The Value of Good Web Design - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Value of Good Web Design


Bad design is easily recognizable by every user of the World Wide Web. ... The key to good Web design is certainly usability. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Value of Good Web Design

The Value of Good Web Design
  • Kassi Carter

What is good design?
  • Good Web design is, in effect, the lack of
    elements that make up bad design. Bad design is
    easily recognizable by every user of the World
    Wide Web. When a page is difficult to navigate,
    childish looking, and/or the information is
    scattered in strange places, it is surely a
    poorly designed site. The key to good Web design
    is certainly usability. The design must be
    user-centered above all else to ensure that the
    target audience can easily navigate through the
    pages in order to find specific information about
    what he/she is looking for. Every possible
    scenario of the target audience, such as
    disabilities, slow internet connections, limited
    access to computers, lack of education, monitor
    size, and different languages and dialects, must
    be taken into consideration. It is impossible to
    meet the needs of every person in the world, but
    good Web design can be achieved through thorough
    planning, hard work, and the knowledge of the
    elements that make up good design.
  • A well designed Web site speaks positively for
    the business, organization, family, or anything
    else it represents and, therefore, gains respect
    from the target audience of the site. The value
    of this is that the site is accessible to as many
    people as possible and, as a result, businesses
    can prosper, more products can be sold,
    organizations can gain support, and a designer
    will leave a pleasant, lasting impression on
    their audience.

Six things Ive learned this semester that help
demonstrate my understanding of what good design
and its value are
  • (1) Storyboarding. The value of storyboarding
    for a Web site is that it creates a solid
    foundation for building the site. It acts as a
    blue print to the design and content of the page.
    It helps to keep things organized in a
    hierarchical fashion and also helps to remember
    all of the content that must be included on the
    page. A thorough storyboard is ultimately a time
    and money saver.
  • (2) Layout. The value of the layout of a Web
    site is that it can make the audience comfortable
    and intrigued with the site. This is important
    because it tends to make a user browse the site
    longer than would be expected if he/she was
    confused and frustrated. The layout does not have
    to be too fancy it should just be practical,
    logical, and functional. When a site is laid out
    in this way, it is easier for the user to
    navigate through it and locate specific
  • (3) Content. The value of the content of a Web
    site is that it can inform your audience in a
    concise, yet useful way. A user will be more
    inclined to browse the content of a page if it
    does not look too intimidating or overwhelming.
    Web content, in contrast to printed content, can
    contain different elements such as hyperlinks and
    interactive graphics which can make it easier to
    get a specific point across to your audience.
  • Storyboarding
  • (2) Layout
  • (3) Content
  • (4) Voice
  • (5) Graphics
  • (6) Color

  • (4) Voice. The value of the voice of a Web site
    is that it reflects the personality of the
    designer or the business it is representing. If a
    business is trying to gain customers, it should
    have a professional, educated, friendly, and
    reliable voice. If an organization is trying to
    persuade an audience to think or do something in
    particular, the voice of their site would most
    likely be informative, strong, and persuasive.
    Every element of a site from the words to the
    graphics aid in creating the voice of the page.
  • (5) Graphics. The value of graphics on a Web
    site is that they tend to peak the interest of
    the audience. Simple, organized graphics are
    appealing on a Web page and are a great way to
    illustrate and supplement what is being said in
    the text. Also, for sites that tend to be dull
    and contain an abundance of text, graphics can
    help the page not look so intimidating. Graphics
    on a Web site are comparable to a book with
    pictures. Everyone enjoys seeing illustrations to
    go along with text in order to enhance their
    reading experience and bring words to life.
  • (6) Color. The value of the color scheme of the
    Web site is that it determines the audiences
    first impression of the site. The colors can
    suggest a classy or professional site or they can
    suggest a childish, amateur site. Soft,
    earth-toned colors tend to suggest
    professionalism while bold, flashy, or bright
    colors tend to suggest the opposite. A users
    first impression of the site is very crucial. It
    determines whether they will stay and browse the
    site or if they will disregard it and move on.
  • Storyboarding
  • (2) Layout
  • (3) Content
  • (4) Voice
  • (5) Graphics
  • (6) Color

  • The value of storyboarding is that it creates a
    solid foundation for building the site. The
    example that I have chosen to show here is a
    slide from a storyboard that I helped build for
    redesigning a Web site for a video production
    business. This is only one slide out of several.
    We made a slide like this for every page
    detailing exactly what information we wanted to
    include and where we wanted to include it.
    Because we had done such a thorough job on the
    storyboard, it was very easy for us to implement
    the design on the Web and then simply add the
    necessary content in the appropriate places.
    Notice that we even included placeholders for
    specific graphics and text. Before we even
    started constructing the site, we knew precisely
    what pages were going to be included and how each
    of them should be laid out.
  • storyboard example

  • The value of layout is that it can make the
    audience comfortable and intrigued with the site.
    The example that I have chosen to show here is
    the first page of my personal Web site. The
    layout that I used for this site is one that
    makes sense for every user. The most important
    information is strategically placed at the top of
    the page and, therefore, is what the user notices
    first. I want my audience to notice my name and
    what other pages I have included in my site.
    Also, since people read from left to right, the
    links to my other pages are organized from most
    important on the left to those of lesser
    importance on the right. These links are set up
    in buttons which are user-friendly and easy to
    find. Note that consistency in page layout is
    very important. The black banner at the top of my
    site is unchanging throughout every page and
    everything is centered. This helps the pages flow
    together and comforts the user. At the very
    bottom of every page, I have included the least
    important information the date and time of the
    last update and my contact information. Thus we
    see a clear hierarchy of information.
  • layout example

  • The value of content is that it can inform your
    audience in a concise, yet useful way. The
    example that I have chosen to show here is a page
    that I helped construct for the redesign of a
    site for a video production business. I chose
    this particular page because it contains content
    that is relevant to the site and useful to the
    target audience of the business. Although there
    is a lot of text on the page, it is laid out in
    such a way with bullets and spacing so that it
    does not look intimidating. The information is
    provided in small chunks which makes it easy to
    read. The text supports the point that the site
    tries to get across to use Earth Realm
    Productions for your video needs. Also, it
    includes links to the contact page, the services
    page, and ERPs email address which, in effect,
    provides extra information without displaying a
    lot of text.
  • content example

  • The value of voice is that it reflects the
    personality of the designer or the business it is
    representing. The example that I have chosen to
    show here is a page from my personal Web site
    that contains my favorite links. I chose this
    particular page because when my audience looks at
    it, they can tell immediately what my interests
    are and, in turn, can determine what my
    personality must be like. From this page alone,
    my audience can tell that
  • I attend or support Texas Tech
  • I own or am interested in Corgis
  • I enjoy music from Texas Country artists
  • I enjoy playing games on the internet
  • I like the movie Gone With the Wind, and
  • I have some interest in dentistry.
  • voice example

  • The value of graphics is that they tend to peak
    the interest of the audience. The example that I
    have chosen to show here is the first page of my
    photo gallery on my personal Web site. Notice
    that each graphic is consistent in size and laid
    out in an organized fashion. The double Ts at
    the top are big enough to notice, but not so big
    that they take away from the content of the page.
    The three pictures below are big enough to fill
    out the page and draw the interest of the
    audience, but they are not so big that they take
    up the entire page and make it look cluttered. If
    I had only put the links to the pages in my photo
    gallery without the graphics, my audience would
    be less likely to browse through the entire
    gallery. Supplying small pictures helps persuade
    the user to continue to browse the site.
  • graphics example

  • The value of color is that it determines the
    audiences first impression of the site. The
    example that I have chosen to show here is the
    first page of the Web site that I helped to
    redesign for a video production business. We
    decided to use a color scheme of a light green, a
    deep blue, and black text. The blue indicates
    more important information while the green is
    solely used for the background. The contrast
    between the blue and the green is appealing and
    it looks professional. If we had decided to use
    bright, flashy colors or more than three colors,
    it would have diminished the integrity of the
    site and made it look childish. The first
    impression of the audience when looking at this
    site is that it looks organized and elegant. This
    leads them to think that maybe the business is
    professional and that they may want to hire this
    company for their video needs. If the site looked
    childish, the audience may tend to think that the
    business is somewhat childish lacking in
    organization or lacking in professionalism.
  • color example

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