Bell
- Eric Malcore
- Jay Graham
- Michael Saunders
- Trina Engels
- Scott Nonhof
- 2004-2005 Committee Members
- Interested Volunteers Welcome!!!!
3Membership Summary
- SPE-GCS Membership Summary
- SPE-GCS Membership represents 22 of Total
non-student SPE Membership (12,000 in GCS) - Membership in the SPE-GCS Continues to Grow
- New Recruits (763)
- Transfers (641)
- Reinstatements (190)
- SPE-GCS Membership Growth has slowed a little
- Net growth of 3 (329)
- Industry Trends
- Continued Centralization (To Houston) - Growth
to SPE-GCS, but not SPE-I - Increasing Retirements
- High Industry Activity (New Entrants????)
4Membership Demographics
- SPE-GCS Membership Demographics
- Gulf Coast Section membership demographic trends
generally follow/drive overall SPE-I trend
reflective of industry - Recruiting and Developing Young Membership is
crucial to long-term organizational success
consistent with recent SPE-I initiatives - Continue to focus on delivering programs that
meet diversity of membership (experience,
discipline, etc.)
52004-05 Membership Goals
- Support Base Membership Growth
- New Graduates
- Existing Workforce (Petrotechs, Emerging Leaders
Program) - Industry Transfers
- Re-Recruitment reinstating existing members
who have not renewed - Continue Pacesetting Efforts to Develop Young
Membership - Emerging Leaders Program
- Inclusion of Young Members in Study
Groups/Committees - Succession Planning
- Encourage and Support Volunteerism
- Engage SPE-GCS Members to Volunteer
- Find a place for everyone!!!!!!!
62004-05 Membership Plans
- Support Base Membership Growth
- Continue with Quarterly New Members Happy Hour
- Continue Ambassador Program - Roadshow to inform
industry participants of the many opportunities
provided by SPE - Continue to identify and implement initiatives to
encourage delinquent members to re-new their
membership - Target non-members who attend study group
meetings for membership, identified through
registration - Discount for Study Group Meetings if non-member
completes application at the meeting - Develop Young Membership
- Continue to support/grow Emerging Leaders Program
- Next selections will be Spring 2005
- Engage Young Membership in Committees/Study
Groups - Encourage and Support Volunteerism
- Volunteer Recognition (Shirts, Awards)
- Establish membership sub-committee/lead to
establish a network to connect volunteers to
study groups