Mixed Design ANOVA GLM 5 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mixed Design ANOVA GLM 5


ugly dates are still rated quite highly. ... 'Is the difference between high and some charisma the same for ugly vs. average-looking people? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: anova | glm | design | mixed | people | ugly


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mixed Design ANOVA GLM 5

  • Mixed Design ANOVA (GLM 5)?

What can you do with a Mixed ANOVA?
  • In a Mixed ANOVA you can combine
  • Between-subjects variables and
  • Within-subjects variables
  • Although you can choose any number of independent
    variables, bear in mind that you still want to be
    able to interpret interactions
  • (It is hardly possible to interpret more than a
    three-way interactions, as you will see...)?

Gentle reminder variance in within-subject
  • In a repeated ANOVA, the experimental effect
    shows up in the within-subjects variance, between
    the conditions.
  • The overall within-subjects variance is composed
    of the exp variance and error variance
  • The exp variance derives from the different
    treatment subjects have incurred in the various
    within-subjects conditions.
  • The error variance derives from random factors
    making subjects behave differently in the various
    conditions, apart from the exp effect

Compare in a between subject design, the
within- groups variance is the residual
variance SSR!
Gentle reminder variance in between-subject
  • In an between-subjects, independent ANOVA, the
    experimental effect shows up in the
    between-subjects variance, between the
  • The overall between-subjects variance is composed
    of the exp variance and error variance
  • The exp variance derives from the different
    treatment subjects have incurred in the various
    between-subjects conditions.
  • The error variance derives from inter-individual
    differences between subjects, unrelated to the
    experimental manipulation.

Partitioning the variance for repeated ANOVA
SST total Sum of squares
SSW within participants
SSBG between groups/ subjects
SSR Error Variance
SSM Effect of Experiment (Model Variance)?
Model and residual variance both arise from
within subjects
Partitioning the variance for repeated ANOVA,
expl attitudes
SSM Model Sum of squares (within subj and
interactions with betw subj)?
3 factors A (within) looks B(within)
charisma C (between) gender
SSB Factor B charisma
SSA Factor A looks
SSBxC Interaction charismagender
SSAxC Interaction looksgender
SSAxBxC Interaction lookscharismagender
SSAxB Interaction lookscharisma?
Breaking down the Total sum of squares (SST) in a
between subj (indep) ANOVA
SST, total variance
SSR Unexplained variance
SSM Model variance expl gender (Factor C)?
  • ? In a between subj design the model variance
    arises from the between subjects variance, here
  • ??In a?within subj design the model variance
    arises from the within subjects variance, here
    looks and charisma
  • ?In a mixed design, the model variance arises
    from both sources plus their interaction(s)?

No further theory let's do an example
  • Research Q How do male and female subjects rate
    persons of opposite sex who they date when these
    persons vary with respect to
  • Personality high, some, no charisma
  • Looks attractive, average, ugly?
  • Sex of rater Between subj variable, 2 levels
  • Personality Within-subj variable, 3 levels
  • Looks Within-subj variable, 3 levels

Data from LooksOrPersonality.sav
Data entry for LooksOrPersonality.sav
For the between- subj variable 1 column
with dummy variables
For each within subj variable 1 column
Each subject 1 row
Analyze ? General Linear Model ? Repeated
1st within factor looks number of levels 3 2nd
within factor charisma number of levels
3 Click add to transfer to window
After having defined the two factors and their
levels and having added them to the window, click
on Define
Define within-subjects variables
Thinking for the contrasts which is the
neutral level for each factor? Looks
average Charisma some
  • For the 'Looks' factor, define 'average' as 3rd
  • for the 'Charisma' factor, 'some'.

Rearranging the within-subjects variables
  • 'av' is the reference category 3 for
  • 'att' is 1 'ugly' is 2
  • 'some' is the reference category 3 for
  • 'high' is 1 'none' is 2.

Specify the levels of the 2 within-subj factors
according to the matrix and enter 'gender' as
between-subj variable
  • Go on defining the contrasts

Since 'gender' has only 2 levels, actually, no
contrasts have to be specified
  • Change all contrasts from 'polynomial' to
    'simple' for all factors.

No post hoc tests
  • For the within-subj factors, no post hoc tests
    can be specified in the post hoc window
  • For between-subj factors, post hoc tests can be
    defined in this window.
  • However, since our factor 'gender' has only 2
    levels anyway, we do not have to specify anything

Transfer 'looks' to the horizontal axis and
'charisma' to the separate lines. SPSS will plot
an interaction graph where for each level
of 'looks' the values for each level of 'charism'
will be produced
Transfer 'looks' to the horizontal axis and
'charisma' to the separate lines. SPSS will plot
an interaction graph where for each level
of 'looks' the values for each level of 'charism'
will be produced
Drag 'gender' into the 'separate plots'
window. SPSS will produce 2 plots for the above
interaction, one for males, one for females.
After dragging the variables into their windows,
click 'add'
2- and 3-way interactions
After having dragged all variables into
their appropriate windows, the 'Plots'
window should look like that.
With 3 independent variables, there will be three
2-way interactions lookscharisma looksgender
charismagender as well as one 3-way interaction
(between all 3 var)? lookscharismagender
Plots for 2-way interactions can be requested as
Drag all main effects and interactions in the
'Display Means' window. Choose the indicated
options. If your version of SPSS has 'Estimated
marginal means for all effects', choose it.
Partial eta square ?p2
  • Press 'continue' and then finally OK to run the

Output of Mixed ANOVA - Descriptives
  • SPSS lists the 2 within-subj variables and the 1
    between-subj variable and their levels

Output of Mixed ANOVA - Descriptives
  • Means, SD's, and N's for all 3 variables and
    their respective levels are shown

Sphericity Mauchley's test
  • Mauchley's test is n.s. for both within-subj
    variables as well as for their interaction
  • ? we can interpret the uncorrected F-values in
    the Main ANOVA

Homogeneity of variancesLevene's test
  • None of Levene's tests is significant
  • ? homogeneity of variances can be assumed

Main table Test of within-subj effects
All main effects, all 2-way interactions, as well
as the 3-way interaction are significant!
Tests of within-subjects contrasts
All contrasts are simple 1vs3 2vs3
Main effect of between-subj variable 'gender'
2,222E-02 means 0.022
  • The main effect for 'gender' is not significant
  • (its SS and MS are very small). That means that
    overall male and female raters gave the same

Main effect 'gender'
Double-click on the output table, highlight the
two mean values, make a right mouse click and
select 'Create graph'? bar.
  • In the 'Estimates' table, the means for males and
    females are displayed. The plot is derived from
    these values.

Main effect 'looks'
Snippet of Tests of within-subj effects
  • There is a main effect of 'looks' (F (2,36)
    423.73, p
  • Irrespective of any other variable, raters rated
    attractive, average, and ugly dates differently .
  • In the Estimates, you can see that ratings
    decrease as attractiveness decreases.

Plot for main effect 'looks'
  • In the 'Estimates' table, the means for
    attractive, average, and ugly are displayed. The
    plot is derived from these values.
  • As attractiveness goes down, ratings go down.
  • Raters' desire to go out with a date depends
    significantly on the date's 'look'.

Contrasts for 'looks'
Snippet from big table 'Test of within- subjects
  • In simple contrasts,
  • attractive vs. average (1 vs. 3) and
  • average vs. Ugly (2 vs. 3)?
  • was compared. Both contrasts are significant.

Attractive dates (1) were rated significantly
higher than average dates (3), F (1,18) 226.99,
p significantly higher than ugly ones (2), F (1,18)
160.01, p
Main effect 'charisma'
Snippet from the Tests of Within Subjects
  • There is a main effect of charisma, F (2,36)
    328.25, p
  • Irrespective of the other variables, raters judge
    dates with high, some, or no charisma differently

Plot for main effect 'charisma'
  • In the 'Estimates' table, the means for high,
    some, and no charisma are displayed. The plot is
    derived from these values.
  • As charisma goes down, ratings go down.
  • Raters' desire to go out with a date thus depends
    significantly on the date's 'charisma'.

Contrasts for 'charisma'
Snippet of the 'Test of Within- Subj Contrasts'
  • In simple contrasts,
  • high vs. some (1 vs. 3) and
  • no vs. some (2 vs. 3)?
  • was compared. Both contrasts are significant.

Dates with high charisma (1) were rated
significantly higher than dates with some
charisma (3), F (1,18) 109.94, p dates with some charisma (3) were rated
significantly higher than dates with none (2), F
(1,18) 227.94, p
The interaction LooksGender
Snippet from the Test of Within-subject effects
  • There is a significant interaction between gender
    and looks (F (2,36) 80.43, p means that male and female raters rated 'Looks'
    of a date differently.

Note the following graphs have been created in
Excel with the original order of the
levels Looks Attr-average-ugly Charisma high,
some, dullard The level ordering in the
Estimates tables are different! Looks
Attr-ugly-average Charisma high, dullard,
some Remember that the rearrangement was
necessary for the simple contrasts contrasts
always had to be specified wrt to the last level
which happened to be the second in the original
data file
'Estimates' table, from which the graphics below
is derived
'Estimates' table, from which the graphics below
is derived
  • The significant interaction looksgender is due
    to differences in ratings of male and female
    raters for attractive and ugly dates
  • Male raters prefer more strongly to go out with
    attractive dates and disprefer more strongly to
    go out with ugly dates than female raters do.
    They rate average looking dates similarly.

1st Contrast of interaction level 1
(attractive) vs. Level 3 (average) for male and
female raters
  • The contrast between attractive vs.
    Average-looking dates for male and female raters
    is significant (F (1,18) 43.26, p means that the increased interest in attractive
    dates as compared to average-looking dates is
    more pronounced for men than for women, hence the
    steeper decline in the graph for men.

Snippet from the Tests of within-subjects contrast
2nd Contrast of interaction level 2 (ugly) vs.
level 3 (average) for male and female raters
  • The contrast between ugly vs. Average-looking
    dates for male and female raters is significant
    (F (1,18) 30.23, p women are less inclined not to go out with ugly
    dates as compared to average-looking dates than
    men, hence the crossing of lines compared to the
    first contrast.

Snippet from the Tests of within-subjects contrast
There is a significant interaction
Charismagender (F (2,36) 62.45, p This means that men and women differ in their
ratings of charisma.
The interaction CharismaGender
Snippet from the Test of Within-subject effects
Estimates table. The plot is derived from these
Estimates table. The plot is derived from these
  • Ignoring the looks of the date, men and women
    rate dates differently with respect to Charisma.
  • Men's willingness to go out with a date depending
    on charisma is not as different for various
    levels of charisma (high, some, dullard) as it is
    for women who show a much steeper graph.

Bug note Fig. 12.10 (p 503 in Fields, 2005) is
based on a wrong number for male/high charisma!
1st contrast for the charismagender interaction
high vs. Some charisma, male vs. female
Snippet from the Test of within- subjects
  • The 1st contrast for the charismagender
    interaction comparing high vs. Some charisma for
    men and women is significant (F (1,18) 27.2, p
    charisma equally, women rate highly charismatic
    dates higher than men.

2nd contrast for the charismagender interaction
some charisma vs. dullard, male vs. female
Snippet from the Test of within- subjects
  • The 2nd contrast for the charismagender
    interaction comparing some charisma vs. dullard
    for men and women is significant (F (1,18)
    33.69, p with some charisma equally, men rate dullards
    higher than women.

Interaction between lookscharisma
Snippet from the Test of Within- subjects Effects
  • There is a significant interaction between
    lookscharisma (F (4,72) 36.63, p means that irrespective of gender of the raters,
    the profile of ratings across dates of different
    levels of charisma was different for attractive,
    average, and ugly dates.

Interaction lookscharisma
Estimates table. The plot is derived from these
Estimates table. The plot is derived from these
  • Ignoring gender of the rater, rating of charisma
    is dependent on looks.
  • For dates with some charisma (red line) the
    rating declines equally with decreasing levels of
    looks .

For dates with high charisma (blue line), levels
of looks make little difference, esp. no
difference between high and average looks. Esp.
ugly dates are still rated quite highly. For
dullards, attractiveness raises ratings whereas
average and ugly dates are rated equally low.
1st contrast attractive vs. average, high vs.
some charisma
This contrast is (F (1,18), 21.94, p
  • 'Is the difference between high and some charisma
    the same for attractive vs. average-looking
  • If you are very attractive, having high or some
    charisma results in the same high rating
  • If you are average-looking and have high
    charisma, this is as good as being very
  • If you are average-looking and have only some
    charisma the ratings decrease.

  • The lines are not parallel ? interaction!
    2nd contrast attractive vs. average, dullard
    vs. some charisma
    This contrast is n.s. (F (1,18), 4.09, p
  • Is the difference between dullard and some
    charisma the same for attractive vs.
    average-looking people?
  • Yes, for attractive and average-looking dates
    alike ratings drop alike when charisma drops from
    some C to being a dullard.

  • The lines are parallel ? no interaction!
    3rd contrast ugly vs. average, high vs. some
    • 'Is the difference between high and some charisma
      the same for ugly vs. average-looking people?
    • If you are average-looking having high charisma
      gives you higher ratings than having only some
    • If you are ugly, having only some charisma is
      worse than having some charisma when you are
      average-looking (slightly steeper decline)?

    This contrast is . (F (1,18), 6.23, p
    The lines are not really parallel ?
    interaction! (although hard to see!)?
    4th contrast ugly vs. average, some charisma
    vs. dullard
    • 'Is the difference between having some charisma
      and being a dullard the same for ugly vs.
      average-looking people?
    • If you are average-looking having some charisma
      gives you higher ratings than being a dullard.
    • If you are ugly, it does not help you having at
      least some charisma it is as worse as being an
      ugly dullard.

    This contrast is . (F (1,18), 88.6, p
    The lines are not parallel at all ?
    The 3-way interactiongenderlookscharisma
    • The 3-way ANOVA tells us whether the above
      interaction between lookscharisma is the same
      for male and female raters. It is significant
    • (F (4,72) 24.12, p

    Snippet from the Test of Within-subjects Effects
    Estimates table, from which the two plots are
    Estimates table, from which the two plots are
    • Men
    • If dates are attractive, level of charisma does
      not matter
    • If dates are average good-looking, charisma
      matters it boosts ratings for high C and reduces
      ratings for low C
    • If dates are ugly, charisma can't help
    • Women
    • If dates are attractive, level of C matters high
      and some C boost ratings, whereas being a dullard
      greatly reduces it
    • If dates are average good-looking, C matters it
      boosts ratings for high C and reduces ratings for
      low C
    • If dates are ugly, high C can fully compensate
      for this lack. Some and low levels of C however
      reduce ratings.

    Contrasts in the 3-way interactions
    • If you look at the contrasts in the three-way
      interaction 'looks x charisma x gender' you judge
      whether two pairs of graphs (for levels of 'looks
      x charisma') differ between the two gender.
    • So you look whether the pattern of these graph
      pairs look alike.

    genderlookscharisma, contrast 1attractive vs
    average, high vs. some C
    Male and female raters alike make no
    difference between high and some C when the date
    is attractive or average.
    Both pairs of lines are highly similar (F (1,18)
    .928, p .348, n.s)? No interaction!
    • Men and women judge attractive and
      average-looking dates with high C equally high.
      For average-looking dates, when they have only
      some C, ratings decline

    genderlookscharisma, contrast 2attractive vs
    average, dullard vs. some C
    Male and female raters differ in their
    judgements between dullards and some C when the
    date is attractive or average.
    Both pairs of lines are dissimilar (F (1,18)
    60.67, p
  • Men jugde dullards and dates with some C equally
    if only they are attractive.
  • Women strongly disprefer dullards as compared to
    dates with some C.

  • 55
    genderlookscharisma, contrast 3ugly vs
    average, high vs. some C
    Male and female raters differ in their
    judgements between high and some C when the date
    is ugly vs. average.
    Both pairs of lines are dissimilar (F (1,18)
    11.7, p
  • For men looks matters as much for High and some
    C. Ratings drop for ugly dates.
  • Women jugde average and ugly looking dates
    equally when they have high C. For some C,
    attractive dates are rated higher than ugly ones

  • 56
    genderlookscharisma, contrast 4ugly vs
    average, dullard vs. some C
    Male and female raters have similar
    judgements for dullard vs some C when the date is
    ugly vs. average.
    Both pairs of lines are similar (F (1,18)
    1.33, p
  • For men and women alike, being a dullard or
    having some C does not matter when the date is
    ugly they are judged very low in any case
  • Men and women also agree in that having some C
    boosts ratings for average-looking dates.

  • 57
    Summary genderlookscharisma
    What's the difference between men and women's
    rating of a date?
    • Men and women judge dates alike when they are
      average good-looking they prefer high C,
      disprefer dullards, and rate some C somewhere in
      the middle.
    • However, men and woman are the opposite of each
      other wrt to the overall factor that influences
      their rating most
    • Men are enthusiastic about attractive dates
      irrespective of their personality
    • Women are almost the mirror-image they are
      enthusiastic about high charisma irrespective
      of looks.

    • The various contrasts did not exhaust the full
      range of possible contrasts. The missing
      contrasts could be calculated using a different
      contrasting scheme.
    • Interactions for 3 variables are very hard to
      interpret! A three-way interaction is at the
      upper limit of what we can understand on-line.
    • Contrasts have to be carefully chosen.

    Df's of the various F-statistics
    Note since we entered the between subjects
    variable 'gender' (p), the df's will always take
    p into account, in the error df's, even when we
    only look at the within-subjects variables q and
    p gender q looks r charisma
    Left out here df's for the single contrasts
    (all df18)?
    Calculating effect sizes(only for the contrasts,
    for comparisons of 2 groups, df (1,18))?
    r ? F (1,dfR) F (1,dfR) dfR
    • Main effect 'gender'
    • rGender ? 0.005/0.005 18 .02

    Tiny effect
    Calculating effect sizes(only for the contrasts,
    for comparisons of 2 groups, df (1,18))?
    • Contrasts for 'looks'
    • rAttractive vs. Average ?226.99/226.9918
    • rUgly vs. Average ?160.07/160.0718 .95

    huge effects
    Calculating effect sizes
    • Contrasts for Interaction LooksGender
    • rAttractive vs. Agerage, Male vs. Female
    • ?43.26/43.26 18 .84
    • rUgly vs. Average, Male vs. Female
    • 30.23/30.23 18 .79

    big effects
    Calculating effect sizes
    • Contrasts for 'Charisma'
    • rHigh vs. Some ?109.94/109.94 18 .93
    • rDullard vs. Some ?227.94/227.94 18 .96

    Huge effects
    Calculating effect sizes
    • Contrasts for Interaction 'Charismagender'
    • rHigh vs. Some, Male vs. Female
    • ?27.2/27.2 18 .78
    • rUgly vs. Average, Male vs. Female
    • ?33.69/33.69 18 .81

    big effects
    Calculating effect sizes
    • Contrasts for Interaction 'LooksCharisma'
    • rAttractive vs. Average, High vs. Some
    • ?21.94/21.94 18 .74
    • rAttractive vs. Average, Dullard vs. some
    • ?4.09/4.09 18 .43
    • rUgly vs. Average, High vs. Some
    • ?6.23/6.23 18 .51
    • rUgly vs. Average, Dullard vs. some
    • ?88.6/88.6 18 .91

    Medium to large effects
    All large effects
    Calculating effect sizes
    • Contrasts for 3-way interaction
    • rAttractive vs. Average, High vs. Some, Male vs.
    • ?.93/.93 18 .22
    • rAttractive vs. Average, Dullard vs. Some, Male
      vs. Female
    • ?60.67/60.67 18 .88

    Small to medium to large effects
    Small and large effects
    Calculating effect sizes
    • Contrasts for 3-way interaction
    • rUgly vs. Average, High vs. Some, Male vs. Female
    • ?11.7/11.7 18 .51
    • rUgly vs. Average, Dullard vs. Some, Male vs.
    • ?1.33/1.33 18 .26

    Small to medium to large effects
    Small and medium effects
    Effect Size Measures in Analysis of Variance
    'Measures of effect size in ANOVA are measures of
    the degree of association between an effect
    (e.g., a main effect, an interaction, a linear
    contrast) and the dependent variable. They can be
    thought of as the correlation between an effect
    and the dependent variable. If the value of the
    measure of association is squared it can be
    interpreted as the proportion of variance in the
    dependent variable that is attributable to each
    effect. Two of the commonly used measures of
    effect size in AVOVA are Eta squared,
    ?2 proportion of the total variance that is
    attributed to an effect partial
    Eta squared, ?p2proportion of the effect
    error variance that is attributable
    to the effect Eta squared and partial Eta
    squared are estimates of the degree of
    association for the sample. SPSS for Windows
    displays the partial Eta squared ?p2 when you
    check the "display effect size" option in GLM.'
    (In the 'Options' Window)?
    What SPSS computes Partial Eta squared, ?p2
    Partial Eta squared, ?p2 The partial Eta squared
    is the proportion of the effect error
    variance that is attributable to the effect.
    The formula differs from the Eta squared formula
    in that the denominator includes the SSeffect
    plus the SSerror rather than the SStotal ?2?
    SSeffect / SS error ?p2 SSeffect / (SSeffect
    Quoted /adapted from http//web.uccs.edu/lbecker/S
    What SPSS computes Partial Eta squaredNote it
    IS the partial eta squared, however, SPSS CALLS
    it simply eta squared ?2
    For the main effect 'Looks', the partial ?2 is
    .948.?2 SSeffect / (SSeffect SSerror) ?2
    23233.6/(23233.61274.044) .948
    What SPSS computes Partial Eta squared, ?2
    For the interaction 'Charisma x Gender', the
    partial ?2 is .817.?2 SSeffect / (SSeffect
    SSerror) ?2 3944.1/(3944.1882.711)
    .817 Note in the interaction between a within
    subjects factor ('charisma') and a between
    subjects factor ('gender'), the error term is
    taken from the within subjects factor
    What SPSS computes Partial Eta squared, ?2
    For the twoway within-subjects factor 'Looks x
    Charisma' interaction, the partial ?2 is .671.?2
    4055.267/(4055.267199.622) .671For the
    threeway mixed subjects factor 'Looks x Charisma
    x Gender' interaction the partial ?2 is .573
    ?2 2669.667/(2669.6671992.622) .573 In both
    cases, the error term is taken from the 'looks x
    charisma' interaction.
    What SPSS computes Partial Eta squared, ?2
    • E2 for the between subjects factor 'gender' is
    • ?2 0.022/(0.02284.47) 0.00

    Effect Size Measures in Analysis of Variance
    'Two further commonly used measures of effect
    size in AVOVA are omega squared, ?2
    the Intraclass correlation, (??) Omega
    squared and the intraclass correlation are
    estimates of the degree of association in the
    Quoted and/or adapted from http//web.uccs.edu/lb
    Effect Size Measures in Analysis of Variance
    'Omega squared, ?2 Omega squared is an estimate
    of the dependent variance accounted for by the
    independent variable in the population for a
    fixed effects model. The between-subjects, fixed
    effects, form of the w2 formula is -- ??
    SSeffect-(dfeffect)(MSerror)? -----------------
    -------------------- MSerror SStotal (Note
    Do not use this formula for repeated measures
    Quoted and/or adapted from http//web.uccs.edu/lb
    Effect Size Measures in Analysis of Variance
    'Because ?2 and ?p2 are sample estimates and ??
    is a population estimate, ?? is always going to
    be smaller than either ?? or ?p2. '
    Quoted and/or adapted from http//web.uccs.edu/lb
    Effect Size Measures in Analysis of Variance
    'Intraclass correlation (?? )? The intraclass
    correlation is an estimate of the degree of
    association between the independent variable and
    the dependent variable in the population for a
    random effects model. Because it is for a random
    effects model it is not commonly used in
    psychology experiments. The formula for ?? is
    -- ?? (MSeffect - MSerror) / (MSeffect
    (dfeffect)(MSerror)) . The square of the
    intraclass correlation is an estimate of the
    amount of dependent variable variance accounted
    for by the independent variable.'
    Quoted/adapted from http//web.uccs.edu/lbecker/SP
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