Title: Now available: Internet Research Skills, the book
1Now available Internet Research Skills, the book
- O Dochartaigh, Niall (2007) Internet Research
Skills. London Sage.
2Governments, archives, statistics, news, lists
and multimedia Internet Research Skills Niall
O Dochartaigh, Dept. of Political Science and
- Database searches not the quickest method
- Official guides to official documentation on
current issues - Press releases
- Critics of government policy
- News stories
- Searching government via the search engines
4Search tip searching for government information
by domain
- Google, Yahoo, Ask.com and MSNSearch
- Add sitegov to your query to ensure you only
search US government sites - Add sitemil to restrict it to US military sites
5 - sitegov.uk
- sitefco.gov.uk
- Note that not all government documents are to be
found in the official domains. - Foreign Government Resources on the Web
- (www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/foreign.html)
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7The Irish government
8The British government
- Directgov (www.direct.gov.uk)
- Individual government departments
- Official and Government Resources
(www.britishlibrary.net/official.html) - The Keele University guide to British Government
and Politics on the Internet (www.keele.ac.uk/dept
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11UK Parliament (www.parliament.uk)
- Commons Hansard
- Select committee report
- sitepublications.parliament.uk
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- Government activity
- Organisations and private individuals
14Guides to online archives
- Ready, net go! (www.tulane.edu/lmiller/ArchivesRe
sources.html) - Repositories of primary sources
ries.html) - EAN (European Archival Network)
(www.european-archival.net) - The National Archives (US) (archives.gov)
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16The National Archives (UK) (www.nationalarchives.g
- Over 8 million document references
- Research guides
17Search strategy Searching an Archive
- Start with key publications in your subject area
- A search in the British National Archives
- Aim to identify key collections of records on
British policy in Iraq during the 1920s and 1930s
when Britain administered Iraq as a League of
Nations mandate
18- Research guides
- Keyword search four guides that mention Iraq
- Guide to sources on the League of Nations
- A sub-section in this guide is devoted entirely
to the mandates
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23- Enter any of these codes in the Go to Reference
box and you will get a description of the files
included under this reference number - May also point to related records
24- Search the catalogue by keyword (go to search
the archives and choose search the catalogue) - A general search on
- Iraq AND mandate (limited to the period from 1918
to 1950) returns 20 results - Several of them are from CO 730, which is
described as correspondence on Iraq from the
1920s and 1930s - CO 730 includes 178 volumes in total, a massive
store of documentation.
25- Once you have identified the relevant record
series you can limit your searches in the
catalogue according to the Department or Series
code - Thus a search on Kurds limited to CO 730 brings
back eight files on Kurds in Iraq during the
mandate period
26- You can then take a reference number like this
and use it to identify books and articles that
draw on these archives - Produces more information about the contents of
these specific files - And points you to books that use the archives and
are likely to provide pointers to other relevant
files on the Iraq mandate.
27Google Scholar "CO 730" Archives Iraq mandate
28Google book search
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31No results in Amazon.com
32Digital archives
- Full text searches (limited)
- Google Scholar
- Find them through a good subject guide
33Chinese Digital Archive 1966-1976
34The Cornell University Library Witchcraft
collection (historical.library.cornell.edu/witchcr
35Conflict Archive on the Internet CAIN
- Statistics in books and articles
- Statistical reports
- Manipulating the data online
- Raw data know what youre looking for
- Collecting data
37Guides to statistical sources
- WebStat (www.linkkitalo.fi/webstaten)
- Offstats (www.library.auckland.ac.nz/subjects/stat
s/offstats) - Statistical resources on the Web
38 - UK Statistics National Statistics
(www.statistics.gov.uk) - European Union statistics
- Eurostat
- (www.eu.int/comm/eurostat/), the European Unions
Statistical Information Service - Eurobarometer, (europa.eu.int/comm/public_opinion/
39Data Archives
- ICPSR The Inter-university Consortium for
Political and Social Research (www.icpsr.umich.edu
) - CESSDA Council for European Social Science Data
Archives (www.nsd.uib.no/cessda/) - The UK Data Archive (www.data-archive.ac.uk)
- Tutorial available
40Discussion lists
- H-Grad (www.h-net.msu.edu/grad/)
- JISCmail (www.jiscmail.ac.uk)
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43Email lists
- Check subject guides
- Check the Web sites of key professional
associations - Check H-Net or JISCmail
- H-Net (www.h-net.org)
- JISCMAIL (www.jiscmail.ac.uk/)
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- Yahoo News (news.yahoo.com)
- Google News (news.google.com)
- MSN Newsbot (newsbot.msnbc.msn.com)
- Google news archive?
- Lexis-Nexis
- News Library (www.newslibrary.com)
- ProQuest News Magazines (not at NUI, GALWAY)
- 1,400 newspapers and magazines
- Google, Yahoo, Ask.com and MSNSearch
- Photo sharing Web sites
- Flickr (www.flickr.com)
- Webshots (www.webshots.com)
- PBase (pbase.com)
- Results are organised into clusters
- Use individual photographs to guide you to
relevant collections
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- Adding map to your query
- Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection
(www.lib.utexas.edu/maps) - The Map Room A Weblog About Maps
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52- Google maps (maps.google.com)
- Yahoo maps (maps.yahoo.com)
- Mashups (get URL)
- Google Maps Mania (googlemapsmania.blogspot.com).
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- Internet Archives Movie Archive
(www.archive.org/details/movies) - ResearchChannel, (www.researchchannel.org) a
Social Sciences Video and Webcast Library - Google Video (video.google.com/)
- Yahoo Video search (video.search.yahoo.com)
58- Singing Fish (search.singingfish.com)
- YouTube (www.youtube.com)
- IFILM (www.ifilm.com)
- Vimeo (www.vimeo.com)
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