Title: Volunteer
1Volunteer Recognition Awards
UFV appreciates students who have helped foster a
positive sense of community and whose
contributions demonstrate a commitment to
leadership and positive growth. Faculty and
staff, as well as other students, nominated those
who during the 2007/08 year had gone above and
beyond to help make a difference at UFV. To
express our gratitude the Student Life Department
hosted a Volunteer Recognition event at
University House on Wednesday, April 9, 2008.
This compilation is a record of that event, a
collection of memories of these very special
people and the accolades they received on that
3Official Invitation to Student Nominees
Afternoon of Recognition Dr. Skip Bassford would
like to cordially invite you to an afternoon of
recognition and celebration in honour of your
volunteer contributions to the UFV
community. Guest Speaker Laird Munro -
alumnus Director of Operations, West Jet
Vacations Student Speaker Sidrah Ahmad 200
p.m., April 9, 2007 University House University
of the Fraser Valley 33844 King Road Abbotsford
Campus Dessert reception to follow Please
R.S.V.P. by April 4, 2007 to the UFV Student Life
4Dr. Karen Evans
Dr. Karen Evans is currently the Associate Vice
President, Teaching and Development at UFV where
she has worked for the past eleven years. Karen
has worked with an array of programs and services
including the teaching and learning centre, the
career centre, instructional media services,
university foundations, business, information
technology and aviation. Karens academic
background includes a Doctorate in Education
(Leadership and Policy) from the University of
British Columbia, a Masters in Industrial
Relations from Queens University
and a Degree in Business from Athabasca
University. Karens research interests have
focused on the intersection of public and private
interests in higher education and organizational
change and development in the academy. Karens
volunteer involvement has encompassed a variety
of boards and community service organizations
over the years, including Chair of the Chilliwack
Childrens Foundation, Board member for Stolo
Community Futures, President of the Chilliwack
Chamber of Commerce, Director of the Upper Fraser
Valley Transition Society, Rotary, Soroptimists,
Chair of a military family services organization
and Brownie Leader, to name a few.
5Key Points from Dr. Karen Evans address The
institution is grateful to the volunteers for how
they add to the UFV community and experiences.
This is a very important event because it gives
us a chance to recognize our student leaders.
Benefits of Volunteering to the Student The
government, employers, and students themselves
are now placing increasing importance on the
skills that prepare students for successful
future employment and extend personal
development. Research shows a direct connection
between volunteerism and student
success. Volunteering builds employability
skills such as leadership, problem solving, team
working, initiative, and self-awareness.
Virtually every paid job can be mirrored by a
volunteering opportunity. Student-led
volunteering is empowering. It allows avenues to
be explored or ideas to be initiated that might
not be accessible through paid work. 40 of
students are so deeply affected by it that their
career paths take a new direction. 94 of
employees who had volunteered to learn new skills
benefited either by getting their first job,
improving their salary, or being promoted. Paul
Charman, a Careers Advisor at the University of
Lincoln says, 74 of graduate employers look for
voluntary work experience on CVs. An
assessment on the impact of volunteering on the
further education sector is available at this
link http//www.volunteering.org.uk/
6Sidrah Ahmad
My name is Sidrah Ahmad, and I am a 2nd year
Bachelor of Arts student at UFV. Congratulations
to everyone here! Its amazing to see so many
people who have volunteered their time in a
variety of events, while pursuing university as
well. Also, thank you to everyone who has
helped to put this event together. Its a
success and Im honoured to be a part of it!
Id like ask a couple of questions How many
people here volunteer because they like to? How
many have enjoyed their volunteer experiences?
How many have made friendships while
volunteering? I ask these questions because these
are some of the reasons why I choose to
volunteer. From what I can remember, I have
enjoyed all my volunteer experiences. And its
more than the experience itself. Of course its
important to enjoy what you are doing, but one of
the main reasons I enjoy volunteering, is because
of the different people I meet. I have learned
that everyone has a unique life story many of
which are so interesting! Every time I meet
someone new, I learn from them, whether its
about a new culture, their favourite activity,
some crazy talent, or what they are passionate
about. Someone I met recently through the
International Ed Conversation Partner Program, is
from Iran! And we have both learned from each
otherevery time I spend time with my her, I am
inspired by her courage in coming to a country,
Canada, halfway across the world with a very
different culture than her own, and attempting to
learn a new language. To me this is inspiring,
and I know there are many
7students with similar situations. This has
inspired me to take my university education and
somehow apply it so that I am able to gain more
knowledge about different people and cultures,
and eventually be able to help people coming into
Canada as well as go internationally and help
people in other countriesby teaching English,
for example. There are so many different skills
that Ive gained through volunteering. It has
given me confidenceand thats huge! I believe
that, if it wasnt for the volunteering that I
have done, I probably would not be able to stand
here and speak to you. There are also skills like
managing time, organizing and being able to
coordinate different things. By planning events,
such as a Dinner on Campus for International
Students in order to celebrate a religious time,
Ive learned that I enjoy planning and
coordinating and will hopefully be able to
include these skills into my career. Overall, and
as cheesy as it may sound, volunteering has added
value to my life. From a young age, I was
fortunate to enjoy the benefits of volunteerism.
Some of my fondest childhood memories are of a
just for girls club, and how the group of
volunteers who ran this service helped me feel
mature and confident. I want to be able to make
a difference in the lives of youth and children,
which will also contribute to my life. Making
this difference could be by doing things such as
being an Orientation Leader at UFV, being a
conversation partner for international students,
or mentoring youth through different programs.
Each different volunteer experience has built new
relationships and new connections for me and this
is where I find the value from volunteering. I
think overall volunteering, meeting new people,
and planning different events has influenced me
with where I want my education to go. I dont
know exactly yet, but I do know that I want to
work with people, that I want to work
internationally, and that I enjoy planning and
coordinating activities. I received some advice
in high school that I will never forget Make
the most of your high school daysget involved,
volunteer, join a team or club, etc., because
youll only be in high school once. I realized
that the different things I got involved with
during high school are where my best memories of
high school are, from planning dances, to doing
intramurals with a bunch of friends, and
eventually getting involved with graduation.
Ive applied this piece of advice to my
university life and I hope it continues
throughout the rest of my life.
8Laird Munro
Laird Munro, who earned his BA in history and
English from UFV in 1998, is the director of
WestJet Vacations, a division of the successful
Calgary-based airline. Hes moved steadily up the
ranks of the company after joining WestJet in
2000, shortly after its start-up. Munro says hes
put the critical thinking and problem-solving
skills he honed at UFV to good use in the
aviation business. UFV encouraged me to think
in an entrepreneurial and innovative fashion, to
realize I dont need to be an expert in
everything. Rather, I need to find people who
have the knowledge and get them to share it with
me, and to be able to analyze what theyre
telling me and take what I need from it.
He also values the open-mindedness that his years
at UFV instilled in him. I had the chance to
be exposed to the feminist perspective, to
students from the gay and lesbian community, and
people from other cultures. All this served me
well. Its been great to have come from growing
up in Chilliwack, going to university locally,
and to have had the chance to extend what I
learned there into neat experiences all over the
world. I believe we make our own history. I
once quipped in class when we were studying
Oliver Twist that Oliver was creating himself as
he went along. But I really think everybody has
the ability to do the same thing. There are
barriers and socio-economic factors that can
impede you, but it is possible to have the
conviction, strength, and stubborn streak to hang
on and break through them. Munro has spoken at
special events at UFV, been a guest of the Alumni
Association at the Business Administration
Student Association networking breakfast, and
served on career panels.
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20Awards Presentation
21Mohammad Aba Alkhail
Nominator Michelle Rickaby Department
International Education Mohammad has been a
wonderful volunteer and influence for many
students. He has volunteered his time at a
number of events including the Spirit of BC,
multicultural childrens festival, SAPEF forums,
home-stay information sessions, UFV Daffodil
Days, and more. Mohammad communicates with
others to explain the concept of volunteering
and he leads by example. He has given a lot of
time translating for fellow students. Mohammad
is a great leader with his peers.
22Rossy Aguirre Henriquez
Nominator Martin Kelly Department Student Life
Its not easy to start up a student association
from a dead stop, but Rossy has done it with MOLA
in one semester. She is a ball of fire. The
weekly salsa dancing and Spanish food days have
added a lot of flavour to the community!
23Sidrah Ahmad
Nominators Devon Wilson, Jag Deol, and Lindsay
Sasaki Departments Student Recruitment, Indo
Canadian Center, and Career Center Sidrah is the
co-chair of the student advisory committee for
the Indo-Canadian students at UFV. Sidrah gives
up her personal time to work on projects such as
raising money for the homeless and is working on
future projects such as a blood drive and a food
drive. Furthermore, she is a Student Ambassador
and she has outstanding leadership skills. She
is undoubtedly an exceptional asset to the UFV
24Sheryl Appleby
Nominators Chris Leach, Robin Anderson, and
Geoffrey Spurling Department History Sheryl has
been an active member of the Association of
History Students, has volunteered for the BC
Worlds Conference organizing and preparing for
events, has attended the Qualicum conference, and
she has consistently supported all History
department events History Tea and History
Roundtables. Her mature and calm personality
coupled with her consistent presence at events
earns her the recommendation of the department.
25Amy Carlin
Nominator Shirley Hardman Department Aboriginal
Access Services Amy is one of our quietest
volunteers. While she has been known to be
sitting on a couch in the center knitting, Amy
willingly sets aside her knitting to assist
students with computer problems, or to research
and she proof reads their papers. Amy is new to
the center this year and she balances a home life
with student life and always finds time to help
26Dan Clegg
Nominator Martin Kelly Department Student
Life Dan started and runs the UFV Elpizo club.
His attitude of diplomacy and social inclusion
has positively impacted other students and groups
at UFV. He recently donated a hand-turned maple
bowl, truly a work of art, to the Empty Bowls
project which was used as the major draw prize.
27Ahmad Dahham
Nominator Tracey Mason Innes Department
Residence Services Ahmad has only been in Baker
House for two and a half months and he has
already stepped up as a leader at the residence.
He has helped us translate Arabic and communicate
to our Arabic speaking residents. Ahmad is VERY
helpful when we need him.
28Jean de Dieu Hakizimana
Nominator Mark Filiatrault Department Business
Jean de Dieu Hakizimana has promoted the
relationship with Adult Learners and the
University of the Fraser Valley. He has a
passion for humanity and is committed to social
29ShanShan DuElsa
Nominator Michelle Rickaby Department
International Education Elsa has been a part of
a number of the on- and off-campus events, and
has offered to organize events. She has been a
part of the planning process and has organized
volunteers, schedules, marketing, etc. Elsa is
always available to help and is a cheerful
influence and great role model to every student.
30Sheena Edwards
Nominator Shirley Hardman Department Aboriginal
Access Services Sheena is probably our happiest
volunteer that is if smiles are any indication of
happiness. Along with smiles Sheena has brought
her knowledge about fitness, nutrition and
exercise. On a weekly basis Sheena offers short
fitness classes. And if thats not enough, Sheena
began organizing an Aboriginal Fashion Show to
highlight some works of local designers!
31Naoshige Fujimoto
Nominator Madeleine Hardin Department
Communications For the last year I have watched
Shigé work on the internationalization committee
where he contributes a great deal of perspective
as an international student. He organized a
peace day and helps promote all of the CIDA
public engagement forums. If there is work to be
done, Shigé always volunteers.
32Steve King
Nominator Zarine Mistry, UFV Student Steve
helps EVERYONE. Ask him to do anything, from
holding a door open, to washing dishes, to
carrying heavy loads he does it all! Usually
he doesnt even need to be asked, he just does
it. He has a big heart and is, in my opinion, a
true gentleman! For these reasons and many more
I nominated Steve King to be recognized for
volunteering at UFV.
33David Lemieux
Nominator Martin Kelly Department Student
Life Nominated for getting involved and still
being sensible. His tireless efforts in getting
the students of UFV involved in school related
activities are refreshing and useful.
34Sheilah Marsden
Nominator Shirley Hardman Department Aboriginal
Access Services Everybody loves to have
Sheilahs bannock. Some afternoons she gets up
from her homework and treats everyone to her
home-made bannock. In addition, Sheilah hosts a
craft night (sometimes she makes bannock for that
as well) and teaches anyone who asks how to make
dream catchers, regalia and pine needle baskets,
and other crafts. Sheilah has even encouraged
other students to bring their kids and make it a
family night.
35David Miller
Nominator Doug McLean Department CIVL
Radio David deserves the award for being a
longstanding member of the programming committee
where he gives feedback and approves shows for
the radio station.
36Mary Parenteau
Nominator Shirley Hardman Department Aboriginal
Access Services Mary is a first-year student
and has volunteered in the centre for numerous
activities, including crafts, Honour your Health,
Reaching and Story Telling events, and the
Lieutenant Governors visit. Often Mary brings
her son to the events to introduce him (as early
as it is for him) to University Life.
37Ryan Petersen
Nominator Martin Kelly Department Student
Life Whether or not Ryan is officially
involved in an event, he always steps up to do
what needs to be done. He is spontaneous and
fun, yet sensible and is always ready to lend a
helping hand whether it be carrying heavy loads
from one end of the campus to the other or to
drop people off at the airport!
38Baraa Safaa Ali
Nominator Sandra Cavan Department International
Education Baraa told himself that he would work
hard to make everyone here as happy as they have
made him. He has helped the International office
with Arabic/English translation on a daily basis.
During our student orientations, Fall 07 and
Winter 08, Baraa was always willing to help any
of the new students with questions ranging from
course information to where to buy the best
pillow. He can be quoted in asking How can I
help? You let me know, Ill do anything. His
energy and positive attitude have been a
highlight to everyone who meets him.
39Amber Sandhu
Nominator Jag Deol Department Center for
Indo-Canadian Studies Amber is the co-chair of
the student advisory committee at the Center for
Indo-Canadian Studies at UFV. Amber gives up her
personal time to work on projects such as raising
money for the homeless, and is working on future
projects such as blood drive, and a food drive.
She also worked with International Womens Day.
Amber has outstanding leadership skills and is an
asset to UFV.
40Erin Sands
Nominator Mehrzad Sorabji Department Residence
Services Erin constantly puts forth efforts to
help children and people in Malawi with a private
group called Project Wellness. She works hard
baking goods to sell at school and sends the
proceeds to help build schools, hospitals, etc.
41Jennifer Saunders
Nominator Elizabeth Carpenter Department
ESL Jenn has come almost every day to help me
in my Intensive Beginners ESL class. She has come
from 830am 1120am and been very helpful with
the students who are all from Saudi Arabia.
Jenns positivity and good nature enhances the
learning environment and she is a role model to
42Mehrzad Sorabji
Nominator Martin Kelly Department Student
Life Mehrzad has been instrumental creating
community way beyond his position as R.A. His
regular karaoke nights, blood donor drive, and
general can do attitude help a lot to build
student involvement.
43Tricia Taylor
Nominators Chris Leach, Robin Anderson, and
Geoffrey Spurling Department History Tricia has
been a tireless volunteer for UFV and, in
particular, history students for a number of
years. In her role as the AHS executive, Tricia
has initiated a host of student events and
causes, including this years Black History
Month. As well, Tricia has played a crucial role
in the largest event put on by the History
Department, the BC Worlds Conference in April
2007. She created the entire registration
system, co-coordinated the registration desk at
the conference, helped to organize the conference
banquet, and continued to volunteer on
conferences loose ends over an 18 month period
thats dedication!
44Kim Unruh
Nominators Chris Leach, Robin Anderson, and
Geoffrey Spurling Department History Kim has
been at the center of the UFV history student
community for the past two years. She is the
President of the Association of History Students,
and has consistently supported department
functions and initiatives. Kim has represented
UFV and the History Department at the Qualicum
History Conference. As editor of the Debunker,
the History Student Newsletter, Kim has further
enhanced her central role in the UFV community.
Having a student like Kim who contributes to
student life and community consciousness is
45Shihan Wang Becky
Nominator Michelle Rickaby Department
International Education Becky has been a part
of the Volunteer to Work program with the UFV
International Department. Becky volunteered with
Big Brothers in December, helped at the New
Student Orientation, and was part of a UFV
multicultural childrens festival held on the
Mission Campus. Becky has used her artistic
talent to prepare the posters for a variety of
events. She was also an organizer of the UFV
Daffodil Days campaign for the Canadian Cancer
46Helen Yannacopoulos
Nominator Brenda Fredrick Department Visual
Arts Helen is the president of VASA and has done
a great job in organizing events and ensuring
their smooth running. Not only does she conduct
events within UFV she also volunteers outside the
UFV community at other Lower Mainland events.
She exhibits intellectual curiosity, independent
judgment, self discipline, compassion for her art
practice and fellow colleagues, and is definitely
deserving of volunteer recognition.
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Sidrah Ahmad Joddi Alden Kory Alden Jessica
Bradley Cassandra Brien Dan Came Kyle
Cardno Randona Conrad Samanatha De Silva
Anna-May Dickinson
- Debbie Ellis
- Whitney Fordham
- Anglea Hatten
- Derek Lacoursiere
- Callum Mathers
- Zarine Mistry
- Jennifer Nelson
- Nguyen Nguyen
- Curtis Penner
- Jeffrey Pernitsky
Ryan Petersen Mehrzad Sorabji Richard
Tatomir Stephen Truong Reiko Tusuki Amara
Vanderveen Lewis Van Dyk Cameron Wark Kelly Wong
Nominator James McGregor Department Student
These Orientation Leaders were instrumental in
the overall success of the New Student
Orientation program. When faced with an
additional 270 unexpected guests, they pulled
together and took on even greater
responsibilities than expected. Their enthusiasm
and determination to make this an unforgettable
day for the students really shone through. From
holding private tours, to keeping in touch with
the students after Orientation, these leaders
have shown exemplary consideration for the new
students. On behalf of myself (James McGregor)
and everyone at Student Life, I would like to
thank the Orientation leaders very much for all
their passion and dedication to this program.
50Special O Mention
Cassandra Cassie Brien
Nominator Jaytyn, UFV student Cassie has
helped me many times since I met her at the New
Student Orientation in the fall. Recently, I
randomly bumped into her in the Great Hall. I
was worried about money for the semester and
taking courses that weren't relevant and a waste
of time. She took the time to ask me how I was
doing and then took me to where I could meet with
academic advisors and also where I can find
applications for bursaries and financial aid.
51Leadership Board
Jennifer Nelson Kyle Cardno Deborah Ellis
Curtis Penner Stephen Truong Keanan
Holness Lucas Sherman Jordana Hillman
52Leadership Advisory Board
Nominator Jill Harrison Department Student Life
The students involved in the newly formed
Leadership Advisory Board took on a great task
this year to help Student Life deliver a more
holistic leadership experience for the student
body at UFV. Building upon their own leadership
experiences and values, these students were able
to create an amazing event the Epic Leadership
Conference 2008. From booking the guest
speakers, to making the food, to planning all the
logistics that come with a conference, the
committee did a phenomenal job. Their dedication
to the cause has been exemplary. They continue to
meet for two hours each week in the pursuit of
creating more leadership opportunities for
students on campus. The Student Life department
is very proud of their effort and all their
accomplishments thus far.
53Student Recruitment Group
Joddi Alden Kyle Cardno
Angela Hatten Alvin Prasad
Whitney Fordham Stephen Truong
Nominator Devon Wilson Department Student
Recruitment These student volunteers give their
time to be leaders and mentors to future
students. They are campus tour guides for grade
8-12 students. As UFV Booth Reps, they connect
with middle school and high school students to
give more information on UFV and to answer life
as a student questions. They are always willing
and enthusiastic to help!
54A.C.E. Club
Student Representatives
Sandeep Saran, Navi Mann, Manmeet Chhina, Van
Nominator Martin Kelly Department Student
Life Most new student organizations struggle to
stay on track and keep interest up. Not so with
the Aiding Communities Everywhere Club. From the
first Water Play Day in September through the
last samosa sale in March they have remained
focused and effective in raising money for the
Alzheimers Society.
Student Representative
Jeffrey Pernitsky
Nominator Martin Kelly Department Student Life
Nominated for setting up the much needed, and
long-awaited web space for all student clubs and
association as well as for initiating and hosting
the Cuter Computer Challenge.
56Enviro Club
Student Representatives
Michelle Sylvest, Melissa Kendzierski, Dan van
der Kroon
Nominator Martin Kelly Department Student Life
Its not a fun job, but someone actually does it.
Twice a week for the entire year (and for years
before this) UFV Enviro Club has faithfully
recycled all bottles and cans on the Abbotsford
campus. In addition, they are active in
creating an environmentally aware campus
community through their events such as Bike to
Work Week and the Transit for the Valley Forum.
57CIVL Radio
Student Representatives
Russ Langhout Nathan Moes
Doug MacLean Dustin Ellis
Tyler Wilson Jordan Turner
Nominator Martin Kelly Department Student Life
It has been a long and sometimes tortuous journey
to get CIVL Radio on the air. Through it all the
crew at the station, especially Doug and Dustin,
have stuck to it with dogged determination.
These people will not even be UFV students when
the job is finally finished. We appreciate very
much their act of selflessly looking forward and
working for the benefit of future students.
58Thanks to our Esteemed Presenter
Mark Brosinski, UFV Alumna, BBA '02
Manager, Budgets and Financial PlanningUniversity
College of the Fraser Valley
Mark graduated from the University College of the
Fraser Valley with Bachelor of Business
Administration degree with an Accounting Option
and a Co-operative Education Option. While a
student, Mark was the Treasurer of the Business
Administration Student Association. Mark began
his career at the University College of the
Fraser Valley as a Budget Analyst. Currently he
holds the position of Manager, Budgets and
Financial Planning. Mark is a member of the
University College Council and is the
Secretary-Treasurer of the Faculty Staff
Association. In addition, the Alumni Association
board was pleased to welcome Mark as a member at
large in May of 2005.
59Mark Brosinski
Speaks on behalf of the UFV Alumni Association
On behalf of the UFV Alumni Association I would
like to extend our thanks to all the volunteers
here for their contribution to the development of
an enriched and caring UFV community. Were here
to recognize your efforts beyond your course work
and all your other commitments. I hope that even
after your studies here at UFV you will continue
to be involved here and with your peers through
the various events and programs run through the
UFV Alumni office.
60Thank You Everyone!