Title: With love on Valentines Day
1With love on Valentines Day
- Include your valentine message, wish or greeting
here . .
2Example Bullet Point Slide
- Bullet point
- Bullet point
- Sub Bullet
3Colour scheme
Text Lines
Accent Hyperlink
Followed Hyperlink
4Picture slide
5Example of a table
Note PowerPoint does not allow have nice
default tables but you can cut and paste this
6Sample Graph (3 colours)
7Two column bullet points
8Examples of default styles
- Text and lines are like this
- Hyperlinks like this
- Visited hyperlinks like this
Text box
Text box With shadow
9Example Bullet Point Slide
- These templates are for personal use only and
must not be distributed, sold or displayed on the
web by anyone other than Presentation Helper. - You can find many more free PowerPoint templates
on the Presentation Helper website
10- Add valentine greeting or
- message here
11Valentines Day. . .
Valentines message written here . . . .
12Valentines Day. . .
- . . . . personal message can
- be added here. . .
With love . .
13Valentine greeting
- Add personal valentine
- message.
Sign off note . . . .