Media Management - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Media Management


Useful information for managing media publicity, when you want it and when you don't. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

Number of Views:6681
Updated: 11 March 2010
Slides: 32
Provided by: cobman


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Media Management

Effective Media Management
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Television the Engine of Media Culture
  • TV is the most powerful of all media.
  • It encompasses and influences news, music,
    movies, magazines, radio, newspapers, videos, the
  • The average Canadian watches over 20 hours of TV
    per week!

TV Viewing in Canada
TVs per Household
What TV Stations Really Sell
  • TV stations sell an audience.
  • The bigger the audience, the more clients will
    pay for advertising time.
  • Prime time viewing hours and major events attract
    the largest audiences, thus advertising time is
    more expensive.
  • In 2010 a 30 second Super Bowl ad will cost USD
    3 million or 100,000 per second!

Rating and Rates
  • Ratings measure the size of the audience.
  • The bigger the audience the higher the ratings.
  • Advertising rates are set according to ratings
  • TV programs live and die by their ratings
  • lists Lost as the all-time top rated TV

Established Buying Patterns
  • Most advertising is aimed at people under the age
    of 55.
  • Older people are more likely to shop in familiar
    places and buy the same goods and services year
    after year.
  • Younger people dont have these Established
    Buying Patterns.
  • This makes them more susceptible to an
    advertisers suggestion.

Lowest Common Denominator
  • TV caters to the majority demand for sensational
  • TV news and most programs are intentionally
    written at a grade six level.
  • TV exploits base human motivators fear, greed,
  • Tests show the human brain is more active when
    sleeping than watching television.

The One Thing You Rarely See on TV
  • TV programs often portray characters in real life
    settings doing real life things.
  • This helps you identify with the people you are
  • Whats the one everyday thing you rarely see
    people on TV doing?
  • Watching TV!

The Changing Nature of Television
  • Independent TV stations are disappearing as large
    media corporations buy and merge stations,
    facilities and networks.
  • As such, the tremendous influence of modern
    television has become highly concentrated.
  • Working together, a small number of major media
    corporations exert enormous influence over
    cultural, commercial, social, and political
    institutions around the world.

The Changing Nature of Television
  • In Canada these major American and Canadian
    networks are most popular and commonly
    accessible. Their owners, and other major
    international conglomerates, include

National Amusements, Viacom, CBS Corporation,
Time Warner, News Corp, Sony, General Electric,
Vivendi SA, Hearst Corporation, Bertelsmann AG,
Organizações Globo Lagardère Group
The Changing Nature of TV News
  • TV news has become more entertainment oriented.
  • Sensational video takes precedence.
  • Image has become as important as substance.
  • News items are carefully selected and/or omitted
    to satisfy the largest audience.
  • They are also vetted to ensure adherence to
    legal, cultural and political considerations.

Why Big Networks Like Local News
  • A network is a chain of TV stations.
  • Affiliate stations share programs and commercials
    but local news is unique to each.
  • Local stations encourage audiences to identify
    closely with their top news personalities
    anchors and hosts.
  • This hi neighbor relationship helps bind
    viewers to the network.

How News Stories Get Selected
  • Assignment editors develop lists of topical story
    ideas from a variety of sources.
  • Managers, editors, producers, anchors and
    reporters meet to establish potential stories and
  • Subsequent line-up meetings review the progress
    of each story and where it fits in as the daily
    news run evolves.
  • Frequent last minute changes for breaking news
    are a leading cause of early retirement from the
    control room.

Why Stories Get Selected
  • Stories are selected on the basis of their
    audience appeal, news value, good visual
    prospects, sensational elements and ease of
  • Not every story has all those qualities but those
    that do are featured more prominently.
  • Some stories fit into a daily franchise such as
    medical, consumer or entertainment news.

Media Coverage - when you want it
  • Contacting the Media
  • Dont be afraid to contact the media directly.
  • Ask for the city editor if your calling a
    newspaper, or the assignment desk if youre
    calling a radio or TV station.
  • Make a contacts list of your favourite editors
    and reporters.
  • Make sure you get the right spelling and

Media Coverage - when you want it
  • Pick Your Topic Spin
  • Once youve decided the product, service or
    person you want to publicize, choose the angle or
    spin you wish to highlight.
  • Media coverage requires your subject be
    consequential. What consequence does it carry
    for the average viewer?
  • For example, if your company makes water
    purifiers focus on health and safety not
    selection, price or colour.

Media Coverage - when you want it
  • Know These Positions
  • News anchors read from behind a desk.
  • Reporters photographers work in the field.
  • Producers coordinate editorial and production
  • Assignment editors collect assign stories.
  • Production directors work in the control room.
  • A news director manages the newsroom.
  • The CEO of News Current Affairs oversees policy

Media Coverage - when you want it
  • Know These Terms
  • A wrap or package is a pre-produced report by and
    with a reporter runs 130 - 200.
  • A voice-over is video with a script read by the
    news anchor runs about 30.
  • A voice-over-bite is an anchor script with video
    and a brief interview comment runs about 45.
  • A live hit is live from the scene with a reporter
    on camera and often includes pre-recorded video
    and interview clips.

Media Coverage - when you want it
  • Timing and Deadlines
  • Dont announce your companys innovative new
    product on Federal Budget day.
  • Newsrooms keep a day-file of upcoming events.
    Pick your date, then ask a friendly assignment
    editor if he knows of any major media events
    scheduled that day.
  • Good timing requires a little luck. You never
    know when something big will blow up, burn down,
    or fall over .. and disaster always comes first.
  • Schedule events and news conferences reasonably
    early to accommodate reporter deadlines. 1000
    a.m. is ideal.

Media Coverage - when you want it
  • News Releases How To Get Noticed
  • Keep a comprehensive contacts list of local,
    provincial, and national media.
  • News releases should be no more than one page of
    who, what, where, when and why plus contact
  • Provide more information with an attached fact
    sheet and a one-page backgrounder.
  • Send news conference invitations a week prior and
    again the day before the event.
  • Advertisements dressed up as "News Releases" get
    tossed real fast 19 times out of 20.

Media Coverage - when you want it
  • Gimmicks Good or Bad?
  • News editors often receive media releases or
    event invitations in clever theme packages.
  • PR agencies convince their clients that trendy or
    unusual packaging captures the medias attention.
  • For example, an invitation to a new restaurant
    opening was sent stapled to a paper plate and
    shrink-wrapped. Not necessarily a good idea.
  • A simple, well-prepared news release will get the
    same attention and cost a lot less.
  • Hot food delivered right to the newsroom,
    however, never seems to hurt.

Media Coverage - when you want it
  • Conducting a Successful Newser
  • Schedule news conferences between 1000 and 1100
  • Book a meeting room with a head table large
    enough to hold a number of microphone stands.
    Provide coffee and light snacks.
  • Locate the head table so TV cameras point away
    from windows.
  • Leave space for TV cameras at the front or on a
    riser at the back.
  • Feature large scale visuals drawings, maps,
    logos, flags, etc.
  • No more than three or four people at the head
  • Identify each speaker with a table card.
  • Distribute a well-organized information package
    and professional quality DVD when possible.
  • Allow time for reporters to scan your material.
  • Introductions, speaker remarks, and reporter QA
    - in that order.

Media Coverage - when you want it
  • The Number One Media Hook?
  • Good visuals! The more visually oriented you make
    your presentation the better.
  • If TV is there, radio and newspapers will follow.
  • The West Edmonton Mall once invited the media to
    witness the helicopter placement of a huge new
    piece of theatre equipment. Nobody missed it!
  • Instead of simply displaying a new product at a
    news conference, invite the media to your factory
    to video the manufacturing process.
  • Anything that includes action is a good draw.

Media Coverage - when you want it
  • What Every Reporter Is Looking For
  • Every reporter is waiting for you to say
    something you hadnt intended to say.
  • The oldest trick is the pregnant pause. After
    your reply, seasoned reporters may hesitate a few
    seconds waiting for you to nervously fill the
  • After youve made a definitive statement simply
    wait for the next question.
  • Dont expand in any way you havent carefully

Media Coverage - when you want it
  • The 1-on-1 Interview
  • Should be conducted in an environment where
    youre comfortable and in control.
  • Arrange a time and place convenient to you.
  • A brief conversation with the reporter before the
    interview is a good idea.
  • Remember sound bites rarely run longer than 15
    seconds on air.
  • During the interview speak conversationally with
    the reporter but be succinct and to the point.
  • Once the reporter leaves, dont expect any
    creative control.

Media Coverage - when you want it
  • Dont Take the Mike
  • Dont reach for the reporters microphone. He or
    she will hold it for you.
  • Reaching for the mike demonstrates a lack of
    experience as an interviewee.
  • Speak in a relaxed tone and maintain eye contact
    with the reporter, not the camera.
  • Keep arms down and hands away from your face.
  • If you perspire easily, a little translucent face
    powder prior to the interview is an excellent
  • Maintaining good posture conveys an air of

Media Coverage - when you want it
  • Is This Thing On?
  • Whatever else you do, understand the dynamics of
    the live interview. It happens in real time.
    You only get one take.
  • Dont let this happen to you a rodeo beauty
    queen got half way through a live TV interview
    when she suddenly stopped and said, Oh damn, I
    screwed up. Can we start again?
  • The answer, of course, was an embarrassing No.

Media Coverage - when you want it
  • The No Comment No-No
  • If youre involved in a controversial issue
    expect a question youd rather not answer.
  • When it comes simply say, Im sorry, theres
    nothing I can say about that right now.
  • Avoid using the no comment cliché. It
    inevitably comes across as hostile.
  • If the reporter asks, Why? be sure to have a
    pre-considered response. The alternative is to
    abruptly terminate the interview.
  • Dont be drawn into a verbal duel or endless
    probing questions. Either way you lose.

Media Coverage - when you want it
  • Scrums - Why You Should and Shouldnt
  • A scrum is one person surrounded by a large group
    of media.
  • Seasoned veterans can get a lot of media
    attention quickly.
  • The questions can be relentless and probing.
  • The inexperienced subject often feels nervous and
  • Scrums are mobile and can be difficult to walk
    away from.
  • If youre unsure, avoid scrums completely.

  • Media Coverage
  • - when you dont want it
  • Coming October 2009
  • Thank you!
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