PNPE Tutorial - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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PNPE Tutorial


For Amish schools only, if no phone number is available, leave the field blank. ... Nonresidents of PA whose tuition is Fully Publicly-Funded. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: PNPE Tutorial

This section will discuss the steps for data
entry using the five tabs for data entry listed
on this slide.
  • School Info Tab
  • Enrollment Tab
  • Teachers Tab
  • Exceptions Tab
  • Survey Tab

Note For IU Users, the screens will be read
only for the schools that are not IU Entry.
School Info Tab
There are two parts to the School tab
Name and Address section and Contact Person
section. The school name and address information
that appears within the PNPE application is from
the database maintained by PDE.
If any school information is incorrect, enter the
updates of this information on the School Info
tab and click the Save button.
  • School Info Tab
  • Name and Address
  • Contact Person

School Info Tab
An asterisk indicates required information.
School Info Tab
If the mailing address is the same as the
location address, the Same as Location address
checkbox shows a checkmark. Unclicking the
checkmark will remove this mailing address, in
order to enter a different mailing address.
School Info Tab
To review the Help information for this tab,
click the Help for School Info link.
School Info Tab
The Contact Person fields will be blank. Enter
the information for the Chief School
Administrator as the Contact Person.
Licensed schools may select the title from the
drop-down list.
School Info Tab
Select the name prefix and/or suffix from the
drop-down list.
School Info Tab
For Amish schools only, if no phone number is
available, leave the field blank.
For all other fields with an asterisk, if left
blank, you will not be able to save it.
If entries are made incorrectly, a pop-up message
may appear on the screen.
School Info Tab
It is important to be accurate in entering the
information. The system will give an error
message if the format of the phone number, fax
number or e-mail address is incorrect. However,
it will not check the validity of such
information. The phone or fax number must be ten
! Importance of Correct e-mail Address
School Info Tab
  • Chief School Administrator
  • contact person will receive
  • e-mail notification when
  • the submitted report
  • is accepted by PDE

School Info Tab
Enter any additional remarks in the Comment box.
The length of the comment is limited to 600
characters. These comments will appear on the Su
mmary Report. Be sure to click Save.
Enrollment Tab
Enrollment Tab
Report the enrollment on October 1 for grades or
levels for which you have registration/License
with the PDE. Use the Help for Enrollment link on
the Enrollment tab, or refer to Appendix F of
the PNPE Instruction Manual for information about
the categories, whom to report and specific
Enrollment Tab
  • No enrollment
  • Enrollment for registered/licensed grades/levels
  • Enrollment for additional grades/levels, if any
  • Count of low-income students for grades/levels
    with enrollment

There are four parts to the Enrollment tab
No enrollment Enrollment for registered/licensed
grades/levels Enrollment for additional grades/le
vels, if any Count of low-income students for gra
des/levels with enrollment
  • Enrollment Tab
  • No Enrollment

If there was no enrollment in this school on
October 1, click the checkbox near the top of the
Enrollment Tab No Enrollment
Click the Save button. A pop-up message will ask
you to confirm. Click OK to confirm no
Then go to the Summary tab.
If you had enrollment on October 1, enter the
October 1 enrollment count for the grades or
instructional levels for which you have
registration/License with PDE.
Note the ages listed for K5 or K4.
For each grade/level enter separate count in the
appropriate column. If there is no enrollment for
the grade/level, leave the box empty.
Enrollment Tab
Enrollment for registered/licensed grades/levels
Enrollment Tab
Residents of PA who pay their own tuition
(Private Pay).
Co-pays Put count in the Private Pay column.
Enrollment Tab
Residents of PA whose tuition is Fully
Enrollment Tab
Nonresidents of PA who pay their own tuition
(Private Pay).
Enrollment Tab
Nonresidents of PA whose tuition is Fully
Note Unless specifically requested to enter a
zero, leave blank any space for which the correct
value is zero.
After you enter the enrollment for the
grades/levels listed, if you want to report
enrollment for additional grades, go to the
checkbox for Enrollments for additional
Instructional Levels (Grades) and click it. The
additional grades will display.
After you enter and save the enrollment for
additional grades, provide an explanation on the
Exceptions tab where indicated. Then click Save
on the Exceptions tab.
Enrollment Tab
Enrollment for additional grades/levels, if any
Enrollment Tab
Note in order to report K4 under the additional
grades section, certain criteria must be met.

Criteria to report K4
Local public school district offers a
district-wide, state-reimbursed K4 program
Student is at least 4 years of age on opening day
of school School also operates a five-year-old ki
ndergarten program (K5) and enrollment is
reported for this If the school is licensed by PD
E, the two-year program is licensed as
Kindergarten 4-5
Enrollment Tab
Count of low-income students for grades/levels
with enrollment
When counting students from low-income families,
use the criteria shown on the screen. Low-income
students, Eligible for Temporary Assistance for
Needy families (TANF) or free or reduced price
lunch, or have a medical assistance card, or have
tuition paid by someone other than a family
member due to low income.
Enrollment Tab
Use the appropriate box to enter the number of
students from low-income families in grades
kindergarten through 12, and/or licensed or
accredited nursery/preschool. If zero or unavaila
ble, enter zero. Count must be in whole numbers.
If low-income information is entered incorrectly,
an error message will appear in red at the top of
the Enrollment page.
Teachers Tab
  • Teachers Tab
  • Teachers Count
  • FTE Teachers

There are two parts to the Teachers tab Teachers
Count and Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Teachers.
Enter the number of Part-time Teachers and the
number of Full-time Teachers for the
instructional levels or grades for which there
is enrollment. Do not include aides or assistant
s. Teacher Count must be in whole numbers. Do n
ot enter zero in the boxes on this tab.
  • Teachers Tab
  • Teachers Count

Refer to the Help for Teachers link if
necessary. If there is only one teacher who is te
aching students at more than one instructional
level, count the teacher as part-time for each of
these levels. Click Save. Enter an explanation in
the comment box. In the FTE section, proportion
this one full-time teacher relative to the number
of students at each level, e.g. 0.5 and 0.5, 07
and 0.3, etc.
  • Teachers Tab
  • Teachers Count

Enter the Full-Time Equivalent Teachers for the
instructional levels or grades for which there is
enrollment. Do not include aides or assistants.
FTE Teachers must be whole number and/or one dec
imal place.
  • Teachers Tab
  • FTE Teachers

FTE Teachers
Full-time equivalent or FTE is the amount of time
required to perform the teaching assignment
stated as a proportion of a full-time position.
Divide the amount of time of the teaching
assignment by the amount of time normally
required for a full-time position.
Example A 1 full-time teacher 1 FTE Examp
le B 1 half-time teacher 0.5 FTE Example C

2 half-time teachers 1 FTE
Example D 1 teacher works 15 hours out o
f the 37.5 hours in the work week. Div
ide 15 by 37.5 and report to one decimal plac
e 0.4 FTE.
Example E Same teacher for different ins
tructional levels A teacher works 4 hour
s each day on the Elementary level and 2 hours
each day on the Secondary level, a total of 6
hours. 4 divided by 6 0.7 FTE for Elementa
ry 2 divided by 6 0.3 FTE for Secondary
Example F Several teachers with varied hours each
week for the same instructional level
Teacher 1 works 20 hours Teacher 2 works 15 hou
rs Teacher 3 works 10 hours Total hours each we
ek 45 hours 45 divided by 37.5 hours in the wo
rk week 1.2 FTE
Example G Montessori school shares teachers over
different levels mixed together
Two teachers for a group that is one-half
nursery/preschool and one-half kindergarten
students. One-half of two teachers 1 FTE for
nursery/preschool and 1 FTE for kindergarten
Example H Montessori school shares teachers over
different levels mixed together
Two teachers for a group that is one-third
nursery/preschool and two-thirds kindergarten
students. One-third of two teachers 0.7 FTE for
nursery/preschool Two-thirds of two teachers 1
.3 FTE for kindergarten
Refer to the Help to Calculate FTE link for
examples for calculating FTE teachers. It also
gives a link to download an excel spreadsheet
that can be used to calculate FTE teachers.
  • Teachers Tab
  • FTE Teachers

Exceptions Tab
Exceptions Tab
The Exceptions tab presents statements requiring
an explanation from the user.
The explanation is limited to 600 characters.
Enter the explanation in the space provided on
the Exceptions tab. Then click Save.
Requires entry of an explanation
Exceptions Tab
If the statement on the Exceptions tab brings an
error to your attention, return to the
appropriate tab and correct the problem. Then
click Save. Then return to the Exceptions tab. If
the problem is corrected, that statement
disappears from the Exceptions tab.
Refer to Appendix G of the PNPE Instruction
Manual for a list of statements that may appear
on the Exceptions tab and will require
explanations or corrections.
Brings possible errors to your attention
Survey Tab
Survey Tab
The Survey tab lists, on the left of the screen,
the Type of Services available for the schools
participation. If you want more information about
a service, click the Information link.If you are
a new participant for a particular service, click
the Download Form link to obtain its
participation form. The State programs display fi
rst on the screen. The Federal programs display
next on the screen. The availability of services
varies depending on the residency of students,
source of tuition payments, and profit or
non-profit status of the school.
Survey Tab
On the right of the screen, click the Yes or No
radio button to indicate your participation
status. Then, click Save. You must click Yes or N
o, or an error message will be generated.
If necessary, click the Help link.
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