Title: ... Medical AssociationScience. Possible Electronic Source
1 News Articles At the begi
nning of most class periods (excluding scheduled
unit exams and some lab days), we will
present/discuss a biology current event. Each
student in the class will be responsible for one
article a quarter. 1. Read the news to find
a BIOLOGY current event (the week before you
present). Possible Print Sources Chicag
o Tribune/New York Times (especially on
Tuesdays) Time/Newsweek/US News World Repo
rts Discover/Skeptical Inquirer/Scientific Am
erican Nature/Journal of the American Medical
Association/Science Possible Electronic Sou
rces Check the home page of the GBS AP Bio
logy website for http//www.glenbroo
Science Daily (daily review of current
biology headlines) Scientific American/Discov
er/New York Times/Nature/Science
2. Print out and/or photocopy your article.
3. Write out the title, source, and 2 sentence
summary on the back. 4. Submit your article to m
e for approval (1st come, 1st served). If an
article has already been chosen, you have to find
a new one. 5. On an overhead tranparency, put th
e following Title, Author, Source, Date of
Article and a Summary of the Article.
(Please use a copy machine or printer create this
transparency.) 6. On your day lead a class dis
cussion about your article and answer questions.
Every day when you come into class, you wil
l be responsible for writing down the reference
and summary from the overhead in your binder. At
the conclusion of the discussion, you will be
responsible for a Reaction Paragraph, also to
be written in your binder. These will be
collected and graded periodically.