Title: Concept Map
1Concept Mapping
- Cheryl Williams MS RN NP-C
2The Problem
- Why are we even studying the relevance of concept
maps in nursing education? - Havent you wanted to teach critical thinking in
a quick and more fun way? - Havent you looked for ways to teach a dry topic?
3Got Thought
- Concept maps stimulate critical thought
- Critical Thought has been viewed as
- the deliberate nonlinear process of collecting,
interpreting, analyzing, drawing conclusions
about, presenting, and evaluating information
that is both factually and belief based. - This is demonstrated in nursing by clinical
judgment, which includes ethical, diagnostic, and
therapeutic dimensions and research (p. 8) - National League for Nursing Accreditation
Commission (NLNAC). Accreditation manual.
Online. 2002. www.nlnac.org Retrieved March 5,
5What is a Concept Map
- According to Buzan (1996), a mind map or concept
map is a graphic representation of information or
thought processes of an individual. - In clinical care maps, the CM
- Consists of nodes or cells (often a circle) that
contain a patient with a real issue with
corresponding data and the links or lines which
represent relationships to nursing diagnoses. - Students are generally free to create their own
map style. - The critical thought is drawn from the
associations and meaningfulness to the
6What is a Concept Map
- We know if information is meaningful and useful
students will continue to apply it in new
situations - Concept maps allow students to take a basic idea
or concept and apply meaningful information and
identify important relationships. - This fosters creativity and students seek to
develop more complex patterns
7What is a Concept Map
- Students do this by identifying salient
information in each case and apply it to known
patterns - Then they are asked to prioritize data or
diagnoses - The concept map offers faculty a direct visual
into the students mind and serves as a ready
source for further questioning and critical
analysis - Often these concept maps are more holistic than
rote learning with linear thinking patterns - Ie traditional nursing care plans
8How have Concept Maps been used in Nursing
9Lets Make a Concept Map Together
10Our Data
- In 2009, 22 Medical surgical nursing students
(Course 102) were asked to do concept maps
instead of traditional nursing care plans - In 2010, 34 Medical surgical nursing students
(entering into a new rotation) were asked to also
utilize concept maps instead of traditional
nursing care plans for clinical preparation - These were exclusive groups
11Our Data/ The Survey
- The students were asked to answer the following
questions and rank their responses - The scale
- Very useful
- Useful
- Somewhat Useful
- Not Very Useful
- Not Useful
12Very Useful Useful Somewhat Useful Not Very Useful Not Useful
Does the creation of Concept Maps assist you in determining your Assessment data?
Does the creation of Concept Maps assist you in determining your Nursing Diagnoses data?
Does the creation of Concept Maps assist you in determining your Interventions?
Does the creation of Concept Maps assist you in the Evaluation of your plan of care?
Do concept maps assist you in Identifying Priorities of care?
Does the creation of a concept map assist you in Identifying the Interrelationships between nursing diagnoses?
Does the creation and use of the concept map in clinical provide a Sense of Direction during your clinical assignment?
13In Addition
- Students were asked four other additional
questions - Do concept maps prepare you for clinical
assignments in less time than development of
traditional nursing care plans? - Would you recommend use of concept maps for next
semester? - Did you find the classroom talk helpful as an
introduction to concept mapping? - Do you prefer articles on concept mapping?
14Our DataAssessment
- Does the creation of Concept Maps assist you in
determining your Assessment data?
Very Useful Useful Somewhat Useful Not Very Useful Not Useful
2009 45 22 14 0 9
2010 50 32 14 3 3
2009 n 22 2010n34
15Our DataNursing Diagnoses
- Does the Creation of Concept Maps
- assist in determining your Nursing Diagnoses
Very Useful Useful Somewhat Useful Not Very Useful Not Useful
2009 36 22 14 0 9
2010 47 32 20 3 0
16Our DataInterventions
- Does the creation of Concept Maps assist you in
determining your Interventions?
Very Useful Useful Somewhat Useful Not Very Useful Not Useful
2009 40 32 14 0 5
2010 50 29 26 3 0
17Our DataEvaluation of Plan
- Does the creation of Concept Maps assist you in
the Evaluation of your plan of care?
Very Useful Useful Somewhat Useful Not Very Useful Not Useful
2009 40 27 14 0 5
2010 44 34 20 3 0
18Our DataIdentifying Priorities
- Do concept maps assist you in Identifying
Priorities of care?
Very Useful Useful Somewhat Useful Not Very Useful Not Useful
2009 50 35 9 5 5
2010 47 34 12 3 0
19Our DataIdentifying Interrelationships
- Does the creation of a concept map assist you in
Identifying the Interrelationships between
nursing diagnoses?
Very Useful Useful Somewhat Useful Not Very Useful Not Useful
2009 40 27 14 0 9
2010 47 38 14 0 0
20Our DataSense of Direction
Does the creation and use of the concept map in
clinical provide a Sense of Direction during your
clinical assignment?
Very Useful Useful Somewhat Useful Not Very Useful Not Useful
2009 36 32 9 9 0
2010 41 34 18 0 0
21The Additional Questions
- Do concept maps prepare you for clinical
assignments in less time than development of
traditional nursing care plans? - 68 of 2009 and 76of 2010 students stated that
they were quicker than traditional care plans and
allowed more time for other parts of the Clinical
22The Additional Questions
- Would you recommend use of concept maps for next
semester? - Overwhelmingly, students liked the Cmaps.
- 2010, 68 of 2009 group and 82 of the students
would recommend these to fellow students
23The Additional Questions
- Did you find the classroom talk helpful as an
introduction to concept mapping? - 2009 63 felt it was helpful and 27 did not
- 2010 88 of the students found it helpful and 9
did not
24The Additional Questions
- Do you prefer articles on concept mapping?
- Students simply want a prototype
- They do not seem to care if it is in a classroom
exercise or an article - They just want a recipe
- 2009 Yes/No (50/41)
- 2010 Yes/No(38/59)
- They also wanted consensus from faculty as to
what the expectations were!
25How Does Our Data Reflect Literature Findings
26How Should We proceed?Recommendations and
27Limitations to this Study
- Obviously a small study
- Self reporting by students
- No control group
28Further Study
29Thank You