Title: Some JLIP systematic studies
1Some JLIP systematic studies
Daniel Bloch, B. Clément, D. Gelé, S. Greder,
I. Ripp-Baudot (IReS Strasbourg)
- factorization of light quark mistags
- mistag systematics
- SystemD cross-checks on MC
- b-tag systematics
2Factorization of mistags
- use the same fixed shape in all 4 ? ranges
- only the normalization is free
- factorization is valid for JLIP
3Mistag systematics
- mistag efficiency e(neg tag) x Fhf x Fll
- e(neg tag) syst compare jes and emqcd data
? 5 per Et bin - Fhf syst
vary the c and b content in
QCD MC by 10
? Fhf varies by 6 for
c, by 8 for b - Fll syst replace QCD MC by Z ?uds or Wjets,
but no significant differences - Overall systematics ?(5²6²8²) 11
4Cross-checks of SystemD
- Aim test SystemD on Monte Carlo only
- MC sample used
light QCD 4080
(516k jets use highest pt track to mimic muons)
Z?cc?µ ttbar?c?µ (57k jets)
b Z?bb?µ
ttbar?b?µ (146k jets) - Use 3 taggers" muon ptrel ? 0.7 GeV/c
- JLIP prob ?
0.007 on muon-jet - JLIP prob ? 0.05
on opposite" jet - Check the correlations between taggers
- Solve the system
and compare results with
58 equations / 8 unknowns
1 muon tag, 2 JLIP tag, 3 opposite tag
e tag-efficiency, a/ß correlation factors
- n nb ncl
- n1 e1b nb e1cl ncl
- n2 e2b nb e2cl ncl
- n3 e3b nb e3cl ncl
- n12 a12 e1b e2b nb ß12 e1cl e2cl ncl
- n23 a23 e2b e3b nb ß23 e2cl e3cl ncl
- n31 a31 e3b e1b nb ß31 e3cl e1cl ncl
- n123 a12 a23 a31 e1b e2b e3b nb
ß12 ß23 ß31 e1cl e2cl e3cl ncl
. . . . . . .
6correlations for b-jets
7results / expected vs jet Et
ncl/n e1cl (muon) e2cl (JLIP) e3cl
nb/n e1b (muon) e2b (JLIP) e3b (oppo)
nb/n e1b (muon) e2b (JLIP) e3b (oppo)
8b-tag systematics
- Using SystemD
- vary correlation coefficients within their (MC)
errors 2.9 - vary the muon ptrel cut (from ?0.4 to
?1.0 GeV/c) 0.7 - ? 3 but take rather a conservative (?) 5
- Use this estimate and show it on many plots
Et, ?, jet
multiplicity,run number
9SystemD results looks stable,
but difference with ptrel
fits not well understood