Title: Rich Ann Baetz
1Map Interpretation and the nonGIS
ProfessionalExamples from Cynthia
BrewersResearch with Epidemiologists
- Rich Ann Baetz
- Center for Health Statistics
- DSHS Austin
Texas Geographic Information Council/Technical
Advisory Committee June 22, 2005
3CA Brewer, AM MacEachren, LW Pickle, D Hermann
Evaluating Color Schemes for Choropleth Maps
Annals AAG 87(3), 1997
Research looks at implications of
symbolization decisions made in
preparing publication of Atlas of United States M
4Mapping Mortality
- Choropleth maps as vehicle to explore spatial
characteristics of mortality data
- Information retrieval
- Pattern-analysis tasks
- Evaluate hue combination schemes with systematic
progressions of lightness and saturation
- 4 diverging
- 1 spectral
- 3 sequential
5Mapping Mortality
practical considerations of eliminating
potential color confusions limits the range of
hue combinations to such an extent that harmony
and preference can play only a minor role.
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7Designing Better Maps A Guide for GIS Users
Cynthia A. Brewer Planned for July 2005 publicati
ESRI Press, ISBN 1589480899
- First GIS analyst positions hired in 1997
- Began geocoding vital record and disease registry
data in 2000
- Health Research and Methods Team provides
services including geocoding, creating custom
maps, and technical assistance to local,
regional, and central office health department
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11Contact information gis_at_dshs.state.tx.us