Title: Nelson Kraucak performs ScleroTherapy
By Dr. Nelson Kraucak
Sclerotherapy is a procedure used to treat blood
vessels or blood vessel malformations.
Sclerotherapy is an effective procedure that has
been in use since the 1930s. It is a medical
procedure used to eliminate spider veins. One of
the major advantages of sclerotherapy is that it
is fast and simple. People suffering from
diabetes, heart disease, or circulatory problems
are not considered eligible for it.
3Excellent Sclerotherapy by Nelson Kraucak
Nelson Kraucak performs sclerotherapy with the
intention of providing treatment to people who
are interested in seeking the benefits of
alternative, holistic, and natural healing. Life
Family Practice Center is located conveniently in
The Villages in sunny Florida, thus easily
accessible to patients who come from across the
country and other countries.
4Dr. Nelson Kraucaks Life Family Practice Center
is equipped with the latest technological
advancements in the industry. In most cases of
sclerotherapy, a salt solution is injected
through a very fine needle directly into the
vein. The procedure takes approximately 15 to 30
minutes. The number of veins injected in one
session varies, depending on the size and
location of the veins, as well as general medical
condition of the patient.
5Nelson Kraucak recommends not applying any kind
of lotion to the legs before or after
sclerotherapy. After the procedure gets complete,
avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, and other
anti-inflammatory medications for at least two
days. Showers are permitted, but the water should
be cooler than usual.
6Nelson Kraucak, MD is a Member of Reputed
American Associations
Nelson Kraucak, MD is a famous practitioner who
has been helping hundreds of patients live a
better life with alternative, holistic, and
natural healing methods. He holds membership from
many reputed and recognized American associations
like American Academy of Family Practice,
American College of Advancement of Medicine,
7American Academy of Holistic Medicine, American
College of Integrative and Metal Toxicology,
Florida Medical Association, Association of
American Physicians and Surgeons, American
Academy of Environmental Medicine, and Oxford
College of Immunology. To know more about
sclerotherapy offered by Nelson Kraucak, MD
please visit http//www.lifefamilypractice.com