Title: Basic principles of..
1Basic principles of..
- Web design
- JLMC 315, Groshek
2Web design ???
- Who are we designing for?
- Our users
- User-centered design
3What gets users attention?
- Chunks of text
- Dont be afraid of white space
- Lists
- Occasional use of bolding
- Subheadings
- Links
- Users are selfish, lazy, and ruthless.
- Jakob Nielsen
4What do most users avoid?
- Long blocks of text
- Horizontal scrolling
- Long vertical scrolls
- Information that is hard to find
- See Nielsen link
- http//www.useit.com/alertbox/9605.html
5Remember our four steps
Where are we now?
- Research
- Planning
- Execution
- Evaluation
6In a perfect world, we have
- Content experts
- Writers
- Information architects
- Graphic designers
- Technical experts
- Producer
7Web pages should easily answer
- Who
- What
- Where
- When
- Easy for Journalism folks like us, no?
8Ideally, every Web page should have the following
- Informative title
- Creators identity
- Last revision date
- Home page
- Links to home
9More basic rules
- Screen size (in pixels)
- 1024x768
- 800x600(safe)
- 640x480(outdated)
- But you should shoot for smaller, rather than
larger screen sizes - 1000 pixels of usable space has become a default
standard for many designers - Type sizes
- Fixed or user controlled
10Stick to your original goals
- Avoid scope creep
- Develop a general template, even if all of your
pages wont look exactly the same - Be consistent from start to finish
11Four principles of Web design
- Alignment
- Proximity
- Repetition
- Contrast
12Four principles of Web design
- Alignment
- Vertical
- Horizontal
- Dont mix
13Four principles of Web design
- Proximity
- Group related items together
- Dont leave wide gaps between items
14Four principles of Web design
- Repetition
- Colors
- Images/graphics
- Fonts
- Navigation
- Layout
15Four principles of Web design
- Contrast
- Links
- Focal point
- Readability
- Hierarchy of information
- Find at least one example of
- Alignment
- Proximity
- Repetition
- Contrast
- Email them to me, we will look at them on
17Two Types of Design
- Web page design
- Interface design
18Interface Design
- Clear, consistent icons
- Predictable choices
- Efficient hierarchy
19Interface Design
- Bandwidth Issues
- Simplicity
- The best information designs are never noticed
- Consistency
- Same basic layout, graphic elements, editorial
style, and organization
20Webpage Design
- Web designers never have perfect control
- Browsers differ
- PCs and Macs differ
- Screen resolutions make pages look different
- So do video cards and processor speeds
- Research topic sign ups!
- HTML, XHTML, XML to begin
21More Web Design
- Colors
- Some colors are considered Web safe
- Typography
- Focal point
- Rule of thirds
- Visual appeal matters
22Moving ahead to HTML
- HTML document structure
- The basic structure of an HTML document is made
up of these elements - html
- This is the containing element for the entire
document everything is a child of this element.
23Moving ahead to HTML
- head
- This element contains information about the
document, but none of the actual content of the
document. Here are included things like page
title, character encoding, keywords, description,
style sheets, and script files. - body
- This element contains everything you see on the
page. - paragraphs
- are used to contain blocks of text, or
"paragraphs" -). Unlike other block-level
elements, these are not allowed to contain
block-level elements, just inline elements. - more on this later.
24Lets write some code!
But first, what is our mission?!
- Name yoursthis really can be key
25Lets write some code!
- On your Mac, open TextWrangler
- Start by typing the following
- My Web page
- Hello world!
26Lets write some code!
- Now, lets write this code somewhat differently
by typing the following - My Web page
Hello world!
27Lets write some code!
- How did we do?
- Save your documents with the extension
yourdocname.html to somewhere convenient (perhaps
your desktop) - Drag this file over Safari or Firefox
- Did it work?
- What is the difference between the two files?
28Lets write some code!
- Start practicing in this format
- For help, visit
- http//journalism.indiana.edu/resources/webediting
/introduction-to-html/ - OR TRY
- http//www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp
- Try to insert an image, a link, and other types
of formatting
29Lets write some code!
- I dont expect you to be an expert in writing
code - Just DONT BE AFRAID when you see html code or
related CSS style sheets - Troubleshooting if often easier by analyzing code
rather than visual WYSIWYG platforms.
- Practice working with code
- You have nothing specific to produce at this
point - Just use it and be ready to report on Wednesday
what you found - Read Handout 2 at
- http//www.webstyleguide.com/site/print/site.html
- Find at least one example of
- Alignment
- Proximity
- Repetition
- Contrast
- Email them to me, we will look at them on