Title: Your%20Presenters:%20David%20Strom%20Penny%20C.%20Sansevieri%20Bob%20Baker
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3Your PresentersDavid StromPenny C.
SansevieriBob Baker
4Our goals for today
- Understand how social networks and blogs can work
together to sell more books - How to get started using these tools and what you
can do yourself - How to create conversations with your readers
- Why you should think about podcastsand videos,
5We assume you already know how to
- Get your own domain for you and your books
- Put together a basic Web page to promote yourself
- Setup a blog using Wordpress etc.
- Setup an email address and list server
- How to use a browser email software
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11Get exposure on other people's blogs podcasts
12There are thousands of specialized blogs
podcasts where you can get exposure
13Search for targeted blogs using Technorati.com B
logSearch.google.com IceRocket.com
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15Search for targeted podcasts using iTunes Podcas
tDirectory.com Podcast.net
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17The art of leaving comments on other peoples
blogs podcasts
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36Do you Twitter?
- Twitter is a powerful
- micro-blogging platform
- Twitter is the new email let people know what
youre doing - Use Twitter as a promotional tool
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38How to Use Twitter
- Teach stuff.
- Showcase your book.
- Widen your network.
- Keep the buzz going when
- youre on the move.
- Market yourself.
39How Not to Use Twitter
- Think before you Tweet
- Please dont tell me when
- youre washing your cat
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41 42The New Rules of Press Release Writing
- Hyperlinks are key
- links to your site are crucial
- Keywords are a must stay away from root
keywords. Instead, find keywords that are
important to your reader/consumer - Write releases often.
- Dont wait for a big event.
43The Golden Ruleof Press Releases
- Press releases are a way of communicating with
your reader/consumer, NOT the media. - Marketing is a conversation
- once your marketing stops, so
- does your conversation.
- Conversations evaporate.
44The Art of Keywordsin Your Release
- Use words that will appeal to your consumer.
- Use these words in the headline and first 50
words of your release. - Keep your release to no more
- than 600 words.
- Have 1, possibly 2 links back to your site.
- Use keywords for hyperlinking.
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49Questions?David Strom, david_at_strom.com,(310)
857-6867, strominator.comPenny C. Sansevieri,
(858) 560-0121penny_at_amarketingexpert.comBob
Baker, bob_at_thebuzzfactor.com(314) 963-5296,