Title: How to Install Windows Updates
1How to Install Windows Updates
- Heinrich Sartin Ted Snyder
- District B ITAFs
- November 20, 2003
2For Windows 95/98/ME/2000Choose Start Windows
3For Windows XPChoose Start All Programs
4For Windows XP (contd)Then choose Windows
5This will automatically launch Internet Explorer
and connect to Windows Update. Click on Scan
for Updates
6After the scan is complete, Windows Update will
let you know how many Critical Updates are needed.
Click on Review and install updates
7Click on Install Now
8Click on Accept
Windows will begin downloading Critical Update
9Windows Update will prompt you to restart the
computer. Click OK.
A list of Critical Updates will be displayed.
10After restarting the computer, do another Windows
Update to check for more non-critical updates
This time, you will need to click on Add for
each update you would like to install.
11Windows Update will keep track of all the updates
you choose.
12Once you have finished selecting updates, click
on Install Now.
13Click on Accept
Windows will begin downloading the selected